
yè yú yùn dònɡ yuán
  • amateur;amateur player
  1. 接着,他又作为1962年度杰出业余运动员赢得了“詹姆斯·E.沙利文纪念奖”。

    He went on to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the outstanding amateur athlete of 1962 .

  2. 这些业余运动员很可能永远不会发财或出名。

    These amateur athletes will probably never become rich or famous .

  3. 该队有6名职业运动员和凑数的5名业余运动员。

    The team had six professionals and made the number up with five amateurs

  4. 业余运动员从不参加赢利性竞赛的运动员。

    An athlete who has never participated in competition for money .

  5. 职业运动员和业余运动员都可以参加的锦标赛。

    A tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play .

  6. 不要让自己给一个业余运动员打败了。

    Don 't let yourself be beaten by an amateur .

  7. 谈青少年业余运动员的力量训练

    A Research on the Strength Training of Juvenile Amateurs

  8. 作为一个业余运动员,能在奥运会上成为冠军是最大的成就。

    For an amateur athletes , winning in the Olympics is a great achievement .

  9. 从前只准许业余运动员参加。

    Formerly , only amateurs were allowed .

  10. 我们的业余运动员根本不能和美国大学的一些业余运动员相比。

    Our amateur sportsmen are not in the same street as some of those from the American universities .

  11. 奥运会是业余运动员运动会。许多单项运动会允许职业选手参赛。

    Olympic Games are sports meets for amateur sportsmen , other individual games allow professionals to take part in .

  12. 只有业余运动员才能参加奥运会比赛。在业余时间为钱比赛的运动员。

    Only amateurs may complete in the Olympic Games . an athlete who plays for pay on a part-time basis .

  13. 业余运动员要自己花钱去参加奥运会。

    It was the job of the amateur athlete to find his way to the games at his own expense .

  14. 向公众宣传耐力运动的潜在危险可能会给业余运动员一个浅尝辄止的理由,在面临需要他们跑得更远、付出更多努力的压力时会产生抗拒。

    Publicizing the potential dangers of endurance exercise could give recreational athletes an argument for resisting pressure to go longer and harder .

  15. 奥运会主要是业余运动员比赛。国际单项体育组织则负责业余和职业体育比赛。

    The Olympic Games is mainly for amateur sportsmen , and the international individual sport organizations would guide both amateur and professional sports games .

  16. 方法:采用问卷的形式,调查240名浙江省残疾人业余运动员,了解残疾人参加健身活动的状况。

    METHODS : A total of 240 disabled amateur athletes were investigated by questionnaire so as to know the status of their physical fitness status .

  17. 奥运会原来是为业余运动员设立的,不需要商业赞助,现在已经成为了一个特别成功的商业工具。

    Set up originally as a competition for amateur athletes not needing commercial support , the Olympics have become a spectacularly successful vehicle for commercialism .

  18. 适合于现有条件下山东省普通高校男子高水平运动员的训练,并可供高校等业余运动员参考。

    Suitable conditions in the existing colleges and universities in Shandong Province man was a high level athletes in their training , and for colleges and universities refer to amateur athletes . 6 .

  19. 但应该指出的是,当时的奥运会并非打算进行国与国之间的较量,而是一场全球业余运动员之间的竞赛。

    It should be pointed out , however , that the Olympics were not intended to be a competition among nations at the time & it was a competition among amateur athletes from around the world .

  20. 应用SPSS11.5FORWINDOWS软件进行独立样本的t检验,比较专业和业余短跑运动员间的差异。

    Independent-sample t test was done with SPSS 11.5 for Windows software to compare the differences between professionals and amateur sprinters .

  21. 心电图ST-T改变在监控业余田径运动员训练中的意义

    The Significance of Electrocardiogram ST-T Change in Guardianship of Amateur Athletes in Their Training

  22. 运用多媒体CAI课件在中小学业余田径运动员背越式跳高训练中进行辅助教学,明显地帮助学生建立了完整的正确动作,迅速掌握技术,显著提高训练成绩。

    The application of Multimedia CAI courseware in fosbury flop training will help students have a complete and correct notion of the action , and master the skills to improve their performance .

  23. 这些业余足球运动员每周集训两次。

    The amateur football players meet twice a week for practice .

  24. 挥金如土的业余耐力运动员往往付出更大代价。

    Free-spending amateur endurance athletes often pay for more than gear .

  25. 业余田径运动员全年训练的分期问题

    Problems of the Training Stage During the Whole Year for Amateur Athletes

  26. 对高校业余田径运动员营养问题的探讨

    The Discussion on the Nutrition of Spare-time Athletes at Universities

  27. 时间(英文)对高校业余田径运动员营养问题的探讨

    The Discussion on the Nutrition of Spare - time Athletes at Universities

  28. 业余短跑运动员身体素质和生化指标的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Physical Diathesis and Biochemical Index of Amateur sprint Athletes

  29. 业余短跑运动员的心率指标控制

    Index ; Control Intensity of Training for Amateur Sprint Athletes by Heart Rate

  30. 高校业余短跑运动员训练方法的探讨

    Discuss on the Training Method of the College Amateur Short - distance Athlete