
  • 网络Bus;first bus;NWFB;New world first bus
  1. 港岛区的巴士服务现由新巴和城巴提供。

    Local bus services on Hong Kong Island are provided by NWFB and CTB .

  2. 新巴车队中目前仍然有一架购自中巴的都城嘉幕都城型巴士,作训练巴士之用。

    There is still one Metro Cammell Weymann Metrobus in NWFB fleet and used as training bus .

  3. 新巴的登记车队有巴士841辆,其中378辆为空调巴士。

    It had a registered fleet of 841 , 378 of which were air-conditioned .

  4. 在投入服务后的首四个月内,新巴共载客4698万人次,行车达1384万公里。

    The company 's bus services carried 46.98 million passenger trips and travelled 13.84 million kilometres in the first four months of operation .

  5. 时至今日,新巴仍然保留一架珍宝巴士(SF15)作为巡回于各个总站,收集员工意见。

    At presnet , there are two Fleetline from NWFB preserved.SF15 was converted as a Staff Communication Bus to collect staff advice at different terminus regularly .

  6. 氮化碳和轻元素B、C、N及其化合物组成的新一族材料巴成为凝聚态物理和材料科学领域中新的研究热点。

    The new series of B-C-N materials consisting of B , C and N and their compounds is a new study field .

  7. 随着中东陷入动荡,开始新一轮的巴以和谈完全没有意义。

    With the Middle East in turmoil , starting a new round of Israeli-Palestinian talks is completely pointless .

  8. 但是自从奥巴马去年实行新一轮的巴以和平对话以来,内塔尼亚胡便收回承诺。

    But that agreement expired soon after Obama inaugurated a new round of direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks last year .

  9. 不过,他们的行动最终还是于事无补&汤姆林森后来在另外一家学校找到了一份新工作,而巴拉拉也去了哈佛大学。

    The meeting changed nothing & Tomlinson got a new teaching job at a different school and bharara went off to Harvard .

  10. 同样值得注意的是,奥巴马决定将新一轮推动巴以进程的努力放置在“阿拉伯之春”的大背景下。

    Also significant beyond the specifics was the president 's decision to embed this renewed effort to spur the Israel-Palestine process forward in the broader context of the " Arab spring " .

  11. 新世界第一巴士服务有限公司〔新巴〕

    New World First Bus Services Limited [ NWFB ]