
gōng yǒu
  • public;publicly-owned;public-owned;state-owned;collective
公有 [gōng yǒu]
  • [public-owned;collective;state-owned] 属于两人以上所共有或公家所有

公有[gōng yǒu]
  1. 公有优秀历史建筑转让、出租的收益;

    Proceeds from transfer and lease of publicly-owned excellent historical buildings ;

  2. 我国社会主义土地的公有性及其管理

    Publicly-owned and Administration of Socialist Land of Our Country Q & A on Sex

  3. 大部分大型企业在战争初期都转为了公有。

    Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war

  4. 他强迫该国对农业实行公有化。

    He forced the country to collectivize agriculture .

  5. 遗憾的是,他又玩起了老一套的数字游戏,吹嘘说目前属于公有部门的国营企业已不到300家。

    Regrettably , he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector .

  6. 职工购买的自有住房包括商品住房、经济适用住房、私产住房、集资建造住房、危改还迁住房、公有现住房

    The self-owned housing purchased by the employee includes commercial housing , economically affordable , and public-owned completed housing .

  7. 第二条中华人民共和国实行土地的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。

    Article 2 The People 's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives , of land .

  8. 在前面的几节中,您了解了Spring如何创建公有bean和私有bean。

    In the previous sections , you learned how Spring creates public beans and private beans .

  9. 当然,用公有IP地址设置代理服务器并保证有大量可用带宽是明智的。

    Of course it is advisable to set up a proxy server with a public IP address and a lot of available bandwidth .

  10. 在类中,针对Web服务中的各操作的过程(函数、子元素或方法)定义:这些过程必须是公有的。

    Within the class , a procedure ( function , sub , or method ) definition for each operation in the Web service : these procedures must be public .

  11. MBO在公有体制改革中的可操作性分析

    Operability - Study of MBO in Public Ownership Restructuring

  12. 如果在编写代码的过程中更改了任何公有接口的项目,则会生成一个新的WSDL。

    If , in your coding , you change anything that affects the public interface , a new WSDL is generated .

  13. 并且环境会计不能完全融入企业的管理活动中。MBO在公有体制改革中的可操作性分析

    On the operability of enterprise accounting , environmental accountant does not perfect yet . Operability - Study of MBO in Public Ownership Restructuring

  14. 非公有资本以BOT、受让收费权等方式直接进入公路建设领域对于促进我国公路交通持续快速发展有着重要意义。

    The non-publicly-owned capital takes part in the construction of the road through BOT or TOT , which can promote the highway traffic sustainable and rapid development .

  15. 新一轮美国公有土地的土地利用规划(RMP)编制要点综述

    Overview of new public land resources management plans development points in the United States

  16. 还有一些为webservice的ActionScript类自动生成的公有方法,比如“send”、“addResponder”和“addFaulter”。

    There are public methods generated for the web service ActionScript class , such as " send "," addResponder " and " addFaulter " .

  17. 研究目的:胰岛素抵抗(IR,InsulinResistance)是多种内分泌代谢异常相关疾病如:糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化以及心血管疾病的公有病理生理基础,亦共同危险因素。

    Purpose : Insulin resistance ( IR ) is the basic of the common pathological physiology , namely common risk factors , and it is related to many endocrine metabolic abnormalities , such as : diabetes , atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease .

  18. 使用标准的FlexAMF3序列化(BlazeDS或LCDS),只有非临时、非静态的公有属性才能被序列化。

    With standard Flex AMF3 serialization ( BlazeDS or LCDS ), only non transient , non static public properties may be serialized .

  19. 一个设计良好的CherryPy类可能只有少数几个公有的方法暴露给Web客户机,但是它很可能有许多不允许客户机直接访问的内部方法。

    A well-designed CherryPy class will probably have only a few public methods exposed to Web clients , but it may have many internal methods a client shouldn 't be allowed to access directly .

  20. 为Singleton模式创建两个方法:构造函数是私有的,且有一个公有的方法,称为getInstance()。

    Create two methods for the Singleton Pattern : The constructor is private , and there is one public method called getInstance () .

  21. 由于NGN网络的承载网是IP网,在NGN网络的部署过程中,由于公有IP地址的缺少,经常会遇到网络中NAT的使用;

    Because the bearer layer of NGN is IP network , with NGN deployment we will meet the private network based on NAT due to public IP address resource shortage , and also will face Firewall for the large corporation IP network security .

  22. 维多利亚州是澳大利亚重要的林业省份之一,在其2000多万hm2白土地上,公有土地为910万hm2,森林覆盖率高达80%。

    Abstract Victoria is one of the important forestry regions in Australia . The total area of Victoria State is over 20 million hm2 , in which public land is 9.1 million hm2 . The forest cover rate is as high as 80 % .

  23. 为了实现双向认证性、正确性和隐私性,πOTP协议设有一个公有密钥,由安全的通用哈希函数产生,同时保持在标签和后端数据库中,每次成功认证后进行更新。

    In order to realize mutual authentication , usability and privacy , there are one public key in the π OTP protocol that maintained both in the tag and the back end database that is updated by universal hash function after each successful authentication .

  24. 资本集中、财产公有是社会主义经济制度的核心;

    The socialism economic core was capital concentration and public ownership ;

  25. 改革税制;略论间接公有制

    The tax system should be reformed . On indirect public ownership

  26. 关于公有财产代管人制度的设计过程

    Designing Process of the Public Property Managing Agent System : Humans

  27. 中国证券市场的发展和壮大具有重要的意义,它巩固和增强了公有制经济的主体地位;

    It has consolidated the dominant role of public ownership economy ;

  28. 初级阶段理论是全面认识公有制经济的根本依据

    Primary Stage Theory - Essential Foundation of Understanding Public Ownership Economy

  29. 论劳动者资本联合的公有性质

    On the quality of public ownership of labourers ' capital union

  30. 新公有制企业性质的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Nature of New Public-owner Enterprise