
  • 网络Immigration and Checkpoints Authority;Singapore Immigration
  1. 该社记者试图联系新加坡移民局以确认此消息,移民局人员以遵守移民局的保密规定为由没有给答复。

    Singapore ` s Immigration and Checkpoints Authority ( ICA ) would not confirm the newspaper report when contacted by AFP for reasons of confidentiality .

  2. 新加坡移民与登记局

    Singapore Immigration & Registration

  3. 新加坡移民与关卡局近日在发布会上声明,他们从11月16日起将会扩大并加强自助通关服务系统,来使持有中国大陆护照的居民享有更多权益。

    Singapore 's Immigration and Checkpoints Authority said in a statement that it will extend the enhanced immigration automated clearance system service - known as eIACS - to eligible holders of Chinese passports from Nov 16 .