
bào shēng
  • detonant;detonans
爆声[bào shēng]
  1. 对导火索速燃及爆声问题的探讨

    The Problem of Quick Burning and Explosive Sound for the Blasting Fuse

  2. 花岗岩应变岩爆声发射特征及微观断裂机制

    Acoustic emission characteristics of granite under strain rockburst test and its micro-fracture mechanism

  3. 每方营火爆声和男人唱歌。

    On every side was the sound of campfires crackling and men singing .

  4. 马达发出空爆声,接着停下来。

    The motors coughed and packed up .

  5. 愚昧人的笑声,好像锅下烧荆棘的爆声。

    Like the crackling of thorns under the pot , so is the laughter of fools .

  6. 愚昧人的笑声,就像锅底下荆棘的爆声一样。这也是虚空。

    For as the crackling of thorns under a pot , so is the laughter of the fool : this also is vanity .

  7. 协和式超音速喷射客机在1969年首次飞行,仅4年之后,由于担心超音波爆声对于公众的有害影响,美国有效禁止了在美国大陆上的超音速旅行。

    Just four years after Concorde 's first flight in 1969 , the US effectively banned supersonic travel over its mainland due to concerns of the harmful effects of the sonic boom on the public .