
  • 网络naomi
  1. 至于拿俄米本人,也显然对神的信心不断加增。

    Naomi had obviously been growing again in her faith in God .

  2. 邻近一带的妇人都来和祖母拿俄米一同为她所得的后嗣赞美神。

    The neighborhood women joined with grandmother Naomi in praising God for an heir .

  3. 拿俄米说,女儿阿,你只管去。

    And she said unto her , go , my daughter .

  4. 当拿俄米从路得口中得知波阿斯如何善待她们,心中感到异常的感动和兴奋。

    Naomi was tremendously excited when she heard what Boaz had said and done .

  5. 波阿斯、路得、拿俄米的故事告诉我们,这些都不是标准。

    Boaz , Ruth and Naomi stories tells us that these are not the standards .

  6. 拿俄米提醒路得说:「你明天记着要到他的田间拾穗才好。

    Naomi cautioned Ruth , 'Make sure you go back to those same fields tomorrow .

  7. 得4:16拿俄米就把孩子抱在怀中、他的养母。

    Then Naomi took the child and laid him in her lap , and became his nurse .

  8. 后来拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒死了,剩下妇人和她两个儿子。

    Now Elimelech , Naomi 's husband , died , and she was left with her two sons .

  9. 16[和合]拿俄米就把孩子抱在怀中,作他的养母。

    [ NIV ] Then Naomi took the child , laid him in her lap and cared for him .

  10. 耶和华降祸与我,全能者使我受苦,既是这样,你们为何还叫我拿俄米呢?

    Why call me Naomi ? The LORD has afflicted me ; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me .

  11. 拿俄米知道波阿斯是他们的亲戚,却不知道还有另一个人与她们有更亲的关系。

    Naomi knew Boaz was a relative but did not know there was another man even closer in relationship .

  12. 因为饥荒,拿俄米和她的丈夫以利米勒带着他们的两个儿子玛伦和基连离开以色列。

    Naomi and her husband Elimelech and their two sons Mahlon and Kilion left Israel because of a famine .

  13. 拿俄米见路得定意要跟随自己去,就不再劝她了。

    And when she saw that Ruth was strong in her purpose to go with her she said no more .

  14. 拿俄米又说,那人与我们相近,是我们的亲人。

    And Naomi said to her , the man is close to us ; he is one of our kinsmen .

  15. 拿俄米又说,那是我们本族的人,是一个至近的亲属。

    And Naomi said unto her , The man is near of kin unto us , one of our next kinsmen .

  16. 就像她为拿俄米拾取麦穗,她现在想最为波阿斯的妻子服侍他。

    Just as she had worked for Naomi gleaning the wheat she now wanted to minister to Boaz as his wife .

  17. 拿俄米说,看哪,你嫂子已经回她本民和她的神那里去了,你也跟着你嫂子回去罢。

    And she said , your sister-in-law has now returned to her people and to her gods ; return with your sister-in-law .

  18. 拿俄米和路得回到伯利恒的时候,正值大麦收割的季节,所以她们便能够因著神律法的规定去拾取打捆剩下的麦穗来充饥。

    Naomi and Ruth came back to Bethlehem just in time to share in the blessings and provision of the barley harvest .

  19. 玛伦和基连二人也死了,剩下拿俄米,没有丈夫,也没有儿子。

    And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them ; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband .

  20. 她们到了伯利恒,合城的人就都惊讶。妇女们说:“这是拿俄米吗?”

    When they arrived in Bethlehem , the whole town was stirred because of them , and the women exclaimed ," Can this be Naomi ?"

  21. 这人名叫以利米勒,他的妻名叫拿俄米。

    The man 's name was Elimelech , his wife 's name Naomi , and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Kilion .

  22. 得2:1拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中、一个人名叫波阿斯、个大财主。

    Now Naomi had a kinsman of her husband , a man of great wealth , of the family of Elimelech , whose name was Boaz .

  23. 拿俄米说,我女儿们哪,回去吧,为何要跟我去呢。我还能生子作你们的丈夫吗。

    And Naomi said , turn again , my daughters : why will ye go with me ? Are there yet any more sons in my womb , that they may be your husbands ?

  24. 在圣经有所提及的地方中,伯利恒的圣地有:雷切尔的坟墓,拿俄米与路得,撒母耳施以大卫王涂油礼,大卫的士兵为他送水的那口井。

    Among other Biblical mentions and Holy Sites in Bethlehem : Rachel 's tomb , Naomi and Ruth , Samuel anoints King David and the well from which David 's warriors brought him waters .

  25. 拿俄米知道媳妇路得心意已决之后,便不再说甚麽,与她一起回到自己的家乡伯利恒。

    COMING HOME AGAINWhen Naomi , the mother-in-law , saw that Ruth had made up her mind to leave Moab for ever and go with her to Bethlehem , she said no more but resumed her journey toward Israel .

  26. 波阿斯说,你从拿俄米手中买这地的时候,也当娶(原文作买十节同)死人的妻摩押女子路得,使死人在产业上存留他的名。

    Then said Boaz , What day thou buyest the field of the hand of Naomi , thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moabitess , the wife of the dead , to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance .

  27. 监管收割的仆人回答说,是那摩押女子,跟随拿俄米从摩押地回来的。记得,记得,摩根回答,我怎么会把他忘了呢?

    " and the servant who was in authority over the cutters said , It is a Moabite girl who came back with Naomi out of the country of Moab ;" ' Ay , ay , ' returned Morgan , ' I mind him ;