
yín háo zi
  • fine long hair
  1. 我变得忧郁起来,一枚可怜的银毫子在没有人要的时候能多忧郁,我便多忧郁。

    I was as sorrowful now as a poor shilling can be when nobody will have him .

  2. 银毫子却没有跟着走,他被人发现了,又该为他人服务了,他和另外三枚钱一起被用了出去。

    After a time it was found , and being considered a good coin , was placed with three other coins .

  3. 好几个星期过去了,银毫子到了世界很远的地方,自己却一点儿不知道到了哪里。

    Many weeks passed , during which the shilling had travelled a long distance in the purse , without in the least knowing where he was .

  4. 我是多么可怜的银毫子啊!我的银子,我的价值,我的铸印,在它们都没有意义的时候,对我有甚么用呢!

    Ah ! unhappy shilling that I was ! Of what use were my silver , my stamp , and my real value here , where all these qualities were worthless .

  5. 他听别的钱说,他们是法国的,是意大利的;一个说他们现在在这个城市,另外一个说,他们在那个城市;可是这枚银毫子却想像不出都是些甚么地方。

    He had found out that the other coins were French and Italian ; and one coin said they were in this town , and another said they were in that , but the shilling was unable to make out or imagine what they meant .

  6. 他说道。这可是我们自己国家的钱呀,一枚家乡货真价实的银毫子,它被人打了一个洞,说是假的。

    Now this is singular , ' said he , ' it is a coin from my own country ; a good , true , shilling from home . Some one has bored a hole through it , and people have no doubt called it false .

  7. 当晚上钱袋被取出放在一旁的时候,银毫子留在裤兜里了。他在裤兜里躺着,和衣服一起被送到了走廊里;他一下子掉到了地上;

    In his eagerness , he came so near the edge of the purse that he slipped out into the pocket of the trousers ; and when , in the evening , the purse was taken out , the shilling was left behind in the corner to which it had fallen .

  8. 我在银毫子上打一个洞,在洞上穿一根线,戴在邻居小孩的脖子上,当一枚吉祥币。於是她给我打了一个洞。

    Yes , I will make a hole in the shilling , ' said she , ' and run a string through it , and then give it to my neighbor 's little one to hang round her neck , as a lucky shilling . ' So she drilled a hole through me . '

  9. 欢乐一下子流遍了我的全身,我被人称作是货真价实的银毫子,要被人带回家去。那里人人都认得我,知道我是上等银子铸成的,有着真实的铸印。

    Joy thrilled through me when I heard this . I had been once more called a good , honest shilling , and I was to go back to my own home , where each and all would recognize me , and know that I was made of good silver , and bore a true , genuine stamp .