
  • 网络Obi-Wan;Obi Wan;Obi-Wan Kenobi;Obiwan
  1. 欧比旺:你教我时我有什么不一样么?

    Obi-wan : was I any different when you taught me ?

  2. 他宣称他是欧比旺肯奴比的财产。

    He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan kenobi .

  3. 你必须追查这个赏金猎人,欧比旺。

    Track down this bounty hunter you must , obi-wan .

  4. 他说他是属于叫欧比旺的人。

    He says he belongs to someone called Obi-Wan kenobi .

  5. 参议会对这个决定是有信心的,欧比旺。

    The Council is confident in its decision , obi-wan .

  6. 要是欧比旺来找他呢!

    But what if this Obi-Wan comes looking for him ?

  7. 谢谢你,英勇无畏的欧比旺。

    We are indebted to you for your bravery , Obi-Wan kenobi .

  8. 我们刚得知欧比旺消灭了格菲将军。

    We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed general grievous .

  9. 欧比旺大师很快就会找到那个赏金猎人的。

    It won 't take master Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter .

  10. 我们就会找到欧比旺的不听话的星球。

    And find obi-wan 's wayward planet we will .

  11. 它好像带来了一个叫做欧比旺。肯诺比的人的消息。

    It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi-Wan kenobi .

  12. 欧比旺很聪明的不让她出现。

    Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me .

  13. 但是她从来没有像爱欧比旺一样地去爱其他人。

    But she 's never loved anyone the way that she loved Obi .

  14. 达斯·维达:欧比旺永远不会告诉你你父亲发生了什么。

    Darth Vader : Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father .

  15. 要是欧比旺大师看到我这么做,他会气疯的。

    If master Obi-Wan caught me doing this , he 'd be very grumpy .

  16. 欧比旺大师不希望看到这点。

    Master Obi-Wan manages not to see it .

  17. 欧比旺不能再帮助他了!

    Obi-Wan can no longer help him .

  18. 欧比旺早知道这将会是事实。

    Obi-Wan knew this to be true .

  19. 你出生前我就不用欧比旺这名字。

    I haven 't gone bythe name Obi-Wan since oh , before you were born .

  20. 班就是欧比旺。

    Ben Kenobi is Obi Wan Kenobi .

  21. 但谁是见鬼的欧比旺?

    But who 's Obi Wan Kenobi ?

  22. 欧比旺也曾经和你一样想过。

    Obi-Wan once thought as you do .

  23. 抵抗是无用的不要让你自己像对欧比旺一样毁灭。

    It is useless to resist . don 't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did .

  24. 欧比旺告诉我了一些可怕的事情。

    Obi-Wan told me terrible things .

  25. 欧比旺肯诺比和我们联系上了。

    Obi-Wan Kenobi has made contact .

  26. 这是当卢克问及为何不揭示达斯维德真面目时,欧比旺的回答。

    This is what Obi-Wan tells Luke when asked why he didn 't reveal the truth about Darth Vader .

  27. 欧比旺翻身跳上坐垫,随即波佳纵身一跃,便落到了溶洞的边缘。

    Obi-Wan sprang to the saddle , and Boga leapt to the sinkhole 's rim in a single bound .

  28. 在塔尔人阿迪咖利亚和斯里,塔奇的帮助下,欧比旺潜入了瓒阿博的实验室并救走了魁刚。

    Obi-Wan , with the help of Tahl , Adi Gallia , and Siri Tachi , infiltrates Zan Arbor 's labs and frees Qui-Gon .

  29. 但维德急于求成,对欧比旺的教育感到不耐烦,他选择了另一条使用原力的道路,被原力黑暗面的力量所诱惑。

    Impatient with Obi-Wan 's teachings , Vader chose a different way of using the Force , and followed the temptations of the dark side of this power .

  30. 一旦落入黑暗面,将永远改变你的命运耗尽你的意志,如同欧比旺的学生。

    If once you start down the dark path , forever will it dominate your destiny , consume you it will , as it did Obi-Wan 's apprentice .