
  1. 如果必要的话提前一天试走一遍。

    Make a practice run the day before if necessary .

  2. 花三天试一下上面的方法。

    Try the above method for three days .

  3. 天试着回忆你从书中看到的三个细节。

    The next day , try to recall three facts you learned from the reading .

  4. 你们这几天试着突围,有什么结果呢?

    During the last few days you have tried to break through , but what came of it ?

  5. 我们把装甲车停在了栅栏旁,打算第二天试着开动它。

    When we finally got there , we dropped it off near our fence , to attempt to start it the next morning .

  6. 在最近一次股市大跌的几小时内,我打电话给我的福特汽车商,订购了我前一天试开过的旅行车。

    I Within hours of a recent major stock market drop , I telephoned my Ford dealer and ordered the station wagon that I test-drove the day before .

  7. 如果有时间,您应当至少在计划广播的前两天试运行,以便有时间处理问题。

    If you have time , you should do the dry run at least two days before the scheduled broadcast so that you 'll have time to fix any problems .

  8. 如果我迷失了一天,试着去找我。

    If I am lost for a day ; try and find me .

  9. 如果有一天你试着找我,说不定有一天会找到我的。

    And if you try and look for me , maybe you 'll find me someday .

  10. 人工模拟小区试验在第10天供试虫全部死亡。

    While in a simulated plot test 100 % mortality was obtained on 10 days after treatment .

  11. 第二天受试者可以起立并四处走动,但不能做任何激烈的运动,适度运动也不可以。

    The next day the subjects were allowed to get up and move around , but without doing any strenuous or even moderate exercise .

  12. 第40~47天受试山羊出现以中枢神经系统机能紊乱为特征的中毒症状,表现为精神沉郁,摇头,目光呆滞,反应迟钝,步态蹒珊。

    The goats appeared toxic signs characterized by CNS disorders : depression , shaking head , staring eyes , dull , ataxia on the day 40-47 of the experiment ;

  13. 第五天受试者疼痛消失、溃疡愈合情况比较:试验组疼痛消失率40%,溃疡愈合率13.3%;对照组疼痛消失率6.7%,溃疡愈合率为0。

    The fifth day subjects pain disappears , and ulcer healing situation comparison : 4.75 % more pain disappears rate by 40 % , ulcer healing rate 13.3 % ; The control group pain disappears rate 6.7 % , ulcer healing rate is zero .

  14. 结果与平原时相比,急进高原后第4天受试青年基础代谢和体脂率显著增加,折返跑速度显著减慢,握力无显著变化,台阶运动后血乳酸显著降低。

    The AMS were examined symptoms of in successive 5d after rapid exposure to high altitude . Results Basal metabolism and body fat rate were increased significantly , reentry running speed and serum lactic acid post-exercise were decreased significantly compared with those of recruits in plain .

  15. 在实验的第一天,受试者可以精确地定位距离相差为8cm的电极。

    During the first testing day subjects could accurately determine a position difference of 8 cm .

  16. 在同一天她又试了一些别的时髦玩意儿。

    It made her try for other effects that selfsame day .

  17. 有一天,他试著瞄准千鸟,却没射中。

    One day , he tried to shoot plovers , but missed .

  18. 有天晚上我试了下,但他最后起来梦游!

    Stevie : I tried that one night , but he just ended up sleepwalking !

  19. 有天晚上我试着跟他聊,你知道他说什么吗

    I tried to talk to him the other night . Do you know what he said ?

  20. 他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。

    For one or two days he sat down with me , and I tried to teach him .

  21. 注射四氧嘧啶后的2~3天,受试组血清总蛋白量呈下降趋势;

    The measure of the total serum protein of the experimented group presented declining tendency during 2-3 days after the injection .

  22. 形成一个不变的时间表的另一个方法就是在四天之内每天试着提前一刻钟就寝。

    Another approach to getting into a consistent schedule is to try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for four nights .

  23. 其中第1、6、11天,受试者在人工热室内进行标准试验,其余日穿着军用雨衣在户外锻炼。

    On the 1st , 6th , 11th day of training , the subjects were forced to implement standard test in a hot climatic chamber .

  24. 在第一天,受试者在10小时禁食期后到一个实验室报到,完成一个健康现状报告,并且吃一个高或低亚硝酸盐早餐。

    On day one , subjects reported to a laboratory after a10-hour fast , completed a health status report , and had either a high-or low-nitrate breakfast .

  25. 研究的第一天测量受试者的血压、心率,并做心电图评估其心脏功能。

    On the first day of the study , they measured each volunteer 's blood pressure and heart rate and also took an electrocardiogram ( ECG ) to assess heart function .

  26. 以花椰菜厦雪100天品种为试材,采用通用旋转组合设计,通过田间试验,对氮、磷、钾肥用量与花椰菜产量间的关系进行研究,建立了花椰菜产量函数模型;

    The effects of nitrogen , phosphoric and potassium fertilizer on yield of cauliflower were studied with the design of general rotary combination regression . According to the data obtained , mathematic model was established .

  27. 试验前对猪舍进行消毒,群饲,自由采食及饮水,预试期7天,正试期30天。

    The houses for pigs were undertook disinfection before the experiment . The test groups were fed by herd with the free feeding and drinking , pre-trial period of 7 days , a formal period of 30 days .

  28. 以后几天,他试着学其他海鸥的样儿;他作了认真的尝试,与鸥群一道围绕着码头和渔船嘎嘎叫着争食吃,扎到海里抢点儿面包片和烂鱼。

    For the next few days he tried to behave like the other gulls ; he really tried , screeching and fighting with the flock around the piers and fishing boats , diving on scraps of fish and bread .

  29. 他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。但没错,他确实对这项工作不感兴趣,也不打算去领会。

    For one or two days he sat down with me , and I tried to teach him . But it was true , he was not interested in the work , and he did not try to understand it .

  30. 第27天,I组试片表面无细胞生长,而*组表面为完整融合的单层EC,部分EC拉长成梭形。

    On the 27th day , SEM showed that no cells grew in Group I , however in Group II there was an intact confluent monolayer of ECs , some of the ECs were spindle-shaped ;