
  • 网络the Princess of Wales
  1. 威尔士王妃为大教堂的扩建奠基。

    The Princess of Wales laid the foundation stone for the extension to the Cathedral .

  2. 尽管曾经令人动容的举国哀悼场面将不会重现,但在10年之后,威尔士王妃戴安娜(Diana,PrincessofWales)之死仍然拥有吸引全球关注的力量。

    The staggering outpouring of collective grief will not resurface but , 10 years on , the death of Diana , Princess of Wales , still has the power to attract global interest .

  3. 地区:英国出品:Miramax米拉迈克斯晚安陛下;抱歉打扰了但威尔士王妃她…

    Good evening , Ma'am , I 'm sorry to disturb but it 's the Princess of Wales ...

  4. (虽然这本新书并没有不知分寸地乱说,但MishcondeReya事务所确实在威尔士王妃离婚案中担任了戴安娜王妃的法律代表。)

    ( though the book is never so indiscreet as to say so , mishcon represented Diana , Princess of Wales , in connection with her divorce . )

  5. 戴安娜--威尔士王妃在巴黎的一场车祸中不幸罹难

    Diana , Princess of Wales has died after a car crash in Paris .

  6. 1983年,威尔士王妃戴安娜带着威廉王子来到阿伯丁机场。

    Diana , Princess of Wales arrives with baby Prince William at Aberdeen airport in1983 .

  7. 威尔士王妃戴安娜

    Diana , Princess of Wales

  8. 凯特或许会被称为威尔士王妃。

    As well as a duchess , Miss Middleton will also technically be Princess William of Wales .

  9. 这次凯特王妃有可能选择佩戴威廉的母亲、威尔士王妃戴安娜的斯宾塞头冠。

    Kate could choose the Spencer Tiara which belonged to William 's mother Diana , Princess of Wales .

  10. 在威尔士王妃戴安娜遇难去世后的风暴里,特雷弗·里斯-琼斯是平静的风暴。

    He was the silent of the storm that erupted after the violent death of Diana , Princess of Wales .

  11. 为纪念祖母威尔士王妃戴安娜,和曾祖母英国女王伊丽莎白二世,她被取名为夏洛特-伊丽莎白-戴安娜。

    She was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana in tribute to her grandmother Diana , Princess of Wales and her great-grandmother the Queen .

  12. 他甚至与威尔士王妃建立了友谊,因此经常有机会迎接她的来访,并经常收到她的来信。

    He even had many visits and letters from the Princess of Wales , as he was forming a friendship with her .

  13. 本书乃政治戏剧,仅供娱乐.其主人公-来自伯伦瑞克的卡洛琳-的传奇经历犹胜于威尔士王妃戴安娜的真人真事。

    For sheer entertainment and political theatre , the story of Caroline of Brunswick far outstrips the tale of Diana , Princess of Wales .

  14. 威尔士王妃馆内的英国皇家植物园(邱园)收藏的数百种热带植物中,就有12株泰坦魔芋。

    Twelve of them are housed at the Royal Botanic Gardens , Kew , in the Princess of Wales Conservatory among hundreds of other tropical plants .

  15. 为纪念威尔士王妃戴安娜而建造的喷泉将于本周四重新喷珠泻玉。三周前,出于安全考虑,喷泉一度被关闭。

    Water will start flowing in the diana , Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain on thursday , three weeks after it was turned off because of safety fears .

  16. 至于查尔斯和戴安娜,别指望会在第三季初见到晚年的威尔士王妃——据说她将在第三季结束时首次亮相,并在第四季中扮演重要角色。

    As for Charles and Diana , don 't expect to meet the late Princess of Wales early in the season - she 'll reportedly make her debut at the end of season three and play a big part in season four .

  17. 英国媒体指出,凯特决定志愿参加一些帮助年轻人的慈善活动,标志着她将效法威廉王子已故的母亲、威尔士王妃戴安娜。其中一些年轻人患有行为问题,或者晚期疾病。

    The British media have singled out her decision to become patron of charities who work with young people , some who suffer from behavioral problems or terminal illnesses , as a sign she will follow in the footsteps of her husband 's late mother Diana , Princess of Wales .