
rén shēn bǎo hù lìnɡ
  • habeas corpus;personal protection order
  1. 统一的反家暴法、人身保护令、司法别居制度等都给我们提供了经验,为现时我国反家暴指引了方向。

    Unified anti domestic violence law , a writ of habeas corpus , judicial separation system all give us experience , and guide the direction of anti domestic violence currently .

  2. 普遍确立了人身保护令制度以及对逮捕、搜查、扣押等与公民基本权益有关的强制措施的司法审查与控制制度,对其具体规定和作法予以介绍。

    Writ of habeas corpus from the view of constitutionalism They have also generally established a system of habeas corpus and relevant rules concerning basic civil rights connected with arrest , search , detention , etc.

  3. 人身保护令(TheWritofHabeasCorpus)作为普通法古老的特权令状,是由法院向羁押者签发一份命令,要求羁押者将被羁押者提交法院以审查羁押的合法性。

    As an ancient privilege writ in the common law , the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a kind of order issued by the court requiring the detainee submitted to the court to review the legality of the custody .

  4. 第二章:人身保护令制度的基本原理。

    The basic principle of the " Habeas Corpus System " .

  5. 两天以后,按人身保护令开庭审讯,他被释放了。

    Two days later he was released at the habeas corpus hearing .

  6. 程序正义主视角下的人身保护令制度研究

    Research on the Writ of Habeas Corpus from the Main Perspective of Procedural Justice

  7. 人身保护令制度盛行于英美法系国家。

    The " habeas corpus system " is very popular in common law countries .

  8. 第五章:我国刑事诉讼人身保护令制度的具体构造。

    The concrete structure of the " habeas corpus system " in Chinese criminal procedure .

  9. “人身保护令”是一个法律术语。

    ' habeas corpus'is a legal term .

  10. 摘要人身保护令保护公民人身自由权利的司法救济制度。

    System of writ of habeas corpus is a useful remedy 's system for personal tights of citizens .

  11. 一个贫苦农民如果请不起律师,人身保护令的存在对他是没有什么安慰作用的。

    It is of little consolation to a poor peasant that habeas corpus exists , if he cannot get a lawyer .

  12. 法院不允许他因不服这一决定而上诉,而且法庭驳回了他要求人身保护令的申请。

    He was not allowed to appeal against the decision and the court rejected his application for a writ of habeas corpus .

  13. 本文共分五章:第一章:人身保护令制度的起源与发展。

    The paper is divided into five chapters : Chapter ⅰ . The origin and development of the " habeas corpus system " .

  14. 经过几个月的等待之后,法庭颁布了一项人身保护令,禁止李女士的丈夫在她周围200米内出现。

    After months of waiting , Ms Lee has been granted a civil protection order forbidding her husband to come within 200 metres of her .

  15. 根据人身保护令享有的特权,除非在发生叛乱或入侵,公共治安需要终止此项特权时,不得终止。

    The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended , unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it .

  16. 因此,在英美法系国家,《人身保护令》是横跨民事、刑事和行政诉讼的一项独特法律制度。

    Therefore , in countries of Anglo-American legal system , the Habeas Corpus Act is a special overriding judicial review engaged simultaneously with civil , criminal and administrative procedures .

  17. 人身保护令是发源于英国并盛行于普通法系国家,且为联合国以及区域国际公约所确认的一项司法救济程序制度。

    Originated in the United Kingdom and widely applied in the common law countries , the Writ of Habeas Corps is a judicial relief procedure affirmed by the international and regional conventions .

  18. 同时,刑事诉讼法的再修改又为人身保护令制度的本土化提供了一个不可多得的机会。

    And at the same time , the current criminal procedural law will be modified again , which will offer a precious opportunity to the indigenization of the system of Habeas Corpus .

  19. 原译:“人身保护令”或者“人身自由法令”通常被认为是英语国家最令人敬畏的法律措施,谈到它,法学家和公民自由主义者就会唏嘘不已。

    WHEN discussing habeas corpus or the " Great Writ of Liberty ", as the most revered legal device of the Anglophone world is often known , jurists and civil libertarians tend to become misty-eyed .

  20. 申请人、受令人、受理机构三方构成人身保护令制度的基本框架。人身保护令的格式及其中止情形等是人身保护令制度中的重要问题。

    The applicants , the people receiving the writ of habeas corpus and the admissible agencies form its basic framework . It is very important to clear the habeas corpus ' format and suspension cases in " habeas corpus system " .

  21. 换言之,虽然人身保护令制度的孕育和形成要早于现当代的宪政法治的成熟,但后世的宪政法治思想实际上又是《人身保护令》得以顺利实施的基础。

    In other words , although the gestation and formation of the habeas corpus system is earlier than the maturation of modern constitutionalism and rule of law , the latter practically becomes the foundation for the smooth implementation of the Habeas Corpus Act .

  22. 考察世界一些国家或地区的人身保护令制度和对于刑事羁押的司法审查与控制,对我国的刑事诉讼立法不无启示。

    Specific rules and laws in this respect are introduced here and a survey of the system of habeas corpus and the judicial review and control of criminal detention in these countries will certainly give inspiration to the legislation of criminal procedure in China .