
  1. 采用的制冷量计算式将室内负荷与新风负荷区别开来,进一步揭示了新风负荷率对新型空调的意义。

    The new air load ratio used in this paper reveals a new advantage to this new type of air conditioner .

  2. 针对净化空调系统的节能问题,就设计中选用生产设备、新风负荷、送风动力等方面的节能措施进行了讨论,提出了相应的节能设计建议。

    Focusing on problems of energy-saving system of cleaning air conditioning , the paper discusses the choice of advance air conditioning equipment in engineering design to lower the loads of fresh air and blow dynamics and put forward relevant suggestions on the design .

  3. 夏热冬冷地区新风冷负荷计算方法的研究

    Calculation Procedure of Fresh Air Cooling Loads in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Region

  4. 新风冷负荷对空调计算冷负荷的影响

    The Influence of the Cold Load of Fresh Air on the Calculated Cold Load of Air Conditioning

  5. 夏季热湿地区新风冷负荷特点及新风湿负荷的处理

    The Character of Fresh Air Cooing Load in Summer of Hot - Humid Area and Handling of Fresh Air Moisture Load

  6. 对山西省代表城市大同市、太原市、运城市的新风冷负荷进行了具体计算,同时对空调设计计算冷负荷也进行了具体计算与分析。

    In this paper , what has been put forward above will be calculated and analyzed concretely through the comparison of three typical cities of Shanxi province which are Datong , Taiyuan and Yuncheng .

  7. 通过理论和实验分析,认为液体除湿技术能够承担热湿地区的新风湿负荷,可以用于该地区空调新风的除湿处理。

    By theoretical and experimental study , it is concluded that the liquid desiccant dehumidification technique can load the fresh air humid load , and can be used for fresh air dehumidification in hot and humid area .

  8. 通过对以上三个方案的节能分析,可归纳如下:1.工程实例显示,新风湿负荷约占系统总湿负荷的90%。

    Based on energy efficiency analysis on the three schematic designs mentioned above , some main points can be summarized as following . 1 、 The actual project has demonstrated that about 90 % of total moisture load in the system comes from fresh air .

  9. 风道式户式空调的新风量、负荷特性与节能控制

    Fresh-air-rate and Load Property and Energy Saving Control on the Air Duct Household Air Conditioning

  10. 对此本文针对当前手术室常用的两种空调系统形式:新风承担全部负荷系统和二次回风系统展开研究,通过计算与比较,分析其在中国不同地区的节能效果。

    We know that fresh air loading all of load system and secondary return air system are the two kinds of common air conditioning forms in OR .

  11. 探讨了冷却顶板空调系统对新风承担湿负荷的要求及实施方案,认为吸附除湿优于冷却除湿。

    The demands and schemes for the moisture load disposal in cooling ceiling air-conditioning systems by using fresh air were investigated , reaching the conclusion that adsorption dehumidification is better than cooling dehumidification .

  12. 夏季新风逐时冷负荷计算方法的探讨

    Calculation of per hour fresh air cooling load in summer

  13. 研究结论:(1)调节新风量降低了新风负荷;

    Research conclusion : ( 1 ) To control fresh air requirement , it could reduce fresh air cooling load .

  14. 全热交换器的节能原理在于,它可以用排出的室内空气来预处理新风,使新风的负荷降低,从而节约空气处理设备的能源消耗。

    The energy saving principle of total heat exchanger is that it use discharge air to precool or preheat fresh air which can reduce the load of fresh air and save energy .

  15. 空调排风的焓值在夏季低于室外空气焓值,在冬季高于室外空气焓值,回收排风中的能量对新风进行预处理,能有效降低新风负荷,从而降低空调系统负荷。

    Because the enthalpy of exhaust air is lower than outdoor air in summer and higher than outdoor air in the winter , we can reduce fresh air load and air-conditioning load if we can preprocess the fresh air by the waste heat in exhaust air .

  16. 在VAV空调系统中,通常需要引入足够的新风以保证良好的室内空气品质,然而引入新风是以消耗能量为代价的,大量引入新风必然带来大的新风负荷。

    In order to obtain good indoor air quality , enough outdoor air is often necessary in VAV air-conditioning system , but plenty of fresh air also bring forth massive fresh air load .