
  • 网络International Outlook;world outlook
  1. 财务业绩报告的国际展望与思考

    International Perspective of Financial Performance Report

  2. 这个排名主要是根据大学的5个方面的调查和研究来确定,其中包括产业收入,教育水平,论文引用量,研究能力和国际展望。

    The rankings are based on a survey that gauges universities across five areas , including industry income , teaching , citations , research and international outlook .

  3. 1998年国际形势展望

    Prospects of the International Situation in 1998

  4. 木材产品的国际贸易展望

    The Outlook of International Timber Trade

  5. 1998年国际形势展望邴金伏方华1998年将是世界跨入新世纪的重要转折时期。

    1998 will be an important turning moment for the world to stride into the new century .

  6. 他表示,麦肯锡还提供其它一些东西:一种国际性展望,这与外包及离岸的辩论尤其相关。

    McKinsey offers something else , he says : an international outlook , which is particularly relevant to the debate on outsourcing and offshoring .

  7. 紫金山天文台图书资料的国际交流及其展望

    On Literature , Information and International Exchange at Purple Mountain Observatory

  8. 桂花品种国际登录的展望

    Perspective of the International Cultivar Registration of the Osmanthus fragrans Cultivars

  9. 议员对二十一世纪国际合作的展望

    Parliamentary Vision for International Cooperation into the 21st Century , The

  10. 中国未来经济增长及其国际经济地位展望

    China 's Economic Growth in Future and Prospect of Its International Economic Position

  11. 第29届奥运会后的国际竞技体育展望

    Development of international competitive sports after 29th Olympic Games

  12. 2003年国际油价形势展望

    Outlook for 2003 International Oil Price Trends

  13. 国际大豆研究展望

    International Perspectives on Soybean Research

  14. 最后,提出了园艺植物品种国际登录工作展望。

    And lastly , suggestions for applying more plant cultivar international authorities by Chinese horticulturalists are proposed .

  15. 从第三十届国际地质大会展望钻探工程技术现状与发展前景

    Looking forward from the 30th IGC the present status and Prospect of development of the drilling engineering techniques

  16. 基于可持续发展理念的城市交通管理上海国际航运中心展望

    Urban Traffic Management According to the Theory of Sustainable Development The Theory of Building International Shipping Centre in Shanghai

  17. 为了解决这些问题,初步提出了对我国近期的立法建议和对管辖权国际统一的展望,以期最终达成一个《互联网上国际知识产权纠纷管辖权公约》。

    In order to settle these problems , the author preliminarily puts forward her recent suggestions of Chinese legislation and the prospect for the international unification in the jurisdiction , and suggests reaching a Convention of the Jurisdiction in the Dispute about International Intellectual Property on the Internet finally .

  18. 概述了集成电路(IC)生产的基本工艺流程及其关键设备的国际国内水平,展望了IC制造工艺设备的发展趋势;

    Summarize the basic process flow of IC production and the International and internal level of its key equipment , prospecting the trend of IC process equipment .

  19. 东北亚区域国际经济合作前景展望

    A Prospect for the International Economic Co-operation in Northeast Asia

  20. 我国纺织服装国际贸易回顾与展望

    China 's Foreign Trade of Textiles and Garment : Past & Future

  21. 数字化与图书馆知识产权国际研究综述与展望

    Overview and Prospect of International Research on Digitization and Library Intellectual Property

  22. 2007年国际集装箱运输市场展望

    Prospect of international container transport market 2007

  23. 国际油价回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect on Global Oil Price

  24. 中国外贸企业国际互联网应用研究展望多媒体广告在国际互联网中的应用

    An Exploratory Research on Business Use of Internet and Web Application by International Business Enterprises in China

  25. 国家图书馆俄文中国学(汉学)书刊的国际交换回顾与展望本刊是中文核心期刊、A收录期刊。

    NLC ′ s International Exchange of Russian Publications on Sinology : Retrospect And Prospect EPA is a Key Journal in China and embodied by CA.

  26. 在这份篇幅较短的中期报告里,委员会总结了未来10年凝聚态物质与材料物理学面临的巨大挑战,并提供了对国际前景的简要展望。

    This short interim report serves as a summary of the committee 's thoughts on grand challenges in condensed-matter and materials physics in the coming decade and provides a brief look at the international landscape .

  27. 本文主要陈述了知识经济的概念及特征,及国际贸易出现了哪些新特点,并对中国国际贸易形势进行展望。

    This paper briefly states the concept and the characters of knowledge economy , the new characteristics of the international trade , and the prospect of Chinese international trade .

  28. 国际油价自2002年以来大幅波动,投机因素被认为是造成油价波动的主因之一。国际油价回顾与展望

    The big fluctuations in the global oil price since 2002 are largely attributed to speculation . Review and Prospect on Global Oil Price