
  • 网络universal design
  1. 而且系统组成单体设备种类多、接口不统一、兼容性差,较难实现通用化设计。本文提出一种基于ARM+DSP架构的多功能车内通话系统。

    Also there are many types of the monomer equipments , non-unified interfaces and poor compatibility , which is rather difficult to achieve universal design . This paper presents the multi-functional voice system inside the vehicle based on ARM + DSP .

  2. 文章通过对某数据记录装置地面测试设备系统功能指标进行分析,从方案论证、硬件设计、软件设计、可靠性、通用化设计等几方面入手,提出了该测试设备详细的模块化设计方案。

    This article makes the analyzes of the function indicators of a test equipment for a data record device , It Starts with the demonstration of the program , hardware design , software design , reliability , universal design and then proposes a modular design of the test equipment .

  3. 数控机床PLC程序的通用化设计方案(上)

    Designing the control program of PLC in CNC machine tool by generalization way (ⅰ)

  4. 该平台采用CPLD作为图像数据的采集控制单元,DSP作为核心处理单元。同时对视频信号的预处理电路进行了通用化设计,能够有效保证系统对不同波段的图像信号进行采集和处理。

    CPLD is used as image sampling control unit and DSP as the system core , and pretreatment circuit is designed to be multifunctional , all these help to sample different wavelength image signals .

  5. 文中介绍了通过采用成熟技术和元器件,加强战场侦察雷达的自动化、模块化、标准化和通用化设计,采用雷达故障自检技术和对装备的不断改进来达到提高雷达RMS的措施。

    This paper explains that the battlefield reconnaisance radar 's RMS can be improved by using mature technique , careful design of artillery radar automation , modulization , standardization and interchangeability , self-test technique and improvement of radar itself .

  6. 高速公路车道收费系统通用化设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of General Lane Tolling System for Highway

  7. 燃油燃气锅炉通用化设计时应注意的问题

    Some Issues for General Design of Oil-Fired and Gas-Fired Boilers

  8. 本文的研究成果对特种作业车底盘通用化设计具有理论和实际指导意义。

    It has theory and practice significance of universally designing of chassis .

  9. 真空热试验试件数据测量软件的通用化设计

    The design of versatile measurement software for vacuum thermal test

  10. 军用方舱运输平台通用化设计

    A Universal Design for Transportation Platform of Military Shelter

  11. 探讨了模块标准化设计、通用化设计和系列化设计的理论基础和实现方法。

    The theories and methods of module standardization , generalization and seriation are discussed .

  12. 碳氧比测井软件的通用化设计

    General design of carbon oxygen ratio logging software

  13. 包装的通用化设计漫谈

    The Meander of the Packaging Current Design

  14. 辅助电机部分零部件的标准化、系列化、通用化设计探讨

    Design investigation of standard ization 、 seriation and generalization on some components of auxiliary motors

  15. 强约束条件下外弹道方程实时解算通用化设计技术

    Generalized Design for Solving the Exterior Ballistic Equation in Real-time under the Condition of Strong Constraint

  16. 江苏省船闸液压启闭机的标准化、系列化、通用化设计和应用

    Design and application of hydraulic hoisting gear following the principle of standardization , serialization and universalization in Jiangsu province

  17. 通过军用方舱运输平台通用化设计,实现军用方舱陆地运输的通用化。

    Through the generalized design for transportation platform of military shelter we can realize the universality of military shelter .

  18. 提出了一种化工离心式压缩机运行性能(热力性能)在线监测与评估系统通用化设计思想。

    A design idea of general turbo compressor ′ s high-speed online monitoring and operating performance evaluation system has been presented .

  19. 介绍了化工压缩机热力状态在线监测及性能评估系统通用化设计的结构、功能、特点和重要设计思想。

    The structure , function , characteristic and main designed thought of compressor on-line monitoring under the thermal condition and standardization design of performance evaluating system are introduced .

  20. 国外汽车工业通过汽车零部件通用化设计、汽车零部件的联合开发与联合采购等策略推行大规模定制生产。

    Foreign automotive industry carries out the large scale and custom order production mode by the ways of commonalization design , jointly developing and jointly purchasing for automotive parts .

  21. 而通用化设计的锅炉在燃油和燃气两种工况下的炉膛出口温度和锅炉热效率也是不相同的,所以在锅炉通用化设计时,如何缓解这些矛盾,应该引起设计者的注意。

    The furance outlet temperature and the boiler heat efficiency are also different for the boiler burning oil and gas . So the designer shall give more attention in how to overcome these contradictions in boiler general design .

  22. 船舶电站整体网络的构建包括工业控制计算机局域网络与MODBUS总线网络的总体设计。在软件开发过程中,采用了模块化、通用化的设计思想,用独立的程序实现特定的功能。

    The design of the network of the shipping electricity station comprise industry - control computer local area network and the design of the MODBUS network During development of the software we use the dependent program to achieve given function according to the modularization and currency idea .

  23. CAN现场总线系列仪表一种通用化软件设计技术

    A General Software Design Technology for CAN Field-bus Instrument Series

  24. 水库洪水调度系统通用化模板设计与开发

    Development of generalization module for the reservoir flood-control system

  25. 字符型液晶显示器的通用化接口设计

    Design of the Universal Interface for Character Mode LCD

  26. 在广泛查阅文献资料的基础上,提出了资源公用并采用静态软配置实现发动机电控单元通用化的设计思想。

    Based on sufficient investigation for electronic control systems , design idea was put forward . The idea was hardware and software resources were set as public and configured via static software reconfiguration method .

  27. 基于Solidedge的三维模型通用参数化程序设计方法

    Parametric Programming Method for 3D Models Based on Solid Edge

  28. 车载电子设备机柜通用化系列化设计

    Generalization and Serialization Design of Electronic Equipment Cabinet on Motor Vehicle

  29. 而通用化并非造型设计发展的一种障碍。

    Universality and systematization are not obstacles for the development of product design .

  30. 在该系统的开发过程中,继承了以往监测与评估系统的研究成果,并在软件通用化、程序设计优化等方面做了大量新的工作。

    The advantage of former inspection and evaluation system is inherited and a lot of work is done in the software generalization .