
  • 网络Freaks and Geeks
  1. 美国电视中一直不缺少关于中学生活的剧集,但很少有像《怪胎与书呆》(FreaksandGeeks)那样被人称道的。

    American television hasn 't lacked for high school drama , but few series are as treasured as " Freaks and Geeks , " created by Paul Feig and produced by Judd Apatow .

  2. 《怪胎与书呆》中群星荟萃,三位主要的“怪胎”由詹姆斯·弗兰科(JamesFranco)、塞斯·罗根(SethRogen)和杰森·席格尔(JasonSegel)饰演,他们都颇具票房成就。但剧中真正的明星还要算是琳达·卡德里尼(LindaCardellini)。

    A number of the show 's stars , including the three main " freaks " - James Franco , Seth Rogen and Jason Segel - also enjoy great box-office visibility , but the series 's real star is Linda Cardellini .

  3. 你们在《怪胎与书呆》中相遇时,就知道你们会成为朋友吗?

    Did you know you 'd be friends right away when you met on " Freaks and Geeks " ?

  4. 就算没有完全摆脱多愁善感的道德说教,《怪胎与书呆》总体而言还是毫不动摇地站在高中生里的弃儿们这边。

    If not free of sentimental moralizing , " Freaks and Geeks " is generally unflinching in its identification with high school outcasts .

  5. 因为我认为青少年是尤其矛盾的,仍在不断探索当中,90年代的“怪胎与书呆”。

    because I think teenagers are especially contradictory and still figuring it out , and in the ' 90s there was " Freaks and Geeks " and " My So-Called Life , "