
  1. 她梦想达到超级巨星的地位。

    She dreamed of reaching the dizzy heights of stardom .

  2. 别把你的上司捧得跟超级巨星似的。

    Don 't elevate your superiors to superstar status .

  3. 碧昂斯的想法还令人想起了另一位高收入超级巨星:迈克尔?杰克逊(MichaelJackson)。

    Her idea also hearkens back to the example of another top-earning superstar : Michael Jackson .

  4. 现在霉粉一直在说她可能要出新专辑,所以这位曾经唱了《EndGame》的超级巨星说不定真的是在暗示自己接下来的动向呢。

    With Swifties everywhere buzzing about a possible new album , the superstar " End Game " singer might 've just dropped another hint about her next chapter .

  5. 在2001年的NBA赛季中,麦迪向世界证明了为什么他是一个超级巨星。

    During the 2001 NBA season , McGrady proved to the world why he was a superstar .

  6. 即便在上世纪90年代CD销售的热潮达到顶峰之时,也很少有超级巨星签订每张专辑价值数千万美元的协议。

    Superstar deals worth tens of millions of dollars per album were rare even at the peak of the CD-sales boom in the late1990s .

  7. 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多的经纪人于日前表示,这位超级巨星拒绝了一家来自中超的俱乐部的邀请,这份提供给C罗的合同的年薪将超过1亿欧元(105581500美元)。

    Cristiano Ronaldo 's agent says the superstar rejected an offer from a Chinese Super League club that would have paid him over 100 million euros ( 105581500 dollars ) per year .

  8. 但这样的估值并不能保证Uber成为下一个持久的超级巨星。

    Uber 's valuation does not guarantee it will be the next long-term superstar .

  9. 改变世界的史蒂夫•乔布斯被认为是美国与其同时代最伟大的CEO之一,他是第一个也是唯一一个科技超级巨星。

    Changing the world , Steve Jobs , counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation , is the first and only technology superstar .

  10. 当姚明成为NBA的超级巨星后回到中国时,他是广受赞誉的。

    When Yao Ming returned to China after becoming a superstar player in the NBA , he was the toast of the town .

  11. 两个十分优秀的超级巨星,找到了一种能够在各种问题和不断的审视中共存的方法,他们团结起来,赢下冠军,可以很骄傲地笑——作为NBA冠军。

    Two playful superstars who found a way to coexist through all the questions and constant scrutiny , together and smiling as champions .

  12. 当然,目前的问题在于,伯克希尔和新闻集团(newscorp)的投资者希望他们的超级巨星掌门人留在舞台中心、确然掌控着公司。

    The problem , of course , is that for now , investors in Berkshire and News Corp want their superstar bosses centre stage and demonstrably in control .

  13. 座位上还有好莱坞和人道主义超级巨星乔治和阿玛尔·克鲁尼夫妇(GeorgeandAmalClooney),以及网球明星塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(SerenaWilliams)。

    There were the Hollywood and humanitarian megacelebrities George and Amal Clooney , and the tennis star Serena Williams .

  14. 他和湖人队吸取了草率换走奥尼尔的教训,意识到在NBA这样的环境中交换超级巨星是得不到好处的。

    He and the Lakers had learned their lesson from trading Shaq in haste , realizing that even under calm circumstances NBA teams never get better by trading superstars .

  15. 该片主演是GeorgeClooney,他因出演电视系列剧《急诊室》而成为超级巨星。

    The leading actor of the movie is George Clooney , who became a super star by acting in a famous TV serial called Emergency Room .

  16. 你知道吗?我是WWE的超级巨星。

    You know ? I 'm a WWE superstar .

  17. 无论是好莱坞一线明星,还是歌手,甚至连超级巨星碧昂斯JayZ夫妇、以及传奇哥和克莉茜?腾根都无法错过在巴黎地标埃菲尔铁塔前拍照的机会。

    From Hollywood 's A-list to music royalty , even superstars like Beyonce and Jay Z and John Legend and Chrissy Teigen can 't resist a photo op in front of the Parisian landmark .

  18. 有了姚明的加入,麦蒂还有许多要证明的事物,但是他仍是NBA中首要的球员,而不是另一个受到伤病困扰的超级巨星。

    With the newly found dominance of Yao , McGrady has a lot to prove , that he is still a premier player in the NBA , and not just another injury prone superstar .

