
  • 网络Vera Wang
  1. 王薇薇、亚历山大·王和吴季刚正在迎战约翰·加利亚诺、阿尔巴和马克·雅可布——它们的设计和销售正在被前一类品牌吊打。希尔补充道。

    Vera Wang , Alexander Wang , Jason Wu are taking on Galiano , Albaz , Marc Jacobs-and beating them hands down in design and sales , adds Hill .

  2. 打个比方,Salesforce是闪耀于杂志封面的明星设计师王薇薇。

    Salesforce was Vera Wang , the stuff of magazine covers .

  3. 随着婚礼季的全面展开,王薇薇(VeraWang)婚纱依然是许多新娘愿望清单上的首选。

    With nuptials season in full swing , a Vera Wang wedding dress remains at the top of many a bride 's wish list .

  4. 王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师——就和伊迪丝•海德(EdithHead)一样——衣服必须反映明星的气质。

    Vera Wang : In red carpet I am more of a wardrober ─ like Edith Head ─ a wardrobe designer , where it has to be reflective of the star .

  5. 王薇薇最近刚拿到美国时装设计师协会(CouncilofFashionDesignersofAmerica)颁发的终生成就奖。多年来她一直在婚纱设计领域进行创新——运用色彩和编织手法,甚至将面料扔进洗衣机里。

    The designer , who recently took home the lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America , has been innovating in bridal design for years ─ using color , knits and even throwing fabric into a washing machine .

  6. 从王薇薇(VeraWang)的“飞鸟”(Asuka)、IconEyewear的75364款、Kaenon的602款到迈克尔明星(MichaelStars)的“标志设计师”(IconicStylist),这些产品都采用了清新的海洋色调。

    Frames from Vera Wang ( Asuka ) , Icon Eyewear ( 75364 ) , Kaenon ( 602 ) and Michael Stars ( Iconic Stylist ) draw upon these watery hues .

  7. 王薇薇(VeraWang)设计的一款毛绒绒的黑色貂皮手袋被归为了“价格另洽”行列,意思就是设计师为上门特别订单赶制的。一位发言人证实,这款手袋不会用于零售店销售。

    Vera Wang 's cuddly black mink tote is listed as ' price upon request ' - which is designer shorthand for ' come in and special-order it . ' A spokeswoman confirms the bag wasn 't produced for stores .

  8. Superdry的“彗星”(Comets)、王薇薇的“菊花”(Chrysanthe)和科瑞恩?麦科马克(CorrineMcCormack)的“佐伊”(Zooey)都使用了云海玻璃质感的眼镜框架,让人感受到海洋的清新气息。

    Cloudy sea glass-textured frames from Superdry ( Comets ) , Vera Wang ( Chrysanthe ) , and Corrine McCormack ( Zooey ) bring the oceanic look home .

  9. 王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师就和伊迪丝•海德(EdithHead)一样衣服必须反映明星的气质。要看他们的长相,他们的个性、体型以及当晚他们想表现什么。

    Vera Wang : In red carpet I am more of a wardrober ─ like Edith Head ─ a wardrobe designer , where it has to be reflective of the star . Their look , their personality , their body type and what they 're trying to express that night .

  10. 答:我不愿说自己是王薇薇的竞争对手。

    A.I wouldn 't say I 'm Vera Wang 's competition .

  11. 你觉得会有比王薇薇的更好的吗?

    Do you think there is something better than Vera Wang ?

  12. 王薇薇说,她的最新婚纱系列重点在于构建。

    Ms. Wang said that her latest collection is about construction .

  13. 你不能调整王薇薇来适应你。

    You don 't alter Vera Wang to fit you .

  14. 王薇薇并并不总是知道这就是她的去路。

    Wang wasnt always sure this would be her path .

  15. 你是不是跟我说过她的婚纱是王薇薇的?

    Didn 't you tell me she 's wearing a Vera Wang ?

  16. 从何种程度上说,王薇薇是您的竞争对手?

    Q.To what extent is Vera Wang your competition ?

  17. 你得调整自己去适应王薇薇。

    You alter yourself to fit Vera .

  18. 王薇薇也有两个价格较低的产业。

    Wang also has two lower-priced lines .

  19. 王薇薇氏风格的庆祝浪漫,感性和现代精神的年轻妇女。

    Vera Wang 's style celebrates the romance , sensuality and spirit of modern young women .

  20. 她的导师说王薇薇是一个独特的充满少有的对时尚的热情的年轻女子。

    Her mentor described Wang as a unique young woman filled with a rare passion for fashion .

  21. 在成为享誉全球的时装设计师前,王薇薇(图左)曾是一位颇有天赋的花样滑冰运动员。

    Before she became a world-renowned fashion designer , Vera Wang , left , was a talented figure skater .

  22. 但《纽约每日新闻》报道说,雷萨切克已经搬去和王薇薇同住。

    But the New York Daily News has now reported that Lysacek has moved in with the iconic fashion designer .

  23. 副总统拜登的妻子吉尔在就职舞会上身着王薇薇设计的一款蓝色丝绸长裙,同样光彩照人。

    Vice-President Joe Biden 's wife Jill also looked glamorous in a blue silk dress by Vera Wang at the Inauguration Ball .

  24. 就在上周,王薇薇的发言人发表声明称,王薇薇将与结婚23年的丈夫离婚。

    Just last week representatives for the designer released a statement , revealing that Wang was planning on divorcing her husband of 23 years .

  25. 据报道,婚纱女王王薇薇与丈夫亚瑟-贝克刚刚宣布离婚,就已另结新欢。

    After recently announcing her divorce from Arthur Becker , Vera Wang may already have moved on with a new man , according to reports .

  26. 尽管已经有了两个女儿,但王薇薇对自己的决定有时仍心生动摇,而且不愿意从工作中分心。

    However , despite having two daughters , Wang was still unsure about her decision at times and not always willing to separate herself from work .

  27. 报道称,王薇薇与27岁的埃文-雷萨切克传出恋情。雷萨切克是2010年冬奥会花样滑冰冠军。

    New reports have stated that Vera Wang may now be dating Evan Lysacek , 27 , the 2010 Winter Olympics gold medal winner in figure skating .

  28. 你不必成为新娘穿王薇薇,她的现成服装线使她获得了年度最佳女装设计师。

    You don 't have to be a bride to wear Vera Wang , her ready-to-wear lines has earned her the Womenswear Designer of the Year award .

  29. 但王薇薇可能在约会其他人,这个消息让众人大惊,因为王薇薇曾宣称献身于事业,无暇顾及感情问题。

    That Wang would be dating someone else , however , comes as a surprise for someone who claimed to be too dedicated to her career to have time for relationships .