
  • 网络Business Point;point of service;POP
  1. 在业绩电话会议上,摩根大通首席执行官吉米o戴蒙在回答《财富》(Fortune)杂志记者提问时为税收倒置业务点了个赞。

    In response to a question from a Fortune reporter on an earnings conference call , JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon gave the tax inversion deals a thumbs up .

  2. 确定不同的业务点可以帮助业务和IT团队保持目标的一致性,并更有效地管理变更。

    The identification of business points of variability can help business and IT align their goals and manage changes more efficiently .

  3. 但是由于在信息化建设的初期中,只是单纯的进行各个单独业务点的信息化,缺乏统一的规划和设计。

    However , due to the early construction of the information in the conduct of each individual purely business point of information , lack of unified planning and design .

  4. 另一方面,随着烟草行业内合并重组步伐的加快,企业集团的规模越来越大,办公场所包括总部、分公司、办事处、工厂等多个业务点。

    Another with the increasing unite speed in tobacco occupation , enterprise group become more larger , office is consist of center , branch agent , branch office , factory etc.

  5. 这意味着西班牙对外银行可以利用它在9个亚洲城市的业务点,为亚洲企业与拉丁美洲之间日益增长的海外交易提供融资。

    In particular , this means using its presence in nine Asian cities to gain financing roles on the rising number of outbound deals between regional companies and Latin America .

  6. a.业务交换点(SSP)提供数据库支持操作的集中式数据库

    A.Service Switching Point ( SSP ) Centralized database providing database support operations

  7. b.业务控制点(SCP)用作网络集线器的分组交换机

    B.Service Control Point ( SCP ) Packet switch acting as a network hub

  8. 随着手机性能的不断提供,手机平台之上的游戏应用将逐渐成为继PC游戏应用之后又一新业务增长点。

    As the capability improved , the entertainment market based on the mobile phone will be a new business increase point , following the PC entertainment .

  9. 业务控制点(SCP)

    Service Control Points ( SCP )

  10. 无线接入网的IP化和宽带化,既要满足传统基站业务的点到点静态管道的部署需求,还支持共享、动态的部署需要。

    Radio access network IP and broadband , To satisfy both the traditional base station service point-to-point static pipeline deployment requirements , also support the sharing , dynamic deployment needs .

  11. 对中国电信公司而言,无线接入网(PHS)是今后一个新的业务增长点。

    In this kind of case , PHS is a new growth point for China Telecom .

  12. 支持PaaS的增值部分是未来业务增长点。

    The PaaS-enabled , value-added parts are a test bed for future business growth points .

  13. 基于WAP技术提供无线信息服务已成为目前移动通信与信息行业新的业务增长点。

    WAP based wireless information services have become a new service increasing point of current mobile communication and information industries .

  14. 另外,内容供应者也只是刚刚开始看到为基于机器的内容访问提供API的价值所在,而且还有很多人不认为这是一个核心业务关注点。

    Additionally , content providers are only beginning to see the value in providing APIs for machine-based content access , and many do not consider them a core business focus .

  15. 作为固网运营商,面对逐渐低迷的固话市场,急欲通过IPTV寻求新的业务增长点。

    Facing the slumping solid words market , the solid net operator is eager to seek the new service point of growth through IPTV .

  16. 智能网业务控制点(SCP)的处理能力是制约智能网发展的主要瓶颈。

    The capacity of the SCP ( Serviece Control Point ) is considered to be the brief bottle neck of the Intelligent Netowrk .

  17. c.业务传输点(STP)进行呼叫和请求数据所需的建立、管理、释放语音电路的交换机。

    C.Service Transfer Point ( STP ) Switches that setup , manage , release voice circuits required to make a call , and request data .

  18. 分布式多SCP智能网的网络结构决定了业务交换点(SSP)必须有能够决定业务呼叫请求的分发路由功能。

    The architecture of distributed multi-SCP Intelligent Network requires that the Service Switch Points ( SSPs ) must have the capability of service application routing .

  19. 业务控制点(SCP)是智能网的核心,是集中的数据库和集中的业务控制的载体,它的性能直接影响整个智能网的性能。

    SCP is the core of IN , is the undertake of the focus database and focus service control , it 's capability immediate effect the whole IN .

  20. 此方法应用于智能网业务控制点(SCP)的自适应窗口控制算法中,实验结果验证了其具有很好的自适应性和有效性。

    The results of the experiment show that this method applied in an adaptive window control algorithm of the intelligent network service control point has good adaptability and validity .

  21. 业务控制点和业务交换点是智能网的主要构成部分,它们通过No.7信令进行通信。

    The SCP ( Service Control Point ) and the SSP ( Service Switch Point ) are IN components that connected by SS7 ( Signaling System No.7 ) .

  22. 分析了移动智能网中业务控制点(SCP)的硬件结构和软件结构,提出了用于计算分布式SCP最小硬件配置的模型。

    After analyzing the hardware and software architectures of service control point ( SCP ) in mobile intelligent network , a model for computing the minimizing cost hardware configuration of distributed SCP was presented .

  23. 其中对于高级智能网的业务控制点过载控制算法的研究开展得比较早,而完全分布式的多SCP智能网SCP过载控制由于其网络结构的复杂性,对它的研究就非常少。

    The research of overload control in AIN ( Advanced Intelligent Network ) has been unfoldered earlier . Because of the complexity of multi-SCP Intelligent Networks , its overload control research is very little .

  24. 无线电应用协议(WAP)融合了因特网与移动通信技术的优势。基于这项技术提供无线信息服务已成为目前移动通信与信息行业新的业务增长点。

    Wireless applications protocol ( WAP ) combines the superiority of Internet technology and mobile communication technology , WAP-based wireless information services have become a new service increasing point of current mobile communication and information industries .

  25. 分析和介绍了业务控制点(SCP)过载控制方法的一般原理、研究现状以及主要算法,提出了一种基于动态业务票的过载控制方法;

    The fundamental idea of overload control method for SCP is discussed . And the state of arts and main algorithms are also analyzed . This dissertation puts forward a new overload control algorithm based on dynamic service ticket .

  26. 随着电信行业的竞争加剧,ARPU下滑的趋势不可避免,通信运营企业除了考虑新业务增长点外,越来越关注每用户的成本。

    In the face of the intensive competition in the telecom industry , the decrease of ARPU is inevitable . The telecom operators therefore increasingly focus on the cost per user in addition to considering the new business growth .

  27. 讨论了实现综合智能网业务控制点的关键技术,并给出了综合业务控制功能(ISCF)模型,介绍了以此模型为基础开发的综合智能网产品。

    The key technologies on realizing integrated intelligent network SCP are discussed and the functional model of SCP is provided . Finally , the implementation of integrated intelligent network product based on ISCF functional model is indicated .

  28. 一站式服务是指服务提供者提供统一的业务受理点。

    One-station service means service providers supply uniform business acceptance point .

  29. 中国移动通信新的业务增长点&移动智能业务

    Mobile Intelligent Service : The New Increasing Point of China Mobile

  30. 智能网业务控制点日志维护系统的实现

    Realization of log maintenance system of service control point in intelligent network