
  • 网络KOLA;Korah;cola
  1. 以斯哈的儿子是可拉、尼斐、细基利。

    The sons of Izhar were Korah , Nepheg and Zicri .

  2. 然而可拉的众子没有死亡。

    But death did not overtake the sons of korah .

  3. 使用这些产品可拉近我与朋友之间的距离。

    Buying portable entertainment products can bring me closer to my friendship relations .

  4. (可拉后裔的诗歌,交与伶长,调用女音。)神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助。

    God is our refuge and strength , an ever-present help in trouble .

  5. 于是众人离开可拉,大坍,亚比兰帐篷的四围。

    So they moved away from the tents of Korah , Dathan and Abiram .

  6. (可拉后裔的诗歌)耶和华所立的根基在圣山上。

    His foundation is in the holy mountains .

  7. 以扫的妻子阿何利巴玛的子孙中有:耶乌施族长,雅兰族长,可拉族长。

    The sons of Esau 's wife Oholibamah : Chiefs Jeush , Jalam and Korah .

  8. 以扫的儿子是以利法,流珥,耶乌施,雅兰,可拉。

    The sons of esau : eliphaz , Reuel and jeush and Jalam and korah .

  9. 牵引机可拉犁或货车。

    A tractor pulls plows or wagons .

  10. (可拉后裔的诗,交与伶长。)耶和华阿,你已经向你的地施恩,救回被掳的雅各。

    You showed favor to your land , O Lord ; you restored the fortunes of Jacob .

  11. 你吩咐会众说、你们离开可拉、大坍、亚比兰帐棚的四围。

    Say to the assembly , 'Move away from the tents of Korah , Dathan and Abiram . '

  12. 在这个阶段,用户可拉近、推远、旋转或者改变光线。

    During this stage , users can zoom in or out , rotate , or change the lighting .

  13. 给每两个孩子一包圣诞爆竹,这样每两个孩子便可拉响一个爆竹。

    Give a Christmas cracker to every other child , so that each pair can then pull one .

  14. 我的第二个想法就是拉铃,但是又记起没有铃可拉了。

    My second thought was to ring the bell , but remembered there was no bell to ring .

  15. 对下一步中国开展可拉种质引进、利用具有参考价值。

    This review might be a reference for introduction of cola to China for development in the future .

  16. 可拉是非洲的一种重要经济作物,主要用于饮料及制药。

    Cola is an important economic crop in Africa , and is mainly used in beverage and pharmacy industry .

  17. 要卸下电源线时,必须抓住插头拔下,不可拉着电源线的导线部分拔。

    To disconnect the cord , pull the cord by grasping the plug . Never pull the cord itself .

  18. 手拉链左右可拉转不会卡住,而造成刹车失灵马达不能运转等困扰。

    This hand pulling chain can be pulled any way without biting causing brake failure and stop motor running .

  19. 以上是可拉子孙和米拉利子孙守门的班次。

    These are the divisions of the porters among the sons of Kore , and among the sons of Merari .

  20. (可拉后裔的诗歌。)耶和华本为大,在我们神的城中,在他的圣山上,该受大赞美。

    Great is the Lord , and most worthy of praise , in the city of our God , his holy mountain .

  21. 6:24可拉的儿子是亚惜,以利加拿,亚比亚撒,这是可拉的各家。

    And the sons of Korah ; Assir , and Elkanah , and Abiasaph : these are the families of the Korhites .

  22. 把他们和他们的家眷,并一切属可拉的人丁,财物都吞下去。

    And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them , with their households and all Korah 's men and all their possessions .

  23. 由于没有缜密的物流规划,中国很多卡车都是在运完货物后空载而返,而非寻找回程可拉的货物。

    Without sophisticated logistics planning , many Chinese trucks return empty from delivering a load rather than finding freight to carry on their trip back .

  24. 文章综述了国内外可拉种质的分布、特征特性、性状评价、保存及选育种研究进展。

    Research and development of cola germplasm resources were reviewed in the aspects of distribution , characteristic , evaluation , conservation , and selection and breeding .

  25. 他不与可拉同党聚集攻击耶和华,是在自己罪中死的。他也没有儿子。

    He was not among Korah 's followers , who banded together against the LORD , but he died for his own sin and left no sons .

  26. (可拉后裔的训诲诗,交与伶长。)神阿,你在古时,我们列祖的日子,所行的事,我们亲耳听见了,我们的列祖,也给我们述说过。

    We have heard with our ears , O God ; our fathers have told us what you did in their days , in days long ago .

  27. 阿何利巴玛生了耶乌施,雅兰,可拉。这都是以扫的儿子,是在迦南地生的。

    And Aholibamah bare Jeush , and Jaalam , and Korah : these are the sons of Esau , which were born unto him in the land of Canaan .

  28. 因为走了该隐的道路,又为工价向著巴兰的错谬直闯,并在可拉的背叛中灭亡了。

    For they have gone in the way of Cain and have rushed out in the error of Balaam for reward and have perished in the rebellion of korah .

  29. 假如银河系有一个非常大的星系冕(远远大于史毕哲所想像的),则它将可拉扯出麦哲伦云的气体。

    If the Milky Way has a very extended corona ( much bigger than the one proposed by Spitzer ), this corona could strip off gas from the Magellanic Clouds .

  30. 可拉招聚全会众到会幕门前,要攻击摩西,亚伦。耶和华的荣光就向全会众显现。

    And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation : and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation .