
  • 网络New College Education
  1. 深入研究中国近代大学教育的成败得失,对于新时期大学教育的建设和发展无疑有着极其重要的参考价值和借鉴意义。

    Studying further the success and failure of modern Chinese university education is valuable to the building and development of university education in new times .

  2. 一方面,大力倡导素质教育、全面发展、创新能力和实践能力教育的新的大学教育理念。

    On other hand , we should advocate quality education and new university education concept about all round development , cultivation of innovative and practical ability .

  3. 第一章分析了新时期大学教育的背景,对研究的动机、意义、内容、方法以及其必要性作了简要介绍,主要是分析问题存在的背景和研究的意义所在。

    The chief content is as follow : The first chapter analysis the background of university education , and makes a brief statement of the study 's background , meaning , content , method , and mainly discusses the background of problems and the meaning of the study .

  4. 新世纪大学道德教育新理念研究

    Establishing New Ideas on College Ethical Education in the New Century

  5. 新形势下大学教育学院的功能

    Functional Orientation of Education Schools in the New Situation

  6. 建构走向新世纪的大学教育理念

    Conception of Higher Education for the New Century

  7. 新世纪的大学教育需要的是每一个学生都能够有创造力,有探究精神。

    Every student of new century should have creativity and exploring inspirit in college .

  8. 文化变迁中建构校园文化的再思考建构走向新世纪的大学教育理念

    Reconsideration about Establishing School Culture in Culture Change Conception of Higher Education for the New Century

  9. 开设创新实验、培养创新型人才是新时期对大学教育的迫切要求。

    It is urgent demands for college education to offer innovative experiments , train innovative talents in the new stage .

  10. 新时期的大学教育应当重视对大学生的人格培养,着力培养和造就他们健全的人格,为社会输送合格的大学生。

    University education in the new era should pay attention to the personality training of college students to take great pains to build up their healthy character so that qualified college students in the society can be cultivated .

  11. 新时期大学图书馆隐性教育的思考

    Thinking about the recessive education of college libraries in the new times

  12. 新世纪大学后继续教育课程建设的战略选择

    Strategic Choice of the Course Construction of Education-post graduation in the New Century

  13. 建立新大学:法国高等教育改革的逻辑

    Establish " New Universities ": The Logic of the Recent Higher Education Reform in France

  14. 地方综合性大学教学体系的优化&以新组建的广州大学教育资源整合与人才培养模式改革实践为例

    Optimizing the teaching system in the local university & with a special reference to the newly merged Guangzhou University

  15. 资金充裕,不断有新的大学出现,教育神话的巨大诱惑使年轻人都追求学业上的成就。

    Money was plentiful , new universities sprang up and great myths evolved to lure young people into the academic life .

  16. 教育思想与观念的改革是大学体育教育改革的先导,进入新世纪,大学体育教育必须树立素质教育、终身教育、主体教育、文化教育的理念;

    Reforming education idea is the forerunner of reformation of college ' physical education . In new century , the idea of quality education , lifelong education , main body education , culture education should be build up in college 's physical education .

  17. 后发制人,从比较优势突破新合并的多学科大学目前的对策地方综合性大学教学体系的优化以新组建的广州大学教育资源整合与人才培养模式改革实践为例

    The influence of entry to WTO on high education and development countermeasure of newly merged universities Optimizing the teaching system in the local university & with a special reference to the newly merged Guangzhou University