
  1. 素质教育旨在提高国民整体素质。

    The purpose of quality education is to improve the civil general qualities .

  2. 积极开展中小学健康教育提高国民整体素质

    Developing Healthy Education Actively at schools , Making Improvement of the Whole national basic qualities

  3. 人力资源开发是为了提高人才队伍的整体实力,而开发人才资源要以提高国民整体素质为基础。

    The exploitation of brain resources should be conducted to improve the level of the whole nation .

  4. 但是欲望的泛滥与过度膨胀又导致了社会人文精神的堕落与国民整体素质的下滑,这些都需要一种理性的清醒之音来加以纠偏和批判。

    But desire being in flood and over expansion has caused degeneration of society humane spirit and downgrade of national overall quality .

  5. 大力发展农村教育尤其是农村基础教育是关系到国民整体素质提高的关键问题。

    Great development of the countryside education , especially basic education is the key point in improving the qualification of the whole nation .

  6. 提出相应的解决方法:提高国民整体素质,普及赏花用花养花知识;加大对人才的培养力度,提高科研质量;

    The corresponding solutions : to improve the whole national quality , spread scientific knowledge about flowers , strengthen the personnel training , improve research quality , strengthen the market management .

  7. 近年来,随着中等职业教育规模的不断扩大,数以百万计的中职生的综合素质提升成为关系到我国国民整体素质的一个瓶颈。

    In recent years , along with the unceasing expansion of the secondary vocational education scale , millions of vocational students ' comprehensive quality promotion has become a bottleneck of our national overall quality .

  8. 基础教育就其本质而言,是面向全体儿童和青少年,促进其身心全面发展,提高国民整体素质的教育。

    Elementary education essentially aims at all the children and teenagers , whose purpose is to facilitate their general development in both body and mind and thus advance the quality-oriented educational level of China .

  9. 学生辍学不仅阻碍其自身的发展,影响人力资源的开发和国民整体素质的提高,也埋下了一系列社会问题的隐患。

    Student dropout not only badly hinders their own development , affects the development of human resources and the improvement of all the citizens ' accomplishment , but also buries hidden troubles in the society .

  10. 学前教育是基础教育的第一阶段,对促进幼儿身心全面健康发展、提高国民整体素质具有重要意义。

    Preschool education is the first stage of fundamental education , which is important for promoting the healthy development of children both physically and mentally , improving the overall quality of the entire people of the nation .

  11. 在其现代化进程中,教育改革起着十分重要的作用,成功的教育改革提高了国民整体素质,促进了科学技术的迅猛发展,为其早期现代化创造了良好的条件。

    During its modernization process , the educational reform plays a very important role . Its successful educational reform has improved the people 's quality , has promoted the development of science and technology and has created good condition for the country 's early modernization .

  12. 本文经过分析总结出六点,主要是行业发展约束、资金压力巨大、政府内部矛盾、低碳口号表面化、国民整体素质较低、自然资源恶劣与资源缺乏。

    This analysis concluded after six , the main constraint is the development of the industry , a huge financial pressure , government internal contradictions , the slogan of superficial low-carbon , the lower the overall quality of people , natural resources and lack of resources , poor .

  13. 幼儿教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,发展幼儿教育对于促进儿童身心全面健康发展、普及义务教育、提高国民整体素质、实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标具有十分重要的意义。

    Infant education is an important part of basic education and the development of infant education plays a vital part in promoting the all-round development of infant body and mind , popularizing compulsory education , improving the whole quality of people , realizing the comprehensive construction of moderately prosperous society .

  14. 国民的整体素质便是其中之一。

    The overall quality of its people is one of them .

  15. 加快提高城镇化水平,带动全省国民经济整体素质的提高;

    To raise the urbanization level and improve the of the entire province ;

  16. 国民经济整体素质不高,国际竞争力不强;

    Low overall quality of the national economy and weak competitiveness in the international market ;

  17. 高职院校的入口模式和职业资格证书制度对我国国民整体职业素质的提高有着深远的影响。

    The enrolling pattern of vocational colleges and vocational credentials system have a deep effect on our Chinese whole vocational quality .

  18. 发达国家投放于生产的最重要的资源已不再是土地或机器,而是人才,是国民的整体素质。

    Developed country put talents and the quality of entire nations into wealth produce , not just ground and machines anymore .

  19. 国民经济整体素质和效益不高,经济结构不合理的矛盾仍然比较突出。

    The quality and performance of the national economy as a whole remains poor , and unsound aspects of the economic structure are still conspicuous .

  20. 面对这种新形势,外资工作要着眼于提高国民经济整体素质,增强国际竞争力和抗风险能力。

    In this context , our efforts in attracting foreign investment should be focused on improving the overall quality of the national economy , enhancing international competitiveness and the capability to withstand risks .

  21. 现今我国经济获得了飞速发展,但同时各地区之间经济发展的差距日趋扩大,这已严重影响我国国民经济整体素质的提高和国民经济的协调发展。

    But at the same time the continuing enlarging distance of economic development between regions has done harm to the progress of the whole national economy and the harmonious development of the national economy .

  22. 高校教师的数量、质量和结构不仅直接关系到高校的发展前景,还将影响到国民的整体素质和国家的综合竞争力。

    This is because the quantity , quality and structure of the faculty have impact on not only the prospects of universities and colleges but also the national holistic quality and the comprehensive competitiveness .

  23. 城市化问题是当前我国经济和社会发展研究的一个热点,它对于协调城乡关系,提高国民经济整体素质,具有重大而又深远的意义。

    The problem of urbanization is the focus of studying in the present economy and social development . It has great and far-reaching meanings for coordinating the relation in urban and rural areas and improving the whole quality of national economy .

  24. 为了更好地对外交流,为了提升我们国民的整体素质,如何更好地学习和掌握英语以及如何提高英语人才的培养质量已经成为我们需要重点关注的话题。

    In order to better foreign exchange , how to better learn and master English in order to enhance the overall quality of our nationals , as well as how to improve the quality of English talents we need to focus on the topic .

  25. 同时也寄望于国家、社会和个人这三者联合在一起关注和加大对人们健康管理的投入,能使这个的国民整体身体素质有一个很大改善。

    At the some time , the state , society and individuals concern health management , and increase the investment of health management , because it can make the national overall physical quality which has a much improved . Now , the whole country have several famous health management company .

  26. 这是提高国民经济的整体素质,扩大国内需求,增强国际竞争力的根本性措施。

    This is a fundamental measure for raising the national economy , expanding domestic demand and enhancing international competitiveness .

  27. 20世纪80年代以来,我国义务教育实现了跨越式的发展,提升了国民的整体文化素质。

    Since the 1980s , our compulsory education has developed by leaps and bounds , and to promote the overall cultural quality of our nation .

  28. 相应地,我们应积极推进经济体制和经济增长方式的两个根本性转变,努力提高国民经济的整体素质。

    Meanwhile , we should actively propel the ultimate conversion of the economic system and economic increase mode , and endeavor to improve the quality of the national economy as a whole .

  29. 义务教育是人们生存、生活和发展的基本知识和能力的教育,是整个教育体系的关键部分,关系到国民整体的基本素质,其质量已成为提升国家竞争力的决定性因素。

    Compulsory education is the key part of the whole education system , related to the overall national quality , its quality even has become a decisive factor to enhance national competitiveness .

  30. 现时期我国经济结构的调整是发展中的调整,以提高国民经济的整体素质为目标,打破地区之间的差异,实现国民经济系统全面发展。

    The adjustment in new century is the one in the process of development . Adjustment is with enhancing the whole quality of national economy as object , to break the difference existing in different areas , and realize the systematic and comprehensive development of national economy .