
  • 网络Health Worker;Health visitor
  1. 三个月前,一位名叫蒂芙妮的牙医保健员也这么说。

    Three months before that , it was a dental hygienist named Tiffany .

  2. 家庭保健员在健康教育中的作用

    Home Health Workers ' Role in Health Education

  3. 在支持国民政府的加泰罗尼亚地区的保健员,也同样在进行反抗。

    Health workers in Catalonia , where the PP props up a nationalist government , are also in revolt .

  4. 灾区的医生、护士、女保健员和辅助医疗人员也了住所。

    Doctors , nurses , lady health visitors and paramedical staff have also been dislocated in the affected areas .

  5. 我们还会密切留意安老院舍护士、保健员和护理员人手的供求情况。

    We will also monitor the demand and supply of nursing , allied health and personal care staff for residential care homes .

  6. 最佳工作软件工程师保险精算师人力资源主管牙科保健员理财规划师听觉矫正专家职业治疗师网络广告经理计算机系统分析员数学家

    Best Jobs Software Engineer Actuary Human Resources Manager Dental Hygienist Financial Planner Audiologist Occupational Therapist Online Advertising Manager Computer Systems Analyst Mathematician

  7. 如果担心接种反应的安全性,请尽快与儿童健康保健员联系。

    If there are concerns about a child 's safety from a reaction , consult a health care provider as soon as possible .

  8. 治疗前,患者先在阴凉处放松,患者把脖子以下部位埋进沙里以后,保健员用脚给他们做肩部按摩。

    Patients relax in the shade before treatment , which includes massages by the feet of health workers after they submerge their patients up to their neck in the desert .

  9. 联邦执法人员表示,这名女性是34岁的米丽娅姆·凯里,据悉她的精神状态不断恶化,因此丢掉了牙科保健员的工作。

    Federal law enforcement official says the woman , 34-year-old Miriam Carey , had reportedly been in deteriorating mental state and had been fired from a job as a dental hygienist .

  10. 结论:由当地的妇幼保健员讲课结合分发图文并茂的知识读本,是对文化不高的农村妇女进行健康教育的有效手段。

    Conclusion Lecture by trained local MCH providers combined with distribution of brochures rich in both pictures and text is an effective measure for health education on reproductive health for rural women with limited education .

  11. 同样是在上个月,一名英国女牙齿保健员在印度北部阿格拉度假时,因为害怕被旅馆工作人员性侵从旅馆阳台跳下去摔断了腿。

    Also last month , a British woman dental hygienist suffered leg injuries when she jumped from a hotel balcony in the northern tourist city of Agra , fearing a sexual assault by hotel employees .

  12. 平均寿命变长对从移民政策、公共交通到房屋等方方面面都产生巨大影响。我们要去哪里找到那么多的家庭保健护理员?

    Longer life will have a huge effect on everything from immigration policy to public transit to housing .

  13. 我们要去哪里找到那么多的家庭保健护理员?我们怎样让85岁的老人不再开车?那些有四个卧室的房子又会变成什么样?

    Where will we find all the home health aides , how do we get85-year-olds off the highways and what is to become of those four-bedroom houses ?

  14. 提高医疗保健工作者和图书馆员运用信息资源来回答居民相关健康问题的能力;

    Increase the ability of health care providers and librarians to utilize information resources to address citizen health questions .

  15. 在这一战略框架下,众多国家已承诺提高计划生育、产前保健及熟练接生员的可及性,这必将降低死产数量。

    In the framework of the Strategy , numerous countries have committed to improving access to family planning , antenatal care and skilled birth attendants , which should lead to reductions in stillbirths .