
  • 网络antenna reflector
  1. 本文把非线形有限元分析与智能材料和H∞混合灵敏度控制方法相结合,建立了更切合实际的空间大型网状天线反射面在轨振动控制的模型。

    This paper combines the nonlinear finite element method analysis with the smart structure and the H ~ . Mixed-Sensitivity control method . Build the more actual model of the large mesh shape antenna reflector 's online control .

  2. 碳纤维复合材料天线反射面研制

    Development of Antenna Reflector Based on Carbon Fibre Composites

  3. 本文在全面综合现有国内外研究成果的基础上,首次系统深入地研究了大型空间天线反射面在轨H∞鲁棒控制系统的作动器/传感器配置和反馈增益一体化优化设计问题。

    Based on the completely synthesizing the available research results , the optimization of actuators / sensors placement and feedback gains of the H ~ . control system at orbit for Large Space Mesh Antenna Reflector is dealed with deeply and systemically for the first time .

  4. 天线反射面精度风振动力可靠性分析

    Dynamic Reliability Analysis of Accuracy of Antenna Reflector under Wind Vibration

  5. 空间探索对大型星载天线反射面等大型轻型空间结构的需求日益强烈。

    Space exploration has heightened the need for large space antenna reflectors .

  6. 天线反射面精度和结构体系的可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of reflector accuracy and structural system of antenna

  7. 六米射电望远天线反射面偏差测量

    Measurement of reflector surface deviations in the antenna of 6-meter radio telescope

  8. 而振动是引起天线反射面精度下降的一个及其重要的原因。

    The important factor lead to the low precision is the vibration .

  9. 自由边框条件下抛物面天线反射面受载时的变形分析

    Deformation analysis for reflector with liberty border of paraboloid antenna

  10. 微波段天线反射面冲压成形仿真

    The Forming Simulation of the Parabolic Reflector Antenna Surface

  11. 计算天线反射面变形的均方根值;

    To calculate deformation square root of antenna reflector ;

  12. 柔性天线反射面调整技术

    The technique used to adjust flexible antenna reflector

  13. 天线反射面风压分布的测量

    Wind Pressure Measurement on Antenna Reflecting Surface

  14. 任意空间位置雷达天线反射面拟合与评定技术

    Techniques of Reflector Surface Fitting and Evaluation of Radar Antenna Located at Arbitrary Position in Space

  15. 本文研究了风振下天线反射面精度的动力可靠性问题。

    In this paper , the dynamic reliability of antenna reflector accuracy under wind vibration is studied .

  16. 网状天线反射面形状精度控制智能结构作动器的位置优化

    Study on the optimal placements of the actuator in the shape precision control intelligent structures of the mesh shape antenna reflector

  17. 本文针对上述天线反射面精度调整问题进行了理论研究。

    In this paper , the issues about precision adjustment of reflector antennas mentioned above are studied theoretically and innovated technically .

  18. 天线反射面与理论抛物面形状的偏差程度是影响抛物面天线效率的重要因素之一。

    One of the important factors affecting the efficiency of parabolic reflector antennas is the degree to which the surface of the reflector deviates from the true parabolic shape .

  19. 利用光学测量手段对大口径天线反射面进行形貌测量,可实现快速无接触测量,能够实时、准实时地给出高精度测量结果。

    Using the optical technique to measure the shape of large-diameter deployable antenna can achieve the non-contact measurement fleetly and can present the real-time and quasi-real-time measurement result with high precision .

  20. 着重研究了天线反射面多孔毁伤后辐射方向图特性受毁伤孔数、孔径及其位置的影响。

    The concentration is made on the radiation pattern characteristics of the antenna after its reflector is damaged with multiple holes , including the influences on those characteristics by the hole number , sizes and positions .

  21. 为测定空间一任意放置的抛物面形状的天线反射面及其形变量,提出了基于天线表面离散点坐标进行抛物面拟合及其误差评定的方法。

    In order to derive the equations of paraboloid surface and its distortion in space , in this paper we put forward a method of paraboloid surface fitting and error estimation by using coordinates of points spreaded around it .

  22. 在理论上,对Vlasov天线和反射面式COBRA天线进行了一系列研究。

    Theoretically , a series of aspects about the Vlasov antenna and COBRA are studied in detail .

  23. 网状天线的反射面形状精度调整

    Shape accuracy adjustment of a flexible mesh antenna reflector

  24. 碳纤维复合材料卫星天线反射面型面精度稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of CFRP Reflecting Surface in Satellite Antenna

  25. 可展开天线的反射面是通过在可展开背架结构上铺覆金属丝网格薄膜形成的,所以存在一个形面偏差。

    There exists a shape-surface deviation in reflective surface of deployable antenna because it is formed by covering metal-wire-net film on deployable structure .

  26. 面天线变形反射面表达式的确立是计算其电性能的重要基础,提出的拟合方法就是用来精确确定变形反射面的数学方程的。

    Establishment of the equation of the distorted reflector antenna surface is important for calculating antenna performances . A new surface fitting method is proposed which is based on least square method to derive the math expression of distorted parabolic reflector accurately .

  27. 索网式可展开天线结构的反射面精度优化调整技术研究

    On Optimal Adjusting Technology for Reflector Precision of the Cable-net Deployable Antenna Structures

  28. 双反射面天线结构副反射面形状优化设计

    Shape Optimization of Subreflector for the Dual-Reflector Antennas

  29. 大口径改型卡氏天线栅状反射面成型工艺研究

    Study of large palisade reflecting antenna surface

  30. 溅散板馈源天线属于双反射面后馈的方式实现的抛物面天线,主要应用于卫星通信,微波中继通信等领域。

    Splash plate antenna is a kind of dual reflector parabolic antenna , which is mainly used in satellite communications , microwave relay communications and other fields .