
  • 网络Safe deposit box;Safe Box
  1. 保管箱租赁业务是银行接受客户的委托,以出租保管箱的形式代客户保管贵重物品的一项服务业务。

    Safe deposit box is a kind of service rendered by the bank that keeps valuables for the renter in the form of renting safe deposit box .

  2. 因此,银行保管箱业务在国内迅速开展,成为一项新的利润增长点的中间业务,是各大银行的新宠儿。

    Therefore , the bank safe deposit box business in China rapid development , has become a new profit growth point of the intermediate business of each big bank , is the new darling .

  3. 有贵重物品保管箱可供使用,费用另计。

    Safety deposit boxes are available at a supplement .

  4. 曾担任伦敦金融城首席规划官的彼得•李斯(PeterRees)将这些房地产称为“天空里的保管箱”,精辟地概括了这种房地产与下方真实城市之间的隔阂。

    Peter Rees , one-time chief planner for the City of London , called these properties " safe-deposit boxes in the sky , " an eloquent encapsulation of the alienation of this real estate from the real city that lies below it .

  5. 银行保管箱合同的法律性质探讨

    On the Law Feature of the Store Kit Contract IN Banks

  6. 基于指纹认证的银行保管箱信息系统研究

    Research of Bank Safe-keeping Box Information System Based on Fingerprint Authentication

  7. 可能是银行保管箱或者邮局信箱的

    Could be a safe deposit box , post office box .

  8. 基于指纹识别技术的无线指纹保管箱系统

    Safe Keeping Box System Based on Wireless Fingerprint Identification Technology

  9. 单片机在保管箱控制上的设计应用

    Design and Application of SCM Controlling System in Safe Box

  10. 你可以在保管箱里存上重要文件和贵重珠宝。

    Where you can keep important documents and valuable jewelry .

  11. 活体指纹识别技术与无线保管箱系统

    Living Fingerprint Identification Technology and Wireless Safe Box Keeping System

  12. 一种基于指纹辨识的银行代管保管箱管理系统

    A bank deposit boxes management system based on fingerprint recognition

  13. 指纹识别技术及其在保管箱管制系统中的应用

    Application of Fingerprint Identification Technology in Safe Box Keeping System

  14. 不久之后,他们又增设了一项贵重物品保管箱服务。

    They soon added a facility of safe deposit boxes .

  15. 初探银行指纹保管箱管理系统解决方案

    On the solving plan of bank 's finger print custodial case management system

  16. 噢,那租用保管箱还有其他规定吗?

    Well , are there any other regulations for renting safe deposit boxes ?

  17. 贵重物品保管箱通常存放在防盗、防火的保险库中。

    Safe-deposit boxes are kept in vaults that are usually burglar-proof and fireproof .

  18. 银行建议存款人不要把现金放在保管箱里

    The bank discourages depositors from keeping cash in their safe deposit boxes .

  19. 银行的寄存保管箱业务

    A : Can I rent a safe deposit box ? bank 's saft custody

  20. 银行保管箱信息系统中客户关系管理处于核心地位。

    It is crucial to manage customer relationship in bank keeping box information system .

  21. 本文在介绍指纹识别基本原理的基础上,设计出一种基于指纹辨识的银行代管保管箱管理系统。

    Based on fingerprint recognition principles , a bank deposit boxes management system is designed .

  22. 我想租贵重物保管箱。

    I want to leave this here .

  23. 凭你的印鉴卡和这两把钥匙,你就可以打开保管箱。

    With your genuine signature and these two keys , you can open your box .

  24. 您可以在我们银行租用保管箱来保管您的贵重物品。

    You can rent safe deposit boxes in our bank for safekeeping your precious assets .

  25. 在一个银行保管箱里

    In a safe deposit box .

  26. 2001年阿根廷发生金融危机后,许多人不再把钱存进银行,而是把它们放进银行保管箱里。

    Many Argentineans started using safe deposit boxes instead of regular bank accounts following a2001 financial crisis .

  27. 基于指纹识别和C/M/S结构的保管箱管理系统

    A Bank Deposit Boxes Management System Based on Fingerprint Authentication and C / M / S Architecture

  28. 集成商可以定制各种高度,宽度和深度的保管箱来满足特定规格的要求。

    Integrators can order lockboxes in varying heights , widths , and depths to fit specific size requirements .

  29. 他按日租用自行车。甲:我可以租用保管箱吗?

    He hired a bicycle by the day . A : Can I rent a safe deposit box ?

  30. 该保管箱可以纵向或横向安装在墙壁上,最大可支持100磅的重量。

    The boxes can be mounted to the wall vertically or horizontally and can support up to100 pounds .