
  • 网络Wide viewing angle;AFFS
  1. 通过对多路摄像采集的视频进行无缝图像拼接,组成一路完整的超广视角视频,是全景视频监控的一个技术分支。

    It is one of technical branches in panoramic video surveillance to make up ultra-wide video through splicing images captured from multiple cameras seamlessly .

  2. 它们通常采用一台或多台投影仪作为显示设备,能够在非平面的投影屏幕上投射出均匀无缝的大尺寸、高分辨率、广视角的沉浸式画面。

    Generally , they utilize one or more projectors as display devices for casting even , seamless , large-scale , high-resolution and wide field-of-view immersive content on non-planar screens .

  3. 在众多的应用领域,需要广视角甚至360°全视角的的图像,以便获取各自领域所需的信息。

    Wide angle even full angle images are needed in many applications , in order to analyze the details of images , the connection among landscape and the global situation , which can obtain the information in their respective fields .

  4. 本文系统基于现有的游戏引擎平台,提出了一套基于光线投射方法、面向多种显示表面、能够生成均匀无缝的大尺寸、广视角的高分辨率沉浸式画面的系统方案。

    The system implementation for the thesis supports multiple types of display surface and proposes a frame-generating method based on ray-casting for even , seamless , large-scale , high-resolution and wide field-of-view immersive content , utilizing an existing game engine .

  5. 框架采用集群运行游戏客户端,输出广视角、高分辨率的游戏画面;采用投影仪作为显示设备,显示尺寸大,投影在柱面幕上能带给游戏玩家强烈的沉浸感。

    The framework runs game clients on a cluster for generating images of high resolution and wide field of view . It displays images using multi-channel projectors to cast them on large scale cylinder screen , which offers strong immersive experience .

  6. 视频的实时配准能用于手术室的远程医疗指导,专家不需进入手术室就能实时广视角地观察手术室的情况,并进行实时远程医疗指导。

    Because Real-time registration of video can be used for guidance of telemedicine in operating room , specialists can observe situation of operating room in real-time wide field of vision and give telemedicine guidance when they do not enter into operating room .

  7. 你能从一个更广的视角了解这个项目。

    You get to know the project in a wider spectrum .

  8. 额外的摄像头亦可提供更广的视角,以呈现更佳的风景拍摄和自拍效果。

    The extra camera can also allow a wider angle for better landscapes and selfies .

  9. 让自己和学生都能得到提高的最好办法就是积极进行教学研究,站在更高的起点,以更广的视角来看待和开展教学。

    Let oneself and the student can be the best way to improve is to carry out teaching research , standing on a higher starting point , with a broader perspective to view and teaching .

  10. 信用卡产业是现代金融业的重要组成部分,在国民经济中占据重要地位,因此需要从更高、更广的视角来正确认识信用卡产业的功能与作用。

    Credit card takes an integral part in modern financial industry , and also forms an important position in national economy , therefore , we should recognize its function and effect from a higher and wider vision .

  11. 研究者说这项计划能够使他们以一种更广的交互式视角看患者群。

    Researchers say the new measures will enable them to look at a broader cross section of patients .

  12. 经济公平是整个社会公平的基础,自由则是比经济公平更广更高的视角。

    Economic fairness is the basic of the whole social one . However - freedom is broader and higher than economic fairness .