
  • 网络Knock test;CFR
  1. 本文研究基于离子电流的高温压力传感器的机理,设计了两种类型的离子探针,并进行了一系列单循环爆震试验,分析了爆震过程中离子电流与压力的关系。

    Two kinds of ion probes are designed and a serials single circle detonation experiments are carried out . The ion current and pressure during detonation are analyzed .

  2. 煤油/空气吸气式脉冲爆震发动机试验研究

    Experimental investigation on a kerosene / air air-breathing pulse detonation engine

  3. 分层当量比混合气抑制缸内直喷汽油机爆震的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Knocking Suppression Using Stratified Stoichiometric Mixture in a GDI Engine

  4. 脉冲爆震发动机试验模型测控系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Measurement and Control System of the Pulse Detonation Engine

  5. 本文重点进行了怠速试验、节气门传感器试验、空气流量传感器试验、爆震传感器试验和氧传感器试验,并对其结果进行了详细分析。

    The paper emphasizes to analyze these experimental results , such as idle experiment , throttle sensor experiment , MAF sensor experiment , knock sensor experiment and oxygen sensor experiment .

  6. 用火花塞光纤传感器对爆震燃烧的试验研究

    Research on Knock Combustion in Gasoline Engine Using Spark Plug Optical Sensor

  7. 两相脉冲爆震发动机模型试验研究

    Experimental study on two-phase pulse detonation engine model

  8. 脉冲爆震火箭发动机试验

    Experiment on pulse detonation rocket engine s

  9. 开发了进气电加热、进气道喷油、排气管节流EGR及爆震等监控和试验数据采集系统,实现了单缸进气温度、供油量、排气再循环(EGR)的控制和检测,阐明了其结构与工作原理。

    The monitoring and data acquisition systems of the electronic inlet air heating , low pressure injection for the intake pipes , throttle control EGR for the exhaust pipes and knocking inspecting , were developed and used well in the engine testing .

  10. 混合式脉冲爆震发动机原理性试验系统设计、集成与调试

    Design , integration and debugging on principle test system of hybrid pulse detonation engine

  11. 吸气式脉冲爆震发动机原理性试验研究

    Elementary experimental investigation of air-breathing pulse detonation engines Experimental investigations of interaction of a pulse detonation combustor with a turbine

  12. 研究表明:本实验系统能够成功地进行煤油/氧气脉冲爆震火箭发动机原理试验,能产生频率可控的、充分发展的两相爆震波。

    The research demonstrates that the prototype operates well and can produce frequency-controllable , fully-developed , kerosene / oxygen detonation waves .

  13. 燃油粒度对两相PDE爆震波速的影响不同内径两相脉冲爆震模型机爆震波速的试验研究

    Droplet size effect on detonation velocity of two-phase pulse detonation engine

  14. 本文对单次爆震进行了实验研究,找出形成爆震波的条件、机理及其规律,为多次脉冲爆震试验及脉冲爆震发动机的设计奠定基础。

    The experimental investigation on single detonation wave is made in this paper , and condition , mechanism and regularity that detonation wave is formed have been found so that these can lay a foundation for tests of multi cycle pulsed detonation and design of pulsed detonation engine .

  15. 分别在内径为30mm和50mm的脉冲爆震发动机模型上,以煤油为燃料,以空气为氧化剂,成功地进行了两相爆震试验。

    Using kerosene as fuel and air as oxidizer , two-phase detonation experiments were successfully conducted in two pulse detonation engine models with the diameters of 30 mm and 50 mm respectively .