
  • 网络Quanta
  1. 该网站还说这台测试机是由台湾的广达电脑(QuantaComputer)为苹果制造的。

    The site reports the test mule was made for Apple by Quanta Computer .

  2. 苹果还与台湾的广达电脑(QuantaComputer)在上海和苏州的工厂合作,那里的薪资涨速也超过了中国其它地方。

    Apple also works with Taiwan 's Quanta Computer at plants in Shanghai and Suzhou , where labour costs are outpacing the rest of the country too .

  3. 我们是一个工程师的行业,所以郭台铭真是一个非同寻常的人物,尤其是他最近表现出来的行事风格,另一家大型合同制造商广达电脑(QuantaComputer)的一位高管表示。

    We are an industry of engineers , so Terry , especially with this new style , is a really unusual character , says an executive at Quanta Computer , another large contract manufacturer .

  4. 随着华硕笔记本电脑的销量不断增长,苹果和索尼相继将订单转交给了鸿海精密和广达电脑(QuantaComputerInc。)等台湾合同制造商。

    As sales of Asus notebooks have grown , both Apple and Sony have shifted business from Asustek to other Taiwanese contract manufacturers such as Hon Hai Precision and Quanta Computer .

  5. 不过,这种模式并没有削弱华宝、广达和纬创这三家戴尔主要ODM供应商发挥的作用。

    This does not diminish , however , the role played by Compal , Quanta and Wistron , Dell 's principal ODM suppliers .

  6. 全球最大笔记本制造商广达电脑(QuantaComputer)在10月30日则发布了更为谨慎的前景预期。这家台湾公司表示,预计今年第四季度发货量将会持平,2008年将增加20%。

    Taiwan 's Quanta Computer , the world 's largest notebook manufacturer , gave a more cautious outlook 30 Oct and said it expected shipments to be flat in the fourth quarter and to increase by 20 per cent in 2008 .

  7. 全球最大的笔记本电脑制造商广达电脑(QuantaComputer)总裁表示,该公司将开始生产超低价电脑,可能在今年或明年以低至200美元的价格投放发达国家市场。

    Quanta Computer , the world 's largest manufacturer of notebook computers , will start making ultra-low-cost computers that could be sold in developed markets for as little as $ 200 this year or the next , according to its president .

  8. 广达电脑已经在位于桃园的总部附近建了一个大型研发中心。

    Quanta has built a large R & D center near its headquarters in Taoyuan .

  9. 广达人永远是您的朋友,广达产品永远是您的骄傲。

    The GONDER people are your friends forever , the GONDER products are your pride forever .

  10. 我志愿工作首先是为广达到最终目的。

    I worked on a voluntary basis first of all as a means to an end .

  11. 今天与几年前相比,什么是不同广达说,是品牌一定要认清和一些地域性有关。

    What 's different today compared to a few years ago , Gonda says , is brands have to be situationally aware and contextually relevant .

  12. 而过去,虽然广达是市面上具备整体铝材外壳制造技术的最大代工商,但苹果笔记本一直是交由包括华硕,富士康等公司在内的一些代工商一起代工。

    Previous suppliers included companies such as ASUS or Foxconn , although Quanta is the primary producer of the aluminum-unibody housings featured in the majority of MacBook offerings .

  13. 而去年晚些时候,台湾“行政院新闻局”曾宣称广达今年有望为索尼与苹果代工上网本产品。

    The Taiwanese Government Information Office commented late last year that Quanta was expected to produce netbooks for both Sony and Apple , although the claim remains unconfirmed .

  14. 熔岩面积广达8000公顷的天吉儿火山是一座古老的火山群,而婆罗摩火山却是火山群中最著名的活火山旅游地。

    Quanta lava area of8000 hectares of the wide is an ancient volcano group , and the Mount Bromo volcano is the most famous active volcano in the group to travel .

  15. 代工商则选择为广达,这款手机将是广达目前为止所代理的首款成本高于150美元的手机产品,而手机的实际售价则还会更高一些。

    Compal would make the handset , and it would notably be the contractor 's first phone to have a pure cost over $ 150 ; the actual selling price would be higher .

  16. 至少,键盘(也可能是整机)是由广达电脑生产。这是世界上最大的笔记本电脑制造商,并提出两个苹果和戴尔的机器。

    At least the keyboard ( and probably the whole machine ) is produced by Quanta Computers . It 's the world 's largest notebook manufacturer and makes machines for both Apple and Dell .

  17. 部位在胃窦48.2%、胃体31%、胃角17.3%,弥散广达体窦1例。

    The site of lesion was 48.3 % at gastric antrum , 3 % at gastric body and 17.3 % at gastric body and 17.3 % at gastric angle , The cancer involved both antrum and body of stomach in one patient ( 3.4 % ) .