
  • 网络New Thought
  1. 实际上它是阿拉伯地方传统与西方社会主义思想相结合形成的一种新思潮。

    In fact , it is a new thought combining Arab tradition with western socialist thoughts .

  2. 摘要美国黑人女性文学与批评是当代西方文学与批评领域的新思潮。

    The comtemporary Afro-American feminism literature and criticism is a new thought in the field of contemporary western literature and criticism .

  3. 上周,英国资深媒体人皮尔斯•摩根(PiersMorgan)拥抱了一种丑陋的新思潮,他评论称自己只对金牌得主感兴趣。

    This week , Piers Morgan , a British journalist , embraced an ugly new ethos , when he commented that he was interested only in gold medal winners .

  4. 90年代,由媒体主导的反对声浪犹存,同时期也出现了被称为“RiotGrrrls”的争取女权运动的新思潮,这是自朋克运动孕育而生的。

    The nineties saw some of this media-driven backlash , as well as the appearance of a new strain of youth feminism , " Riot Grrrls , " who emerged from the punk movement .

  5. 体验经济新思潮下的体育营销

    Discussion on the Sport Marketing under the New Trend of Experience Economy

  6. 年轻人受到大量新思潮影响的时代。

    An age when youngsters are receiving maximum exposure to new ideas .

  7. 当代西方教育管理研究新思潮论析

    Analysis of New Thoughts in Contemporary Western Education Administration

  8. 新思潮深入一切,无可阻挡,孩子命名的情形,便是一例。

    The irresistible penetration of the new inspiration is there as everywhere else .

  9. 可把心思放在现今流行的新思潮上。

    Put your thoughts into some trendy new ideas .

  10. 演讲是传播新思潮的手段之一。

    The lecture is one of the approaches to disseminate new trends of thought .

  11. 积极心理学研究综述&心理学研究的一个新思潮

    A Review of the Research on Positive Psychology

  12. 受五四新思潮洗礼的女作家们对这一与自身命运休戚相关的命题进行了探索。

    Influenced by this new trend , women writers explored towards the deeply self-related proposition .

  13. 由外来催生的俄罗斯象征主义,成为俄罗斯白银世纪最早涌现的文学新思潮。

    The Russian symbolism was a new literary trend in the White Silver Age of Russia .

  14. 它作为一个跨学科的具有广阔视域的新思潮,是颇具挑战性课题。

    As a new interdisciplinary idea with broader perspectives , it is quite a challenging subject of study .

  15. 自85新思潮以来,当代艺术的走向越发受到人们的关注。

    Since the 85 fashion , the development of contemporary art has been given more and more attention .

  16. 后冷战时代的国际关系新思潮与外交新战略

    The new trend of thoughts and the new foreign strategies of international relations in the Post-Cold War Era

  17. 在个人与社会生活处于危机之时,玛丽对新思潮与传统文化进行了重新审视。

    At a time of personal and social crisis , Mary reevaluated the current radical thoughts and cultural tradition .

  18. 经济是变化的根本,而引领变化的永远是新思潮。

    Economic development is the foundation of change and new ideas are always the leading force for the changes .

  19. 传记作品作为历史的一个分支也重新接受新思潮的洗礼、审视和批判。

    As a branch of the history , biography works received the baptism of new thoughts , survey and criticism .

  20. 但是我们不能简单地允许这种恐慌的新思潮继续蔓延,使我们认为我们什么也做不了。

    But we simply cannot allow this new wave of fear to make us into something that we 're not .

  21. 在产品设计领域,绿色设计成为可持续发展理论具体化的新思潮、新方法,在重建人类良性生态家园过程中发挥着关键性作用。

    Eco-design becomes a new idea or a new method of sustainable development theory and exerts key effect on rebuilding eco-environment .

  22. 我们要发展马克思主义,就必须分析这股新思潮,所以,引进并批判地借鉴其学术思想已成为我们的任务。

    If we want to develop Marxism in China , we should take a look at the new trend of the thought .

  23. 科举阴影下的世态人情以范进中举为例明代社会世态人情的裸露《金瓶梅》与明代社会新思潮

    The ways of the world human sentiment Under imperial civil service examination shadow & Take Fan Jin is selected as the example

  24. 我们尝试去追寻一种结合本土实际情况,且又如实反映国际建筑新思潮的建筑。

    We try to find a balance between integrating local reality , and faithfully reflecting the cutting edge thoughts of international architecture .

  25. 突破建筑自身局限(空间,材质,风格):③以建筑准确表达社会新思潮。

    Breakthrough on innate limitations of architecture ( space , material , style ); ( 3 ) New social trends precisely represented by architecture .

  26. 近代中国新式小学是在19世纪70年代以后受资产阶级改良主义新思潮的影响而产生的。

    Influenced by the new ideological trend of the bourgeois reformism , the new Primary School in China come into being in the 1870 's.

  27. 两种主要教育新思潮:全民教育和终身教育,影响着数学课程理念。

    This article is mainly dealing with two main education thoughts : civil education and lifelong education , which affect the principle of mathematics course .

  28. 近年来,快速城镇化与各种建筑新思潮的不断涌现深刻地影响着中国建筑教育的发展。

    Recent years , rapid urbanization and various thoughts of new architecture have been emerging a profound impact on the development of Chinese Architectural Education .

  29. 与20世纪前期中国文学批评趋新思潮相左,钱穆操持的是两千多年大文化传统的典雅文学观。

    Contrary to the trend of Chinese literary criticism in the early 20th century , QIAN Mu held on to traditional Chinese elegant literary view .

  30. 与此同时,政治史研究还必须吸收包括政治学在内的社会科学各领域的养分,并且参考现代主义、后现代主义等学界新思潮,从而使得历史学家的历史描写更接近事实。

    Besides , various subjects like political science and new thoughts like modernism shall be reefed to , so that the history can approach facts more accurately .