
ɡuài tán
  • accounts of things uncanny
  1. 相应的光棍节也产生了一批奇闻怪谈,重新定义了消费主义——有一个中国男人,为了准备即将到来的光棍节,花费了大约82000美元,用99部苹果6s摆成的心形环向他的女朋友求婚。

    Accordingly , Singles " Day has spawned a bevy of outlandish tales that redefine consumerism - one Chinese man , in preparation for Singles " Day , proposed to his girlfriend in a heart-shaped ring of 99 iPhone 6s that cost about $ 82000 , reports the Nanfang .

  2. NO.10AngieEverhart安吉•埃弗哈特我们已经想不起《地穴传说》或者《幽冥怪谈》的具体细节了,但我还记得影片的最后,安吉•埃弗哈特所饰演的吸血鬼莉莉丝咬住了配角埃丽卡•埃伦尼克,于是世界重归原样。

    I don 't remember a whole lot of things from the " Tales from the Crypt " movie " Bordello of Blood , " but I do remember that towards the end , Angie Everhart , who plays vampire Lilith , takes a bite out of co-star Erika Eleniak , and all was right with the world .

  3. 更加毛骨悚然的是土耳其的一个民间怪谈,不能在午夜之后嚼口香糖。

    Far more gruesome is an old wives ' tale from Turkey that warns against chewing gum after midnight .

  4. 你听过那些关于中国奇闻怪谈,你见过美国公司在中国惨遭滑铁卢,所以你就假设中国的网民肯定也与美国的网民非常不同。

    You hear bizarre tales , and see American companies fail in China , so you assume Chinese Internet users must be very different from you .

  5. 在韩国,那些把迷信怪谈当真的人会费很大力气确保灾祸不会降临到他们身上。

    In Korea , folks who take old wives ' tales seriously go to a lot of effort to make sure no bad luck befalls them .

  6. 有些东西在某些场合确实是生活必需品,比如那些孤弱者还有病人,而在另外一些场合只是可有可无的奢侈品,对还有一些场合而言则完全是不为人知的奇闻怪谈了。

    Some things are really necessaries of life in some circles , the most helpless and diseased , which in others are luxuries merely , and in others still are entirely unknown .

  7. 我们将一些早期香港电影的元素解构,其中有些可以追溯到一些关于僵尸的古代传说怪谈。

    ' We deconstructed some of the elements ' of the earlier Hong Kong films , he says , which trace their origins to the ancient stories and myths of geung si ( literally , ' stiff corpse ' ) .

  8. 从《风之谷》中广袤的后末日丛林到《天空之城》中的19世纪科幻怪谈,他所创造出的世界光怪陆离,令人着迷。

    The worlds he creates - the teeming post-apocalyptic jungle world of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind , the strange 19th-century science fiction of Laputa : Castle in the Sky - are as peculiar as they are captivating .