
  1. 这则曝料引发舆论哗然。当时是1986年,史派西被指在派对中“压在14岁的拉普身上”。拉普说:“他把我公主抱起来,就像新郎把新娘抱过家门。我意识到他想对我实施性骚扰。”

    Spacey is accused of ' laying down on top ' of Mr Rapp at a 1986 party when the Star Trek actor was 14 and said : ' He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold .

  2. 欧洲之行尾段,安公主突然抱恙。迄今没有进一步的消息。

    There is no further word from the bedside of Princess Ann . who was taken ill yesterday on the last leg of her European tour .

  3. 公主把它抱起来放在她的枕头上。

    She lifts him up and puts him on her pillow .

  4. 从照片上可以看出,夏洛特公主已经会走路。其中一张照片上,夏洛特公主推着一辆玩具车,车里有彩色积木,另一张照片中,夏洛特公主抱着泰迪熊开心大笑。

    They revealed the little girl was already walking , as she leaned on a toy trolley full of colourful bricks on one shot , beaming with delight at her toy teddy in another .