
wēi yán
  • dignified;majestic;stately;awe-inspiring;prestige;power and influence;awe prestige
威严 [wēi yán]
  • (1) [dignified;stately]∶威武而严肃

  • 他的样子如此威严,使手下人深深地尊敬与服从他

  • (2) [power and influence]∶威势;权势

  • (3) [awe prestige]∶威风

  • 尊长的威严

  • (4) [prestige]∶威信

  • 治威严。--《后汉书.张衡传》

威严[wēi yán]
  1. 他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。

    He is trying to project a more dignified , statesmanlike image in this election year .

  2. 这身制服使他显得威严。

    The uniform imparts a dignified appearance to him .

  3. 他神态威严凝重。

    He had an air of quiet authority .

  4. 大教堂的宏大规模使人时刻领略到宗教的威严。

    The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion .

  5. 他仪态威严,声音低沉,说话有威信。

    He has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice

  6. 洛维特是个威严的高个男人,蓄着灰白的八字胡。

    Lovett was a tall , commanding man with a waxed gray mustache

  7. 他说话的时候没有君王的威严。

    He was speaking without the prince 's authority .

  8. 电话另一端传来庄重而威严的声音。

    The voice at the other end of the line was serious and commanding .

  9. 他们看起来并没有那些伟人的翩翩风度和威严。

    They do not seem to have the vast , authoritative presence of those great men

  10. 她的笑容很和蔼,同时又透着威严。

    Her smile was warm but authoritative .

  11. 他端坐在那里,浑身透着王者的威严。

    He sat with such regal dignity

  12. 如此靠近威严的女皇,他心中充满了敬畏。

    Being so near the august person of the Empress , he was overcome with awe .

  13. 他保持庄重威严的仪态。

    He preserved his grave and dignified bearing .

  14. 国王有无法形容的威严。

    The king had unspeakable majesty .

  15. 她仪态大方,庄重而威严,似乎表示出身名门,习惯于上层社会的生活。

    Her manner was easy , dignified , and commanding , and seemed to evince high birth and habits or elevated society .

  16. 权能和威严为他所有,他在高天缔造和平

    Dominion and awesomeness are his who brings about harmony in his heavens .

  17. 声音浑厚、威严,俨然是哈佛出身的气派,就跟无线电里所有的滑稽演员叫人已经听腻的模仿完全一样

    The voice was rich , lordly , Harvardish , like all the boring radio comedians'imitations .

  18. n.自由;许可;冒失他们为了保卫自己的自由而抵抗侵略者。n.威严;

    liberty They fought to defend their liberty against the invaders .

  19. 当大多数领导人保持着他们身份的威严,温斯顿•丘吉尔更多的是通过他标志性的V型手势以及冷静、轻松的笑容来鼓舞英国人民。

    While other leaders fling to their office , Winston Churchill inspired British people with his trademark V sign for victory in public with calm , relaxed smile .

  20. 这个未来也许就在都柏林市中心的圣玛利亚临时主教座堂(St.Mary’sPro-Cathedral)里。孩子们正分列两排,在高大威严、立柱高耸的教堂里等待领受总主教的坚振圣事。

    It could be found at St. Mary 's Pro-Cathedral here , in downtown Dublin , as two rows of children awaited confirmation before him in the lofty , column-lined church .

  21. ‘Portly’一字隐含【威严】之意。某字在上下文中的意义

    The word ' portly ' connotes dignity . the bearing of a word in its context

  22. 朱迪丝•洛弗尔(JudithLovell)知道他的爷爷是一个忧郁的、有威严的男人,但是当她发现他和她奶奶之间的情书时,她不禁大吃一惊。

    After knowing her grandfather as a somber and dignified man , Judith Lovell was in awe when she discovered love letters between him and her grandmother .

  23. 劳马将长篇小说比喻为老虎,短篇小说则是四处躲藏的老鼠。谈到对《个别人》的看法,他援引2012年诺贝尔文学奖(Nobelliterature)得主中国作家莫言的话说,没有二十万字以上的篇幅,长篇小说就缺少应有的威严。

    Mr. Lao offered up the comparison that full-length novels are tigers , while short stories are ' near rats . ' In his forward to ' Individuals , ' he cites Chinese writer and 2012 Nobel literature laureate Mo Yan as saying a novel with less than 200000 words lacks dignity . '

  24. 颇为浪漫而又忧郁柔情的梁朝伟有打斗戏份,但其缺乏类似于查尔顿•赫斯顿(CharltonHeston)或三船敏郎(ToshirMifune)等武术英雄的体格或威严。

    More of a romantic , melancholy heartthrob , Leung has the acting chops but not the physique or the commanding presence of a martial hero that would be the equivalent of Charlton Heston or Toshio Mifune .

  25. 5月至6月,国家博物馆将举办今年最为盛大的展览“塔法里:威严与运动”,主题是皇帝HaileSelassie一世与塔法里教(Rastafarianism)。—

    But it 's the National Museum that , in May and June , will host this year 's blockbuster exhibit , " Ras Tafari : The Majesty and the Movement , " devoted to Emperor Haile Selassie I and Rastafarianism . -

  26. 淡紫色:魅力,威严,一见钟情。

    Lavender : Enchantment , Majesty , Love at First Sight .

  27. 颇有威严,橄榄色制服上挂满闪闪发亮的金星。

    Grung , his olive uniform festooned with flashing gold stars .

  28. 潮汐作用的进程既精巧又威严。

    The progression of tidal effects is both elegant and stately .

  29. 一向态度威严的挪威人安娜用责备的眼光望望她。

    Norwegian Anna , always dignified , looked at her reprovingly .

  30. 他们以无理的权威气派为屏障,可以保持自己的威严。

    They kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian .