
  • 网络International Sinology
  1. 区域史研究是20世纪70年代以来国际汉学界中国史研究的重要研究方向之一。

    Since the 1970s , the research on regional history has been one of the most important directions in international Sinology field .

  2. 国际汉学的产生,最早来自国外学者对中国传统文化的兴趣。

    The emergence of international sinology was in the beginning linked to a group of foreign scholars who showed interest for Chinese culture .

  3. 中国的学术界应该加强对国际汉学的研究,增强相互的交流与合作。

    The two big conferences on international sinology held by the Renmin University of China have made a good contribution in this field .

  4. 这种观点提出后,在国际汉学界产生了巨大影响,成为后来唐宋社会变迁说的滥觞。

    It had a tremendous impact upon the international Sinology after it presented itself . It became the fountainhead of the view of social change of the Tang and Song dynasties .

  5. 美国著名学者艾兰以其在甲骨文和中国青铜器领域突出的研究成果,一跃而成为当代国际汉学界有影响的汉学家,国内学界对其在汉学研究领域作出的贡献给予很高的评价。

    The famous American scholar , Sarah Allan , has been a contemporary influential sinologist in the world because of her great achievements on the study of Oracle Bones and Bronzes . The researchers in China have given high praise to her achievements in sinology .

  6. 入境旅游一方面直接催生了中国近代旅游业,带动了来华贸易与投资活动,加速了“西学东渐”的进程,推动了国际汉学的发展;

    The inbound tourism not only gears up the birth of Chinese modern tourism industry and promotes the trade and investment in China , but also furthers the process of learning from the West and integrating with our practical situations , which impels the development of international Sinology .

  7. 他在经学、史学、古文字学、目录版本学、训诂学、辩伪学、校勘学等方面的研究均有重大的成就,是一位具有国际影响的著名汉学学者。

    As a world famous Chinese scholar , Mr Qu made great achievements in the study of Confucian classics , history , paleography , catalog edition study , critical interpretation of ancient texts , textual criticism study , ect .