
  1. 我意识到,要超越自己的局限、取得超乎自己想象的成就是完全有可能的。

    I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations , to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of

  2. 所以,在生活中尝试超越自己的能力,你会发现你的能力比你想象的还要强。

    So , always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities — and you 'll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed .

  3. 微软亲手为火狐和谷歌浏览器超越自己铺平了道路。

    Microsoft paved the way for Firefox and then Chrome to surpass it .

  4. 后来大二期中的一段时间我开始超越自己,更多地提出自己的想法,响应其他人,问有深度的问题,和别人的互动也多了。

    Then , somewhere in the middle of my second year , I got over myself and offered more of my own opinions . I responded to others , asked thoughtful questions , and interacted way more .

  5. 您可以着手寻找自己喜欢的公共API,从而超越自己编程技能的限制。

    You can start to hunt around for your own favorite public APIs , and move beyond just what your own coding skills allow for .

  6. WO从来没有期望超越自己。

    I never look to top3 myself .

  7. 该公司目前的做法,使得那些面向消费者的技术竞争对手纷纷凭借移动设备超越自己,同时在企业软件领域与从IBM到甲骨文公司(Oracle)的所有对手竞争。

    Its current approach has allowed consumer technology rivals to vault past in mobile devices while it simultaneously competes with everyone from IBM to Oracle in enterprise software .

  8. 所有伟大的时装品牌都得超越自己天才的缔造者。要知道,可可·香奈儿(CocoChanel)已经去世,克里斯托瓦尔·巴伦夏卡(CristobalBalenciaga)和伊夫·圣·洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)也一样。

    All the great houses had to move beyond their founding geniuses : Coco Chanel died , one must remember , and so did Cristobal Balenciaga and Yves Saint Laurent .

  9. 因为反叛后的韩东一直在不断的超越自己。

    Because Dong Han continued to surpassed himself after the rebelled .

  10. 马锦仪凭着过人的悟性,不断地超越自己。

    Ma Kam-yee With extraordinary savvy and constantly surpass themselves .

  11. 人类应该不断超越自己的极限。

    Human beings should be beyond themselves at any time .

  12. 身为禽兽,要超越自己其实有很多方法。

    Being an animal , there are numerous ways of surpassing ourself .

  13. 人之所以平凡,在于无法超越自己。

    People are common , is that can 't be beyond myself .

  14. 超越自己工作范围的努力。

    An effort above and beyond the call of duty .

  15. 男人应该有一个目标:超越自己。

    Men should have a goal : beyond their own .

  16. 让我们超越自己,使梦想成真。

    Please join me in transcending ourselves and making dreams come true .

  17. 我要制定目标,不断超越自己。

    I will establish my goal , and keep exceeding former achievements .

  18. 为了成功,我总是试着做到最好,超越自己。

    Reaching success , I always tried to improve and do good work .

  19. 每天做一些超越自己舒适区的事情。

    Do something outside your comfort zone each day .

  20. 华尔街几乎总是能超越自己。

    " Wall Street almost always gets ahead of itself ," said Reinhart .

  21. 阿德尔了超越自己,每一个期望阿拉斯泰过他!

    Adel had outdone himself and every expectation Alastair ever had of him !

  22. 在吴敏霞超越自己曾经的导师——郭晶晶之后,她对郭晶晶怀有的都是赞美。

    Wu had nothing but praise for Guo after surpassing her one-time mentor .

  23. 人生只有在不断地超越自己,才能寻找到自我的价值。

    The only constant in life beyond ourselves can we find the self-worth .

  24. 你要做的就是要超越自己。

    You simply needed to see it foryourself .

  25. 事实上再过几年,钟表制造商就可能超越自己。

    In fact , in the next few years clock makers may outdo themselves .

  26. 唧唧觉得他正在克服和超越自己的恐惧,但他又越来越经常地感到害怕,害怕得甚至无法对自己承认。

    Haw was afraid more often than he liked to admit , even to himself .

  27. 一切时代都是平等的,但天才总是超越自己所处的时代。

    Ovid ages are all equal , but genius is always above it 's age .

  28. 在他几十年的创作中,他不断挑战自己,超越自己。

    In decades of writing , he constantly challenges himself and tries to surpass it .

  29. 他可以上去,超越自己的身体和位置的极限。

    He can go beyond the limits of his body and status and accomplish it .

  30. 这个过程也就是学习者在知识的情境化中不断拓展自己、超越自己的过程。

    That process means the learners continuously explore and surpass themselves in the situation of knowledge .