
  • 网络ifpi;International Federation of the Phonographic Industry
  1. 尽管百代认为深层连接(deeplinking)属于非法行为,但它已撤出了国际唱片业协会拟对百度提起的上诉。

    Though EMI considers deep linking illegal , it has pulled out of the IFPI 's planned appeal against Baidu .

  2. 国际唱片业协会指控百度支持盗版,因为它让歌迷易于找到并下载未获授权的音乐曲目。这一诉讼得到SonyBMG、华纳音乐(WarnerMusic)和环球音乐(UniversalMusic)的支持。

    The IFPI suit , which is backed by Sony BMG , Warner Music and Universal Music , accused Baidu of supporting piracy by making it easy for fans to find and download unlicensed tracks .

  3. 国际唱片业协会(InternationalFederationofthePhonographicIndustry)的数据显示,尽管中国音乐市场规模巨大,但在全球仅仅排在第19位。

    Despite its size , it is only the 19th biggest music market in the world , according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry .

  4. 然而,国际唱片业协会(ifpi)董事长兼首席执行官约翰肯尼迪(johnkennedy)警告称,保持平行业务模式具有挑战性。

    However , sustaining parallel business models will be challenging , warns John Kennedy , chairman and chief executive of the IFPI , the music industry association .

  5. 据国际唱片业协会(IFPI)调查显示,2006年至2008年,音乐共享数量翻了一番。

    The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry ( IFPI ) estimated that music-sharing doubled between 2006 and 2008 .

  6. 上月,由国际唱片业协会(IFPI)发布的一份报告透露,一段音乐每合法下载1次,就会被非法下载40次。

    A report released last month by the International Federation of Phonographic Industries revealed there were still 40 illegal downloads for every legal one .

  7. 其中包括环球音乐集团和国际唱片业协会(IFPI)的有关负责人。

    Among the organizations he met with are Universal Music Group and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry , the trade group representing the music industry worldwide .

  8. 国际唱片业协会(IFPI)称,它已经收到百度和搜狗(Sogou)一案的判决书。百度是中国最大的在线搜索引擎,搜狗规模较小。

    The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry said it had received verdicts in a case against Baidu , China 's largest online search company , and Sogou , a smaller one .

  9. 根据全球音乐产业协会国际唱片业协会(IFPI)最近一份报告,音乐产业内增长最快的是订阅服务,这类服务的营收在2013年增长了50%,达到11亿美元。

    Subscription services are the biggest growth area for the music industry , with revenues increasing 50 per cent to $ 1.1bn in 2013 , according to a recent report by the IFPI , the global music industry association .

  10. 国际唱片业协会(IFPI)周二(2月26日)公布的数据显示,2012年全球唱片销量额为165亿美元(见图表),尽管增幅仅有0.3%,但实现了1999年以来的首度增长。

    According to data released on February 26th by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry , sales of recorded music grew in 2012 for the first time since 1999 , albeit only by 0.3 % , to $ 16.5 billion ( see chart ) .

  11. 北京一家法院去年11月对此案作出有利于百度的判决,但国际唱片业协会已郑重表示将提起上诉。

    A Beijing court ruled in Baidu 's favour in November but the IFPI has vowed to appeal .

  12. 根据国际唱片业协会(一商业集团)七月发布的数据,全球唱片销量在2007年下降了8%。

    GLOBAL sales of recorded music fell by8 % in2007 , according to figures released in June by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry , a trade group .

  13. 局面在过去几个月发生了巨大的改变,约翰肯尼迪表示。作为总部位于伦敦的国际唱片业协会的主席,他参与了许多唱片公司的法律诉讼。

    The situation has changed so much in the last few months , says John Kennedy , who as chairman of the London-based IFPI has fought many of the record labels ' legal battles .

  14. 国际唱片业协会的控诉集中在雅虎中国的音乐搜索服务上。该服务使用户可以在中国互联网上轻易找到音乐(其中绝大部分都是盗版音乐),并试听或下载。

    IFPI 's complaint centres on Yahoo China 's music search service , which allows users to easily find and listen to or download music available on the Chinese internet – the vast majority of which is pirated .