
  • 网络super micron-milling
  1. 方法利用倍力超微粉碎技术进行药材的超微粉碎。

    Methods : Use punchy attritioning technology to attrite the medicine .

  2. 超微粉碎技术在中药和保健食品中的应用

    Application of ultrafine comminution on Chinese traditional medicine and health food

  3. 因此超微粉碎技术很适宜用于茶叶粉碎。

    So the attritioning technology was fit for tea smashing .

  4. 超微粉碎技术及其在肉类加工业中的应用

    Superfine grinding and application of superfine grinding in meatpacking

  5. 超微粉碎技术在食品工业中的优势及应用研究现状

    The Advantages and Application Present Situation of Superfine Grinding Technique in Food Industry

  6. 我们的目标是完成多种潜在的超微粉碎技术应用。

    Our aim is achieve kinds of applications of potential superfine pulverizing technology .

  7. 花粉破壁与超微粉碎技术破壁提取对蒲黄总黄酮的影响

    Effects of Cell - wall - broken Extraction Process on Total Flavones of Pollen Typhae

  8. 超微粉碎技术在枳术丸中的应用及其溶出影响研究

    The Application of the Micronization Technology in Zhizhu-Pills and the Produced Impact of its Dissolution

  9. 方法采用超微粉碎技术,并对普通粉和超微粉进行薄层鉴别和氨基酸分析对比试验。

    Methods The superfine pulverizing technique , TLC , amino acids analysis and comparative test were employed .

  10. 超微粉碎技术对油菜花粉中槲皮素和山奈素溶出率的影响

    Effects of Superfine Comminution Technique on Leaching Rates of Quercetin and Kaempferol in Pollen of Brassica campestris

  11. 超微粉碎技术作为一种新型的食品加工方法,已受到普遍关注。

    Superfine grinding , as a new type of foodstuff producing technology , is given more attention nowadays .

  12. 结论超微粉碎技术可促进大黄有效成分的吸收,提高其生物利用度。

    Conclusion Rhubarb ultra-fine powder can promote the absorption of active ingredients in Rhubarb and increase bioavailability of rhubarb powder .

  13. 本文以红茶为研究对象,采用酶技术和超微粉碎技术对红茶的静态萃取、动态萃取和萃取动力学过程进行了系统研究,结论如下。

    The static and dynamic extracts and extract kinetics of black tea are systematically studied by technology of enzyme and super-micro-comminution .

  14. 超微粉碎技术用于复方制剂可提高药物制剂的溶出度和有效成分含量。

    Ultra-fine power technology for compound preparation can enchance the content of the effective ingredients in pharmaceutical preparations , dissolution rate .

  15. 超微粉碎技术对防风理化性质的影响初探超微粉碎技术及其在动物资源开发中的应用

    Study on the impact of Physical and Chemical Properties of Radix Saposhnikoviae during Ultrafine grinding Superfine comminution technology and its application on animal resources development

  16. 中药材和保健食品中的有效成分主要分布于细胞内,采用超微粉碎技术可以极大增加其溶出和促进人体吸收利用。

    Valid compositions of Chinese traditional medicine and health food mostly exist in cells , so through ultrafine comminution their dissolution and absorption can be increased .

  17. 超微粉碎技术是近20年来发展起来的一项新技术,由于其具有独特的物理和化学性质,因此被广泛应用。

    Ultrafine comminution is a new technology that has been developing for 20 years . It has been applied widely because of its physical and chemical characteristics .

  18. 采用超微粉碎技术,细胞破壁,可以大大提高有效成分的释放速度和吸收,增强药效,降低服用剂量。

    The superfine grinding technology , the cell , the wall , can greatly enhance the effective component release rate and absorption , enhance the efficacy , lower dose .

  19. 为实现毛竹叶资源的充分高效利用,以提取多糖和黄酮类化合物后的毛竹叶残渣为原料,应用超微粉碎技术和湿法动态超高压微射流作用制备毛竹叶特种膳食纤维。

    To study the antioxidant effect in vivo of polysaccharide from moso bamboo leaves ( PMBL ) on aging mice , in order to provide theoretical basis for the utilization and exploitation of moso bamboo leaves .

  20. 简述了三七的成分、功效和临床应用,以及超微粉碎技术在中药加工中的应用优势和纳米中药与微米中药的概念。

    In this paper the composition , function and clinic application of Panax notoginseng were summarized , and the advantage of superfine comminution technique on production of the traditional Chinese medicine and the conception of nano-TCM and micron-TCM were described briefly .

  21. 进一步采用旋涡式超微粉碎技术,将甘薯全粉制成超微细粉,超微细粉与一定比例的葛根粉、大豆粉等其他辅料混合,制成一种营养均衡、冲调方便、口感细腻的即食食品。

    The votex superfine grinding technology are used to make the batata powder into ultra-fine powder . ultra-fine powder is mixed with gegen powder , soybean powder , make into instant food of nutrition balance , convenient beverage , taste fine .

  22. 通过超微粉碎技术获得的绿茶粉,要求原料持嫩性好,同时叶绿素含量高,使茶粉粒度小、口感滑润,且色泽鲜绿。

    The ultramicro green tea powder grinded using superfine grinding technique requests tender raw materials with high level of chlorophylls , by which ultramicro green tea powder with characteristics of small size particles , smooth taste and bright green colour can be prepared .

  23. 中药细胞级超微粉碎技术是在遵循中医药理论的前提下,结合中药物料的特点,采用现代粉体技术,将中药材、中药提取物及中药制剂微粉化。

    Traditional Chinese medicine cells superfine pulverizing technology level in traditional Chinese medicine theory is followed , under the precondition of traditional Chinese medicine combined with the characteristics of the materials , adopting the modern powder technology , the Chinese herbal medicine , Chinese medicine extracts and TCM micronization .