
  • 网络explosive residue
  1. 二维气相色谱检测爆炸残留物中TNT

    Detection of TNT in explosive residues by two-dimensional gas chromatography

  2. 警方说,他们在上述两个地铁站都发现了爆炸残留物,其中包括他们认为是人弹袭击者之一的头颅。

    Police said they had found remains at both sites , including the head of what they believed was one of the bombers .

  3. 本文主要探讨铁路车站爆炸案件现场勘验的程序,以及现场炸点、爆炸痕迹、爆炸残留物、爆炸损伤勘验的内容等。

    This paper discusses the procedure of the inquisition and the explosive spot , trace , remains , damage , etc.