
  1. 以高频等离子体(HFP)为高能、纯净热源,采用高温离解&气相冷凝沉积新工艺制备出亚微米级ZrO2及纳米级ZnO等超细粉体材料。

    High-frequency plasma ( HFP ) as a high power and pure thermal source is used for producing ultra fine powder of sub-micron ZrO 2 and nano-meter ZnO by means of heat decomposition-condensation under high temperature in gas phase .

  2. 超细粉体材料表面包覆技术的研究现状

    Status quo of study on surface coating technologies of ultra-fine powders

  3. 超细粉体材料的制备技术现状及应用形势

    Status of preparation technologies of ultra-fine powder material and its application

  4. 电爆法制备金属超细粉体材料的设备与工艺研究

    The Research on Preparation of Metallic Ultra-fine Powders Using Wire Electrical Explosion Method

  5. 复合隐身用超细粉体材料的制备工艺研究

    Preparation of Ultra-fine Powders for Compound Stealth Technology

  6. 液相共沉淀法制备氧化铟锡超细粉体材料的研究进展

    The research of manufacture super thin tin indium oxide powder by co-precipitation method in solution

  7. 近二十年来,随着对各种超细粉体材料需求量的快速增长,超细粉碎技术在现代高技术新材料产业中得到应用;

    By the increase of ultramicro floury material in recent twenty years , ultramicro grind technology has been applied in modern new material industry .

  8. 其优点是反应过程简单,成本低,能合成单一或复合超细粉体材料,便于推广和工业化生产。

    With its advantage of simply processing , low cost , this method is easy to be expanded , even ready for industrial production to get simple or composite ultra-fine powder .

  9. 气流磨是目前制备超细粉体材料的主要技术和方法之一,气流磨能制备较高纯度的超细粉体材料。

    At present , jet mill is one of the major technologies and methods of preparing ultra-fine powder materials , jet mill can prepare ultra-fine powder materials to a higher purity .

  10. 综述了国内超细粉体材料的制备工艺、设备现状及进展,并介绍了超细粉体材料在电子信息、医药、农药、模具、军事、化工等方面的应用。

    The preparation processes , study status of equipment and study progress of ultra-fine powder material in China were reviewed . Its applications in the industry of electronics information , medicine , agricultural chemicals , molding tool , military , chemical engineering were introduced .

  11. 湿化学法制备超细二氧化硅粉体材料

    Preparation of ultrafine silica powders by wet chemical methods

  12. 综述了机械化学在超细功能粉体材料合成方面的应用研究进展,并进一步展望了机械化学合成研究的发展趋势。

    The advance in the research of the application of mechanochemistry in the synthesis of super-fine functional powder is presented and its development trend prospected .

  13. 超细粉体在复合材料中的功能作用及加工技术

    The functions of mineral ultrafines in composite materials and its processing techniques

  14. 高纯超细电子陶瓷粉体材料的制备用萃取法生产高纯氧化镝工业试验

    Manufacturing of High-purity Superfine Electronic Ceramic Powdered Material Industrial-scale test on production of high-purity dysprosium oxide by extraction

  15. 而以SiO2气凝胶超细粉体为基本载体材料的Co/ZrO2-SiO2催化剂显示出高的CO+H2合成重质烃的活性和选择性。

    Cobalt catalyst supported on ZrO_2 modified SiO_2 aerogel shows high Fischer-Tropsch synthesis activity and heavy products selectivity .