
  • doll;Toys
  1. 公仔取名“SUNDAY”,希望带给人们更多自由的生活空间。

    Doll named " SUNDAY ", hoping to bring people more freedom of living space .

  2. MSN心情磁铁与迪斯尼公仔大战于台湾超市

    MSN mood magnet and Disney doll will compete in Taiwan supermarket

  3. 我有ESL播客公仔的全部收藏。

    I have the entire collection of ESL Podcast action figures .

  4. 所以当我成了脆弱TED,像个玩具公仔,比如忍者芭比,只不过我叫脆弱TED。

    So when I became Vulnerability TED , like an action figure -- Like Ninja Barbie , but I 'm Vulnerability TED

  5. 选用体重相近(10kg±标准差值)的杜洛克×长白×大约克夏三元杂交断奶公仔猪96头,按体重相近的原则随机分为4个处理,每处理设4个重复,每重复6头猪。

    96 piglets ( weight of 10 kilogram ± STDEVP ) were allocated into 4 treatments , 4 replicates per treatment , 6 piglets per replicate .

  6. 多年来,HelloKitty的授权产品涉及公仔、服装、饭盒、文具、厨具,还进入了纽约感恩节盛大游行,甚至台湾长荣航空的一辆空客上也有HelloKitty。

    In Japan and around the world , Hello Kitty has been licensed over the years for products that include dolls , clothes , lunch boxes , stationery , kitchenware , a Macy 's parade balloon and even an Airbus owned by Taiwanese airline EVA Airways .

  7. 试验共选取1日龄初生公仔猪9头,随机分成3组,分2次分别口服8ml生理盐水、8ml长链脂肪和8ml中链脂肪,两次口服的时间间隔为12小时。

    A total of 9 day-old neonatal piglets were allotted to three treatment groups and force-fed 8 ml of MCT , saline or LCT twice at Oh and 12h ( the time of the first dosing was marked , so were the followings ), respectively .

  8. 石湾瓦脊公仔的技艺特色及其发展

    Artistic features and evolution of pottery figurines on ridge tiles in Shiwan

  9. 您知道左手面的公仔代表什麽吗?

    Do you know what 's meaning of left hand side pattern ?

  10. 我送了她一只咸蛋超人公仔给她。

    I give her a egg super man doll .

  11. 通用黄铜觉得自己已经落在了全球品牌的玩具公仔王后。

    Universal brass feels it has landed the queen of globally branded toy figures .

  12. 适用于包装糖果、蜜饯、巧克力豆、花生、小公仔等三角形包装。

    Suitable to Packing in triangle bag type for candy , chocolate bean , peanut , etc.

  13. 除了他的最爱,憨态可掬的情侣公仔熊一定可以让他开怀一笑。

    In addition to his favorite , charmingly naive couple doll bears will be able to let him laughed .

  14. 玩偶、绒毛狗、泰迪熊或者《冰雪奇缘》中的人物公仔

    A cuddly toy , such as a fluffy puppy , teddy bear or even something from a movie like Frozen

  15. 你会因为和他坐在嘈杂的闹街吃一碗公仔面而快乐无比;

    You will because and he sat in the noise of noisy street fair young face and eat a bowl of happiness ;

  16. 事后他们还充当起「小白鲸亲善大使」,拿著小白鲸的娃娃公仔拍照。

    After that , they had fun playing with the baluga plush dolls while our photographer took pictures of them and the baluga .

  17. 我们要指出的是,在吃饭时发短信是不礼貌的,即使和你约会的只是个毛绒公仔。

    We 'd just like to point out that texting at dinner is rude , even when your date is a stuffed animal .

  18. (当然,这些公仔可能不是最棒的唠嗑伙伴,但是同你上一个伙伴相比,公仔们肯定是个更好的听众。)

    ( Sure , the stuffies might not be the greatest conversationalists , but they have to be better listeners than your last date . )

  19. 在一份更为详细的商标使用清单中,林的申请范围更是从公仔,饮料杯套,到背包图案通通囊括其中,无所不包。

    In a detailed listing of goods , the filing seeks to protect its use on everything from action figures to beverage sleeves and backpacks .

  20. 我把这种精神化作一个充满智慧、有想法、热爱传统文化、追逐时尚潮流、彰显中国独特趣味的公仔。

    I turned into a spirit of wisdom , there are ideas , love of traditional culture , fashion trends , highlighting the unique taste of Chinese doll .

  21. 他相信小民公仔之所以会有如此高昂的价位,是因为来自台湾台南的小民对海外球迷的吸引力。

    Taylor said he believes the Wang bobbleheads are garnering such high prices because of the " international appeal " of wang , a native of tainan , taiwan .

  22. 主要生产产品容量有硅胶公仔U盘,陶瓷U盘,水晶外壳U盘,不锈钢外壳U盘,商务U盘等。

    The main products are silicone doll U disk capacity , ceramic U disk , U disk crystal shell , stainless steel U-disk , U disk and other business .

  23. 且厂家直销塑胶产品,生产销售的产品有:树脂公仔,婚庆公仔,情侣公仔,中高档家居摆设;

    Direct marketing and manufacturers of plastic products , the production and sale of products : resin figurines , wedding dolls , doll lovers , the middle-grade home decorations ;

  24. 上传照片.请上传至少一张从正面拍摄的照片.如果能够提供侧面照片,将会提高公仔相似度。

    Submit your photograph . You need to submit at least one photograph with the front view of face . Other photos will help our designer create a more accurate figurine .

  25. 近期在广州举办的第八届性文化节上展出的一个公仔身穿深蓝色西装,系着红色领带,奥巴马的脸被精心网版印刷到这个公仔头部。

    A doll wearing a dark blue suit and red tie , and with Obama 's face carefully screen-printed onto its head , was exhibited at the recent8th Sex Culture Festival in Guangzhou .

  26. 花样少男少女“花样少男少女”的织带袜子熊,真的是可爱到不行,这是很佩服那些制作公仔的设计师们!

    Mood boys and girls " In the Mood boys and girls ," the ribbon socks bears are really cute to No , this is very much admired the designers who make toys !