
  • 网络European football
  1. 英格兰队今晚为欧洲足球做了一次糟糕的宣传。

    The England team were a poor advertisement for European football tonight

  2. 欧洲足球管理机构——欧足联(Uefa)称相关事件“令人震惊和痛心”,并呼吁推迟原定明日举行的选举。

    Uefa , European football 's governing body , said it was " astonished and saddened " by the events , and called for tomorrow 's election to be postponed .

  3. 这促使欧足联向各参赛球队的官员发出警告,指出球员应该尊重赞助商以及他们对欧洲足球做出的贡献。

    It prompted UEFA to remind officials with the teams that players should respect the sponsors and the contributions they make to European soccer .

  4. 欧洲足球界倍受赞赏的欧洲冠军杯(ChampionsLeague)赛事已极大满足了这种兴趣。

    Uefa 's much-acclaimed Champions League has done the most to feed that interest .

  5. 1963年的欧洲足球协会联盟冠军杯赛上,AC米兰遭遇葡萄牙里斯本本菲卡队,结果米兰以2比1夺冠,阿尔塔菲尼包揽两球。

    In the1963 Champions Cup15 played against Benfica Lisabona , Milan won2-1 with two goals of the Brazilian Jose Altafini .

  6. 效力于意大利AC米兰队的乌克兰“核弹头”舍甫琴科日前终于以175票如愿以偿地当选了2004年“欧洲足球先生”。

    Milan 's Ukrainian striker Andriy Shevchenko was yesterday named the European Footballer of the Year , dedicating the award to the people of Ukraine .

  7. 他还上调了阿迪达斯品牌的销售目标。此前,今年的欧洲足球锦标赛(EuropeanChampionships)促进了该公司今年上半年的销售额。

    He also lifted the company 's sales target at its Adidas brand after the European Championships football competition this year boosted sales in the first half .

  8. 此外,前英格兰足球队队长大卫·贝克汉姆(DAVIDBECKHAM)也加入了批评布拉特的欧洲足球人士的行列。

    Elsewhere , the former England soccer captain David Beckham added his voice to those in European soccer who have grown weary of Mr. Blatter .

  9. 可能的继任者包括管理欧洲足球事务的欧足联(Uefa)主席米歇尔渠拉蒂尼(MichelPlatini)。

    Possible successors include Michel Platini , president of Uefa , Europe 's governing body .

  10. 欧洲足球管理机构欧洲足联(UEFA)本月批准了一项计划,防止俱乐部寅吃卯粮、债台高筑。

    European soccer 's governing body , UEFA , ratified a plan this month to stop clubs from buying ' success on credit ' and amassing huge debts .

  11. 该俱乐部希望与万达的联手将使马竞更容易在中国吸引球迷和赞助商。对于欧洲足球队如曼联(ManchesterUnited)和拜仁慕尼黑(BayernMunich)来说,中国是一个重要市场。

    The club hopes that teaming up with Dalian Wanda will make it easier for Atletico Madrid to attract fans and sponsors in China , an important market for European football teams such as Manchester United and Bayern Munich .

  12. 欧洲足球联赛没有NFL那样的收入共享机制,大多数收入都被几家顶级俱乐部据为己有。它们还会买下所有的球星,其他球队在人才和收入方面只有喝口汤的份儿。

    Without an NFL-style shared revenue system , most of the money flows to a few top teams , who buy all the star players and leave everyone else with the talent and revenue crumbs .

  13. 对欧洲足球技战术发展趋势的思考

    Trend of skill and tactic development of European soccer SOCCER SUIT

  14. 作为一个代表他们的声音,为欧洲足球大家庭。

    Act as a representative voice for the European football family .

  15. 2008年欧洲足球锦标赛进球时空特征分析

    Space and time features of goals in 2008 UEFA European Championship

  16. 2004年欧洲足球锦标赛是一次非常成功的赛事。

    European Soccer Championship in 2004 was a very successful match .

  17. 从数学角度来说,或许可以把欧洲足球称为确定性系统。

    European soccer is what a mathematician might call a deterministic system .

  18. 美国足球和欧洲足球没有什么相似之处。

    There are few parallels between the American football and European football .

  19. 资金雄厚的亚洲人投资欧洲足球队已经不是新鲜事。

    Cash-rich Asian buyers investing in European soccer clubs are nothing new .

  20. 杰拉德(利物浦):他在2005年欧洲足球先生中位列第三。

    Gerrard ( Liverpool ): He got the3rd place in2005 European Player .

  21. 中国与欧洲足球转会制度的比较

    Comparison of membership transference system of football clubs between China and Europe

  22. 现在这些欧洲足球锦标赛场馆以我们的标准来说太高。

    These European Championship stadiums now are made too big for our standards .

  23. 2008年欧洲足球锦标赛进球统计

    Analysis of Goal Statistics in 2008 European Soccer Championship

  24. 欧洲足球巨星克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多和尤文图斯达成了一份新合同。

    European soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo agreed to a new contract with Juventus .

  25. 2008欧洲足球锦标赛传球数量和质量特征分析

    Analysis of the Pass Amount and Quality of the 2008 European Football Tournament

  26. 2000欧洲足球锦标赛主要防守技战术运用分析。

    Analysis of defensive technique and Tactics Application in European Football Cup in2000 .

  27. 欧洲足球锦标赛裁判执法工作情况的分析研究

    Analysis on Judgment of Referee in European Soccer Championship

  28. 谁是当前的欧洲足球冠军?

    Who are the reigning European football champions ?

  29. 希望他们所有人在将来都参与到欧洲足球中来。

    Hopefully all of them will be involved in European football in the future .

  30. 第13届欧洲足球锦标赛进球情况的分析

    An analysis on the goals in the 13 ~ ( th ) Europe Championship