  19. 本周一,前NBA超级巨星科比·布莱恩特在纽约证券交易所启动了一个1亿美元的风险投资基金,名字为布莱恩特·斯蒂贝尔。

    Kobe Bryant , the former US National Basketball Association league star , launches a US $ 100 million venture capital fund known as Bryant Stibel at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday .

  20. 阿杜《雷霆万钧》凯文-杜兰特作为2006年NBA最佳新秀,进入联盟不久就成为了俄侅拉荷马雷霆队的绝对核心。而2012年对于这位来自德克萨斯大学的超级巨星来说是格外忙碌的一年。

    The 2006 NBA Rookie of the Year , Kevin Durant is currently the backbone of the Oklahoma City Thunder : 2012 was a busy year for the superstar from the University of Texas .

  21. 有人看到这个超级巨星表演期间他坐在VIP坐席,和Gaga的母亲CynthiaGermanotta聊天。

    He was spotted taking in the superstar 's show on a VIP balcony , and chatting to Gaga 's mother Cynthia Germanotta .

  22. TraceAdkins,MartinaMcBride和BradPaisley等超级巨星都把这个舞台作为“乡村音乐回家”音乐会的一部分。

    Superstars like Trace Adkins , Martina McBride and Brad Paisley all took the stage as part of the " Country Comes Home " concert .

  23. 基德为NBA的很多球队效力过,两次为达拉斯效力,以及菲尼克斯,新泽西和纽约,但是在网队效力的期间见证了他成为联盟的超级巨星。

    Kidd had plenty of stops in the NBA , playing for Dallas twice , Phoenix , New Jersey and New York , but it 's time with the Nets that saw him emerge as a league superstar .

  24. 杜兰特20投14中,而库里–这位两届MVP,在看到这位新的的超级巨星开始融入他们的团队时,甘愿退居次位,他们两人共同完成勇士辉煌的季后赛。

    Durant shot 14 for 20 and Curry - the two-time reigning MVP who took a backseat as the new big star got acclimated - finished off a brilliant postseason .

  25. 2005年前后,他在街头教父唱片公司(DefJamRecordings)担任了3年的总裁,业绩喜忧参半——公司发掘出了蕾哈娜(Rihanna)和坎耶•维斯特(KanyeWest)等超级巨星,但也不乏失败的例子。

    His three-year spell in the mid-2000s as president of Def Jam Recordings was mixed , with the emergence of two superstars in Rihanna and Kanye West , but also a number of flops .

  26. 我们很难把丹佛掘金想作NBA中沉睡的巨人,这个队给人的印象就不是这样的。更别说,休赛期各路豪门高歌猛进,用各种超级巨星的交易花式刷头条,掘金就更没什么存在感了。

    It can be difficult to consider the Denver Nuggets a sleeping giant in the NBA.Perception doesn 't really allow for it , not when plenty of more-high-profile franchises made headline-dominating deals for some of the league 's most recognizable stars .

  27. 那么,在对韦德和霍华德说抱歉后,剩下的问题就是科比和詹姆斯谁才会成为MVP呢?让我们仔细瞧瞧这两位超级巨星的一些数据吧。

    So , with apologies to Dwayne Wade and Dwight Howard , the MVP question becomes Kobe or LeBron ? Lets take a closer look at some numbers posted by the two superstars .

  28. 但是掘金已经赢得了应该被认为是NBA最好的球队之一的权利,尽管今年夏天,他们没有像其他四支西部球队那样挖来至少一位超级巨星。

    But the Nuggets have earned the right to be considered one of the best teams in the NBA , even though they weren 't one of the four teams in the Western Conference that landed at least one star this summer .

  29. WWE超级巨星达伦·杨在赛场上从不言败,1400万多名摔跤迷每个星期都为他疯狂。

    WWE superstar Darren Young takes no prisoners in the ring , captivating more than 14 million wrestling fans , tuning in each week .

  30. 曾有消息称,NBA超级巨星韦德将与CBA球队浙江广厦雄狮签订一份月薪200万美元的合同,保罗和安东尼也同样被这种到中国“打短工”的机会吸引。

    NBA superstar Dwayne Wade was linked to a $ 2 million-per-month deal with the Zhejiang Guangsha lions of the CBA , and Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony were similarly enticed by the opportunity to " double dip " in China .