
  1. 网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  2. 毒霸三分天下&2001年杀毒软件产品广告投放简析网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    The three main servers in Chinese anti virus software market Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  3. 目前的主要技术包括群集技术、防火墙技术、入侵检测技术、网络防毒技术、数据备份技术、UPS和异地容灾等。

    By now the main technologies include clustering , firewall , intrusion detection , network anti-virus , data backup , UPS , and disaster tolerance in different area .

  4. 对于信息安全技术,如防火墙、入侵检测、网络防毒、数据备份、网管软件、日志审计、企业CA构建和身份认证等重要技术,灵活运用。

    Handle some important technology flexibly , for example , firewall technology , intrusion detection technology , anti-virus based on network technology , putting data on records , network management software , log audit , CA building and identify-attesting technology and so on .

  5. 一种基于云安全的军队信息网络防毒系统

    Army Info Network Antivirus System Based on Cloud Security

  6. 本文重点阐述了针对计算机网络系统安全应采取的4项技术措施:网络安全技术、网络防毒系统、网络安全管理制度、网络防雷系统;

    The paper expatiates on four technical measures for computer network system safety , which are network technique , prevent virus system , managerial system and lightningproof system .