
  • 网络Mesh cage;cylinder mold
  1. 方法对28例颈椎疾患患者采用前路开槽式减压、钛质网笼植骨加AO纯钛带锁钢板固定,并对其疗效进行评价。

    Methods 28 cases of cervical spine disorders were performed by anterior decompression , titanium cage grafting and locking plate fixation .

  2. 钛网笼、钢板在颈椎椎体次全切除和椎体融合术中的应用

    Anterior cervical vertebrectomy and fusion with titanium cages and anterior plate

  3. 在该条件下两性网笼树脂具有良好的机械性能。

    The net-cage resin prepared under these condition exhibited good mechanical capability .

  4. 钛质网笼植骨及带锁钢板在颈椎前路手术中的应用

    Titanium cage and locking plate used in anterior approach of the cervical spine

  5. 衣康酸酯交联的两性网笼树脂的合成与性能

    Synthesis and Properties of Itaconic Ester Linked Net-cage Resin

  6. 大网笼机械化抢险技术现场试验

    Field tests on mechanized emergency technique by use of large netting cages for flood control

  7. “红色”的产品必须要锁在房间里或铁丝网笼里。

    " Reds " have to be in a locked room or in a locked cage .

  8. 用网笼法测定了炭黑在共混体系两相中的比例;

    The proportions of carbon black in two phases of blends were determined by net-cage extraction ;

  9. 没多久,当地商人就带著装牲口的钢丝网笼到了地方竞争委员会投诉去了。

    Local traders soon marched their wire-mesh cages filled with livestock to the local competition commission to complain .

  10. 海洋贝类养殖网笼污损生物类群的研究海洋贝类几种危害性纤毛虫的研究

    Study on Species Composition of Fouling Organisms on Mariculture Cages Study on some pathogenetic ciliates from the mantle cavity of marine molluscs

  11. 一种对网笼水下自动清洗的装置,涉及农业、海上浮筏网笼养殖。

    An automatic cleaning device under water for net cages relates to the net cage cultivation of an agriculture and offshore flotation jacket .

  12. 前者每天进行水迷宫、转棒和滚笼训练,后者置于筒状网笼内限制活动。

    The rehabilitation group were given water maze training , rotating bar and rolling cage exercises everyday while the immobilization group were fixed in cages .

  13. 长长的吧台设在一块形状狭长、用网笼箍好的灰色石板上。

    There 's a long , long bar that rests atop a long , long rectangle of pale stones held together by a mesh cage .

  14. 目的评价应用钛网笼、钢板在椎体次全切除和椎体融合术中治疗颈椎病的疗效及放射学检查结果。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of using titanium cage and internal fixation with anterior titanium plate in cervical vertebrectomy and fusion in treatment of cervical spondylosis .

  15. 框架几何形状可严格保证,可使成型后的养殖网笼能垂直置于养殖水体中。

    The geometric shape of the frame can be strictly guaranteed to lead the cultivation mesh cage which is shaped to be vertically arranged in cultivation water .

  16. 因此,本实用新型除特别适于用作水产养殖网笼框架外,还可广泛用作捕捞和晾晒网笼框架。

    So the utility model is suitable for serving as the mesh cage frame for aquaculture cultivation , and can also be widely used as the mesh cage frame for catching and airing .

  17. 重镀锌铁丝网石笼技术在漓江护岸的应用

    Application of the thickly galvanized stonemesh technique for the Lijiang bank revetment

  18. 金属网屏蔽笼屏蔽效能的计算模型及方法

    Computing model and method for shielding effectiveness of shielding cage in impulse magnetic field

  19. 使用刺网、手抛网和虾笼等渔具,分别于丰水期和枯水期对中山人工鱼礁区进行渔获物调查。

    Gill net , cast net , and shrimp pot have been used to survey the catch in the artificial reef area of Zhongshan city in high flow period and in dry season separately .

  20. 有研究表明钛网或钛笼移位率为17%,在上位椎体下沉率为42%,下位椎体下沉率为50%,其推广应用目前尚有争议。

    There are some studies reported that the dislocation rate of titanium mesh or cage was about 17 percents and the subsidence rate in upper and caudal vertebrae were 42 percents and 50 percents respectively .

  21. 可用于边坡加固的层状网式钢筋石笼挡墙技术

    Stratified net-mesh reinforced stone - gabion retaining walll for slope reinforcement

  22. 昆山钞票纸厂为了适应产品生产的多元化和生产出更多高质量的产品,对圆网纸机的网槽和网笼部提出加设“假网槽”的设想。

    " Artificial Master Vat " is put forward between master vat and cylinder mould in cylinder mould paper machine of KSBPM in order to be adapt to varied production and produce more qualified paper .

  23. 采用方锥多管进浆,压力网槽不锈钢片式网笼。

    Using multiple side cone into a pulp and stainless steel pressure trough net-net-cage .