
  • 网络Ohmic loss
  1. 在超低噪声系统中,天线欧姆损耗噪声也是很重要的。

    Noise due to antenna ohmic loss is important in ultralow noise system .

  2. 反射面天线欧姆损耗噪声温度的计算

    Calculation of Noise Temperature Due to Reflector Antenna Ohmic Loss

  3. PV电池的串联电阻(rs)与电池上的金属触点电阻、电池前表面的欧姆损耗、杂志浓度和结深有关。

    The series resistance ( rs ) of the PV cell may be due to the resistance of the metal contacts on the cell , ohmic losses in the front surface of the cell , impurity concentrations , or junction depth .

  4. 毫米波反射面天线欧姆损耗效率的计算

    Calculation of ohm loss efficiency for millimeter wave reflector antennas