
  • 网络DOA;Bearing;azimuth;direction
  1. 四元数在方向角和多普勒频率同时估计中的应用

    Application of Quaternion in DOA and Doppler Frequency Estimation

  2. 四元数在时延和方向角同时估计中的应用基于双基地频率和方位联合估计算法研究

    Joint Time Delay and DOA Estimation Based on Quaternion Study of bistatic DOA and frequency joint estimation algorithms

  3. 运用蚁群算法和Matlab语言,编制了往复振动筛运动参数仿真计算的算法实现程序,并运用该程序对往复振动筛的振动圆频率、振幅、振动方向角和振动面倾角进行了优化仿真计算。

    Based on the ant colony algorithms and Matlab , the realization programs regarding moving parameters simulation of vibrating screens were made .

  4. 改进了MUSIC算法和ESPRIT算法,提高了目标方向角的定位精度;

    The locating precision of direction of arrival is increased by improving the MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithm .

  5. 基于二维波达方向角估计模型,研究了乘性噪声和加性噪声同时存在的DOA估计问题。

    The problem of two-dimensional DOA estimation is studied when the multiplicative noise and additive noise existing .

  6. 当信噪比较低和快拍数较少,信号到达方向角间隔较小,此时MUSIC算法失效,而一维噪声子空间算法仍能正确的分辨出相邻的两个信号源。

    MUSIC algorithm was invalid in the case of smaller SNR and less sample , but one-dimension noise sub-space algorithm still could distinguish the two signals which had closer arriving angel interval .

  7. 然后,在此分析的基础上设定Lyapunov函数,并推导出半解析形式的局部最优推力方向角表达式。

    Second , Lyapunov function has been set based on the forecited analysis , then the semi-analytical expressions of local optimal thrust angles has been derived .

  8. 本文通过推导V带欧拉公式给出了计算V带传动当量摩擦系数的准确公式。并在公式中引入了一个新的参数&摩擦力方向角。

    This text introduces the accurate calculation formula on the equivalent friction coefficient of V & belt drive according to Euler formula and a new Parameter-the direction angle of friction was brought in .

  9. 基于均匀圆阵(UCA),提出一种信号二维方向角的高精度估计方法。

    Based on uniform circular arrays ( UCAs ), a high-precision estimation of 2D direction angle for multiple sources is proposed .

  10. 以燃耗最优为指标,利用Pontryagin极大值原理,得到了发动机推力开关曲线和推力方向角的最优控制律。

    To realize the minimal fuel strategy , an optimal control law was proposed based on the maximum principle .

  11. 利用ESPRIT(借助旋转不变技术估计信号参数)算法估计出波达方向角(DOA),然后与利用波达方向角计算出船舶自身所在的坐标。

    ESPRIT ( Estimating signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques ) algorithm is used to estimate the direction-of-arrival which can be used to figure out the coordinates of the vessel .

  12. 其次,直接利用UCA的阵列流形,采用最小二乘法估计信号二维方向角。

    Second , based on a direct array manifold in UCA , the azimuth and elevation are estimated by Least Squares ( LS ) .

  13. 首先根据机器人当前的位置和方向角以及机器人到达目标点的位置和方向角规划出一条平滑的B啨zier曲线,然后用带误差控制的PID算法进行跟踪。

    A smooth B é zier curve path is designed according to the positions and direction both at the current and aim point of the robot . Then the PID control algorithm with error control is used to trace the curve .

  14. 细激光束入射到全息透镜上,产生四个焦点像,利用CCD和计算机对四个像点进行采样计算,根据激光束在全息透镜上的坐标得到入射激光的方向角。

    When a slender laser beam incidence to hololens , four point image are brought . Sampled and calculated using CCD and computer , the directional corner of incident laser beam is gotten on the basis of the coordinates in the hololens .

  15. 相同应变轨迹方向角ωε不同Mises等效应变强度下,随着等效应变强度的提高,疲劳寿命降低,表现为较好的线性对应关系。

    For the same orientation angle of strain track and different Mises equivalent strain intensity , with equivalent strain intensity improve , fatigue life reduces , showing better linear corresponding relation .

  16. 拟合极化方向角在静日和有电磁暴时,在N80°W~N100°W内摆动,较稳定,有干扰和雷电时极化方向明显偏转;

    The linear polarization direction angles in magnetostatic and electromagnetic storm days are stable ; the change is from N80 ° W to N100 ° W. They deflect obviously when there are interfere and thunderstorm .

  17. 与传统DOA估计算法完全不同,该算法通过对阵列输出数据的快速傅立叶变换(FFT),建立了FFT频谱与波达方向角的关系;

    Based on fast Fourier transforms ( FFT ) of the sensor array output data , a relationship between the FFT spectrum and direction-of-arrival angles is established so that the angles can quickly be estimated through searching peaks in the FFT spectrum .

  18. 在宽带弱信号DOA估计中,当强干扰与弱信号的方向角很接近时,弱信号被强干扰所掩盖而无法检测出弱信号的方向。

    In DOA estimation of broadband weak signal , when the weak signal is embedded in strong interferences so that the direction of arrival of the weak signal can not be determined when the two directions are close to each other .

  19. 基于ADAMS软件提出了一种对联合收割机振动筛进行虚拟设计的方法,在ADAMS中建立了振动筛运动的仿真模型,并进行了动态仿真分析,考察了筛面加速度及其方向角的变化规律。

    A virtual design approach to the vibration sieve of cole combine harvester was put forward based on ADAMS . Realization of process of virtual design were detailed . Model of mechanism of sieve was builded and dynamic simulation and analysis were done with ADAMS .

  20. 推导了AGV设计中的三个主要算法:通过角速率陀螺仪信号计算AGV的运动方向角的算法、AGV直线行走纠偏算法以及AGV电子地图上设定路径到AGV运动命令字符串的生成算法;

    Three main algorithms in AGV design were given : AGV movement direction angle calculation through the signal of angular velocity gyroscope , deviation rectification algorithm for AGV straight movement , and algorithm for getting the AGV movement command string from a path given at AGV digital map .

  21. 以单向碳纤维复合材料(UCFRP)直角自由切削为研究对象,给出了纤维方向角0°-90°范围内的水平和垂直两方向切削力的理论计算方法。

    A mechanics model for predicting the orthogonal cutting forces of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastics ( UCFRP ) with fiber orientation varying from 0 ° to 90 ° is developed .

  22. 激振器偏移式振动筛方向角的确定与电算

    Determination and CAC of deflection for a vibrating screen with offset exciter

  23. 一般阵列误差情况下信号二维方向角估计

    Estimation of 2D angle for signals with general array error

  24. 瞬时流动平均方向角与正反向间歇流动因子成线性变化。

    Flow mean angles varied linearly with the upstream-downstream intermittency .

  25. 大地电场矢量方向角α变化大。

    The orientation angles of telluric field change largely in all days .

  26. 基于方向角的散乱点云三角剖分算法

    One Unorganized Point Cloud Triangulation Algorithm Based on Orientation Angle

  27. 真方向角这一名称,通常为海员等人员使用。

    The term true bearing is used by navigators .

  28. 本文针对乘性噪声对信号波达方向角估计的影响,展开分析与研究。

    This thesis analyses the effects of multiplicative noise .

  29. 基于均匀圆阵的信号二维方向角高精度估计

    High-Precision Estimation of 2D Angle for Signals with UCAs

  30. 平面应力状态下主方向角的确定

    Exploration for Determining Principal Stresses Angle under Plane Stresses