
  • 网络design;PORSCHE DESIGN
  1. 为了实现这个目标,保时捷设计将会开拓一系列的新的产品,比如Cargon系列的行李箱或者我们新理念下的法式经典系列。

    To support this growth , Porsche Design will come up with many new product highlights , for example the Cargon luggage series or our new concept for the French Classic series .

  2. 你对保时捷设计在成都的发展有什么希望?

    What are your hopes for the Porsche Design Store in Chengdu ?

  3. 你认为我们本地的消费者会很好的接纳保时捷设计这个品牌吗?

    How well do you think will local consumers receive Porsche Design products ?

  4. 能为我描述一下您在保时捷设计工作室的生活么?

    Can you take us through your typical day in Porsche Designer Studio ?

  5. 如今,保时捷设计工作室已位列欧洲最富盛名的设计公司队伍。

    Today , Porsche Design Studio is among Europe 's most recognized design companies .

  6. 保时捷设计从未排除过女性系列。

    Porsche Design has never excluded women .

  7. 保时捷设计觉得自身品牌是一个以时尚为标签的品牌吗,为什么呢?

    Does Porsche Design see itself as a fashion label ? Why or why not ?

  8. 我们将更进一步扩展我们保时捷设计奢侈品牌的销售结构。

    Moreover we will be expanding our sales structure for the Porsche Design luxury brand .

  9. 保时捷设计的设计理念是什么?它的灵感来源是什么?

    What is Porsche Design 's design philosophy ? Where and what does it take inspiration after ?

  10. 唯一的计划就是做到更好,这是我们保时捷设计未来的目标。

    The only way is up ! This is our goal for taking Porsche Design into a promising future .

  11. 保时捷设计是男人的收藏品这个概念来自我们从过去得到的整个的回馈。

    The Porsche Design men 's collection contains our entire know-how , which we have gained in the past .

  12. 因其可以互换的镜片他们独具风格并且成为了保时捷设计风格的最好诠释。

    With the interchangeable lenses they are distinctive and have become synonymous with the " Porsche Design " style .

  13. 他同时负责保时捷设计品牌所有的销售产品都兼具设计理念的标签。

    In this function he is responsible for the design signature for all products sold under the Porsche Design brand .

  14. 所有产品的设计都来自奥地利泽尔湖畔的保时捷设计工作室,而今保时捷设计工作室已经成为欧洲最具影响力的设计公司之一。

    The products are designed in the Porsche Design Studio in Zell am See ( Austria ) which today is among Europe 's most recognized design companies .

  15. 我曾经以自由设计师的身份工作了几年,后来我于1987年被位于湖滨采尔的保时捷设计工作室雇佣至今。

    For a couple of years I was working on a freelance basis , then I was hired by Porsche Design Studio in Zell Lam See in1987 , and have been working there ever since .