
  • 网络civic literacy;citizenship;Citizenship and Civility
  1. 这一切都为雅典公民素养的形成提供了必要的历史条件。

    All of this provided the necessary historical conditions for civic literacy in Athens .

  2. 通过比较发达国家已成体系的公民素养教育实践,梳理并揭示出他们之间的共性所在,为本文进一步研究提供借鉴的模板和学习的经验。

    By comparing the developed countries which has a system of civic literacy education practice , carding and revealing the commonness between them , serve a reference for further research in this paper .

  3. 为我国高校在大学生公民素养教育方面提供切实可行的意见和建议。

    For our universities to citizen accomplishment education college students provide practical advice and Suggestions .

  4. 历史学科在培养公民素养的知识、技能以及觉悟上有着独特的作用;

    Main points : ( 1 ) History has its special effect in educating citizen 's knowledge , skill and conscious .

  5. 随着社会信息化的发展,信息素养日益成为信息社会公民素养不可或缺的组成部分。

    Information literacy is becoming an indispensable portion of the citizen 's literacy in information society with the development of social informatization day by day .

  6. 每当人们谈论美德和优秀公民素养时,我们就会想起这位古代希腊哲学家,因为他最关注的就是当无人注意时人们缺少该如何言行的概念。

    The memory of this ancient Greek philosopher is invoked whenever people talk about virtue and good citizenship , for it is to him primarily that we owe our notions of how we should behave when no one is watching .

  7. 新一代公民数学素养的研究

    Research on Mathematical Accomplishment of the Coming Generation of Citizens

  8. 公民科学素养是国家发展的基础。

    Citizen 's scientific quality is the basis of country 's development .

  9. 公民科学素养一直以来就与这个国家的综合国力息息相关。

    Citizens ' scientific literacy has been linked to the comprehensive national strength .

  10. 公民科学素养测试及其困难

    The Measurement of Citizen Scientific Literacy and its Problems

  11. 公民数学素养的提高无论对于社会发展还是其个人发展都具有重要意义。

    The improvement of citizens'mathematical quality has significant meanings in both social and individual development .

  12. 美国米勒公民科学素养测评指标体系的形成与演变

    On the Formation and Evolution of J.D. Miller 's Measurement Indicators of Civic Scientific Literacy

  13. 随着可持续发展战略的深入,国家对公民环境素养的培养逐渐重视,工科大学生作为大学生群体中的一份子,也担负着推动经济与环境和谐发展的重任。

    With the deepening of sustainable development strategy , The state environmental literacy training for citizens take seriously gradually .

  14. 目前,我国推行公民媒介素养教育,有待政府、教育界与学术界共同的努力。

    Presently , the government , the educational circles and the academic world should make joint efforts to promote medium literacy education among citizens .

  15. 新的历史条件要求我国的班级工作在扬弃传统的过程中,注重对学生进行现代公民基本素养的教育。

    The new historic conditions require due efforts in the filed of class work to emphasize the cultivation of students ' basic competence as modern citizens .

  16. 国际上通用的三维公民科学素养概念及部分测试仍然存在相当多的理论问题和操作上的难点;

    The general three dimensional concepts of civic scientific literacy and related test items from Jon Miller and OECD 's PISA are reviewed in this paper .

  17. 信息技术课程是培养公民信息素养的主战场,信息技术教学则是实现课程目标的关键。

    Information technology course is the main battlefield to train information literacy of citizens , and information technology teaching is the key to achieving course objectives .

  18. 信息技术课程的建立正是基于此种背景,作为培养公民信息素养的信息技术课,如何培养出具备良好信息素养的公民,成为当代社会对信息技术教育提出的新要求。

    Information technology course is set up based on such background . How to cultivate the information literacy of citizens is the new task of Information Technology education .

  19. 目的:了解福建省公民健康素养状况及其影响因素,为制定福建省居民健康素养促进策略和政策提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigate the health literacy status and its influencing factors of residents in Fujian , and to provide scientific basis for developing strategies of health literacy .

  20. 综合门户网站中的科技频道成为了吸引受众的重要手段和竞争制胜的有力武器,同时还是提高公民科学素养的重要平台。

    The sci-tech channel of portal is not only an important means of attracting audiences , but also a powerful weapon in competition and a way to promote public scientific literacy .

  21. 科学传播是提高我国公民科学素养的必经之路。大众媒体在科学传播的过程中扮演着举足轻重的作用。

    Science communication is the only way which must be passed of civic scientific literacy improvement of China ' s. In the process of science communication , mass media play an important role .

  22. 国家核心竞争力的提高,社会进步的实现,离不开以培养公民科学素养为核心价值诉求的科学教育。

    The improvement of the national core competitiveness and the development of society can not be separated from the science education whose core value propositions is the cultivating of the scientific literacy of citizen .

  23. 加强道德教育,提高整个民族的公民道德素养,成为推进社会主义政治文明和物质文明的重要前提和必要条件,而且文化具有继承性和发展性。

    To strengthen the moral education and to enhance the civic virtues accomplishment becomes the essential condition of the advancement of the socialist politics and the material civilization . The culture can succeed and expand .

  24. 论述了小学实验教学在小学科学课程中的重要位置,以及在培养公民科学素养过程当中的基础性地位。

    This article begins from the problems of experiment teaching in elementary schools , to discuss their important position of experiment at science course , and their basic position in the process of training science qualities .

  25. 有效保障弱势群体的权利,从短期看,可以促进社会的稳定与和谐,保证国家长治久安;从长期看,可以提高公民道德素养和社会公平指数,促进社会精神文明的建设。

    To effectively ensure the rights of the vulnerable group may promote society 's harmony , guarantee country 's long-term stability and tranquility , enhance the moral quality of the citizen and the social justice index , and advance social spiritual civilization construction .

  26. 在这种情况下,媒介素养逐渐成为公民基本文化素养的延伸,成为每个现代公民必备的基本素质之一。

    Under this circumstance , media literacy has become one of the basic abilities for citizens in modern society .

  27. 公民的媒介素养成为公民新闻能否健康发展的一个重要标准。

    Citizen media literacy has become one of the key standards that guarantee the heathy development of citizen journalism .

  28. 社会生产力和人们日益增长的学习需求是推进公民科技文化素养提高的根本动因和基础;

    Second , citizen science and technology culture accomplishment drops along with the age structure more and more obviously .

  29. 健全的体制与配套政策是调节公民科技文化素养发展的中介;

    Third , there is a big gap of public scientific and technical literacy between city and countryside citizen .

  30. 有助于提高公民的道德素养水平,促进公民追求和谐的自觉意识,为和谐社会的构建提供道德资源;

    To raising the citizens ' moral qualities and their pursuing of harmonious conscientious consciousness , to providing moral resources ;