
  • 网络senior;senior citizens
  1. “银发族海啸”就要来了。

    The " silver tsunami1 " is coming .

  2. 麦瑞拉是银发族俱乐部的董事长。

    Mirella casanica , is president of the senior citizens club .

  3. 甚至还有专为70多岁的银发族开设的瑜伽课程!

    There are even yoga classes for people in their70s !

  4. 新老人会成立的主旨在推动「新老人运动」,鼓励银发族透过社团联谊、聚会、成长课程方式,活出自信与光热。

    It is aimed at promotion of'New Elder Movement'to encourage elders to live confidently with glory by social activities , parties and classes .

  5. 结果显示,银发族对满月圆森林游乐区的意象以「活动气氛」及「天然环境资源」最为鲜明。

    The results of this study provided that activity atmosphere and environment resources were the most impressive images of Manyueyuan national forest recreation area for the seniors .

  6. 若能增加银发族游客量,可改善游乐区非假日游客人数不足所衍生之问题,银发族群亦获得休闲健康之效益。

    Seniors visit national forest recreation areas on weekdays not only to make up the expectative number of visitors , but to gain the health when finish the travel .

  7. 我国已经进入人口老龄化社会,老年人对产品的需求越来越呈现多样化、个性化的趋势,产品意象是表达银发族情感需求的有效途径。

    China has entered the population , aging society , older people demand more and more diversified products , the trend of personalized product imagery is an effective way to express the emotional needs of seniors .

  8. 研究显示,“银发上网族”会花费大量的时间使用搜索引擎和逛网店。

    Research shows that the silver surfers are spending a majority of their time using search engines and online shopping sites .

  9. “银发上网族”指的是经常上网的50岁以上的网络使用者。

    Silver surfer refers to the population of individuals over the age of 50 who utilize1 the internet on a consistent basis .

  10. 由于老年人越来越习惯于使用网络科技,“银发上网族”近年来人数大幅攀升。

    The number of older users has increased dramatically over the past several years due to their being more accustomed to the technology .

  11. 英国一家名为hitwise的竞争情报服务公司称,“银发冲浪族”(55岁以上的互联网用户)马上就要成为英国最大的在线群体。

    According to Hitwise , a UK-based competitive intelligence service " silver surfers " Internet users aged 55 and above are set to become the single largest online group in Britain .

  12. “银发上网族纪念日”的发起者之一,在此给出十条理由,说明为什么所有的老人都应该被组织和联合起来。

    Here , Gill Adams , one of the organisers of Silver Surfers'Day , gives her top ten reasons why all older people should get connected .