
  • 网络Europe Day
  1. 这就是“欧洲胜利日”所传达的信息。

    That was the message of VE-Day .

  2. 今日结束欧洲5日行程的美国副总统乔拜登(joebiden),正试图评估欧盟政界对与美贸易谈判的投入程度,是否让美国感到满意。

    Joe Biden , vice-president , who concludes a five-day trip to Europe today , is attempting to assess whether the US is comfortable with the level of political commitment in the EU to negotiations .

  3. 它源于1996年的欧洲购物日。

    It had its roots in the European World Shops Day that started in 1996 .

  4. 我们的产品主要出口欧洲、日、中东等国,几年来日升公司陆续在越南胡志明市、日本大阪、开设了分公司。

    With the staff 's ceaseless efforts during these years , the company has now grown into a medium-sized , normalized manufacturer .

  5. 1945年5月8日,欧洲胜利日,他和罗宾·甘迪、唐·贝利和艾伦·卫斯理一起在树林中散步。

    On VE day , 8 May 1945 , he joined Robin Gandy , Don Bayley and Alan Wesley for a walk in the nearby woods at Paulerspury .

  6. 国内跨境电商网站洋码头表示,英国公投以来,欧洲商品日销量较平时翻倍,其中英国商品贡献了大部分销量。

    According to ymatou.com , a cross-border e-commerce site in China , daily sales of European products have doubled since the UK referendum , mostly driven by sales of British products .

  7. 从那以后,不论是英国国会开幕大典,还是欧洲胜利日50周年纪念庆典,只要是女王出席的场所,斯莱克总会先到那里。

    Since then , from the State Opening of Parliament to the 50th anniversary of VE day , wherever the Queen is on duty Miss Slack is likely to have been there first .

  8. 1月28日是欧洲数据保护日。

    The 28th of January is European Data Protection Day .

  9. 2007年1月28日召开了首届欧洲数据保护日。

    The first Data Protection Day was on the 28th of January 2007 .

  10. 欧洲专利局日前在布鲁塞尔宣布该局2017年专利申请数量排行榜,其榜首位置首次被中国企业占据。

    A Chinese company has topped the European Patent Office 's 2017 patent-filing league table for the first time , according to results announced in Brussels .

  11. 其实,在欧洲传教士认知日中朝三国语言特别是当时三国的共同语文汉文之前,汉语已经与另一种西来的以拼音文字为记录符号的语言梵语发生了语言接触。

    In fact , before the European missionaries learned the three orient languages , Chinese , which was the common written language of the three , had already contacted with another western language & Sanskrit that also uses the alphabetic writing as its recording characters as European languages .

  12. 而在北美,欧洲以及亚洲,日活跃用户以及月活跃用户的比例开始呈现下滑趋势——这是“Facebook疲乏症”的标志。

    and the ratio of daily to monthly users ticked down in North America , Europe and Asia-a sign to some of " Facebook fatigue . "

  13. 第一起发生在9月14日,上个周日,那是欧洲的犹太文化日。

    The first happened the previous Sunday , Sept. 14 , which marked the European Day of Jewish Culture .

  14. 从那时起,欧洲政局无一日安宁,危机重重。

    Henceforth , there has not been a single day of peace in the political situation of Europe , a crisis-ridden continent .

  15. 一项新的研究正在致力于研究欧洲的严冬和日渐变暖的北极圈与太阳的变化活动可能的关联,似乎是为了证明此观点。

    A new study showing how the severity of winters in Europe , and warming in the Arctic , might be linked to changes in solar activity might seem to add to this case .

  16. 在比利时布鲁塞尔,欧洲委员会于4月27日组织了欧洲道路安全日,注重于酒精药物与交通、培训以及教育等主题。

    In Brussels , Belgium , the European Commission is organizing a European Road Safety Day on27 April , focusing on the themes of alcohol and drugs in traffic , training and education .