
  • 网络RSA;PKI;Public Key Cryptology
  1. 基于Waters的ID加密的高效选择密文安全公钥密码体制

    Efficient Chosen Ciphertext Secure Public Key Cryptosystem from the ID-Based Encryption of Waters

  2. 提出了一个基于环Zn上的圆锥曲线公钥密码体系的数字签名方案。

    A digital signature scheme was designed on the public-key cryptography of conic curve over Z_n .

  3. RSA公钥密码算法中大素数的生成及素性检测

    Production and Test of a Big Prime in RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem

  4. 公钥密码体制RSA算法的实现与应用

    Implementation and Application of RSA Algorithm Based on Public-Key Cryptographic System

  5. RSA公钥密码系统就是基于这种因数分解特性的。

    RSA public-key cryptography is based on this property of factorization .

  6. 这种体制是一类MC公钥密码体制的改进。

    The obtained cryptosystem modifies the class of MC public key cryptosystems .

  7. 安全电子交易(SET)作为电子商务的国际安全标准,通过制定标准和采用公钥密码体制和X。

    As international safety standard of E-commerce , SET ( Secure Electronic Transaction ) embodies the security demand of each side in trading to transmit commercial information on internet .

  8. 低功耗RFID的公钥密码系统实现

    Low-Power Public Key Cryptosystem Implementation for RFID

  9. RSA公钥密码技术的算法及其应用

    The Algorithm and Application of RSA Public - Key Cryptography

  10. RSA公钥密码系统算法结构及其安全性

    Algorithm Structure and Security of RSA Public Key Cipher System

  11. 针对传统RSA公钥密码体制在安全性及加解密效率上存在的这些缺陷,提出了一种改进的RSA公钥密码体制。

    An improved RSA public-key cryptosystem is presented for solving these problems .

  12. 简述RSA公钥密码体制与设计实现

    A Brief Description of RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem and Its Design

  13. 一种基于RSA公钥密码体制大素数的生成方法

    A generation method of large primes based on RSA

  14. RSA密码体制是目前比较成熟的公钥密码体制。

    The RSA cryptography is a quite mature public-key cryptography system at present .

  15. 一种加载随机预言模型的RSA公钥密码体制

    A RSA Public-key Cryptosystem Loading Random Oracle Model

  16. RSA公钥密码算法的计时攻击与防御

    Timing Attacks and Defenses on RSA Public-key Algorithms

  17. 比较了ECC与经典公钥密码体系间的优劣;

    The ECC and classical public key cryptogram system are compared .

  18. 椭圆曲线密码体制(EllipticCurveCryptography-ECC)是建立在椭圆曲线密码理论基础上的先进公钥密码体制。

    ECC ( Elliptic Curve Cryptography ) is an advanced public-key cryptosystem which is based on the theory of elliptic curve cryptosystem .

  19. 介绍三种常用的公钥密码体制RSA、DSA和ECC。

    Introduce three widely used public key cryptosystem : RSA , DSA and ECC .

  20. RSA算法是目前应用最广泛的一种公钥密码算法。

    As one of the public key algorithm , RSA algorithm is applied most widely .

  21. 基于量子CSS纠错码的量子公钥密码和消息认证

    A Quantum Public-Key Cryptosystem and Message Authentication Scheme Based on Quantum CSS Error Correcting Codes

  22. 基于公钥密码体制和Internet网络特性,提出了一种结合域名系统DNS的、分层的Internet网络公钥管理系统的设计方案,并分析了这种方案的特点和安全性。

    This paper presents a DNS-like hierarchical public key management system based on public-key cryptosystems and Internet environments , and a security analysis is introduced .

  23. RSA公钥密码体制中的模乘算法

    The Modular Multiplication Algorithm in RSA

  24. 于是一般的运算平台尤其是小型的无线设备如网络接入点(Accesspoint)就需要较长的运算时间来实现基于公钥密码的安全认证过程。

    As a result , the general platforms take a long operating time to realize the authentication process based on public key algorithm especially small wireless devices such as network Access Point .

  25. 公钥密码RSA体系的密钥变换群对码字的变换规律

    The Transformation Law of Cryptical Key Transformation Group Act on the Code of RSA Public Key Cryptosystem

  26. 一种改进的RSA公钥密码体制

    An improved RSA public-key cryptosystem

  27. 对已有的盲签名方案及其安全性进行分析、总结,并构造了一个基于RSA公钥密码体制的不可跟踪盲签名。

    Furthermore , we propose a new untraceable blind signature scheme based on RSA public key cryptosystem .

  28. RSA公钥密码的信息论分析

    Information Theoretic Analysis of RSA

  29. RSA公钥密码体制的实现研究

    Implementing Research of RSA Cryptosystem

  30. 基于公钥密码体制设计的RFID安全机制可以很好地解决多种安全问题。

    The Public Key Cryptosystem based design ," The RFID Security Mechanism ", gives a good method for many future threats .