
  • 网络OF Mice and Men;Of mice & men
  1. 我一直在读约翰·斯坦贝克(JohnSteinbeck)的《人鼠之间》,这是学校的课程。

    I 've been reading " Of Mice and Men , " by John Steinbeck , which is on the school curriculum .

  2. 就像《人鼠之间》的Lenny一样,大部分人在触摸到象动物皮毛或者针织品的时候,会觉得到达他们心里最柔软的地方。

    Just like Lenny in " Of Mice and Men ", most people find that they reach their " happy place " when touching something soft like fur or textiles .

  3. 论《人鼠之间》中约翰·斯坦贝克的土地情结

    On John Steinbeck 's Land Complex in of Mice and Men

  4. 第二章分析《人鼠之间》中的戏剧性语言。

    Chapter Two analyzes the dramatic language in Of Mice and Men .

  5. 首先,它暗示着人鼠之间相同的命运。

    Firstly , it implies that people have similar fate with mice .

  6. 第四章探讨《人鼠之间》的戏剧性主题。

    Chapter Four discusses the dramatic motif in Of Mice and Men .

  7. 论《人鼠之间》中的戏剧成份

    On the Dramatic Elements in of Mice and Men

  8. 苏里泰:一场孤独的游戏&对《人鼠之间》主题的三重解读

    A Threefold Interpretation of the Theme of Solitariness in Of Mice and Men

  9. 论《人鼠之间》的主题

    On the Major Themes in of Mice and Men

  10. 试论《人鼠之间》标题的隐喻意义

    Metaphor in the Title of Of Mice and Men

  11. 浅析斯坦贝克《人鼠之间》的连锁隐喻

    Metaphors in Of Mice and Men

  12. 约翰·斯坦贝克;《人鼠之间》;戏剧性;乔治;伦尼;梦想;

    John Steinbeck ; Of Mice and Men ; dramatic ; George ; Lennie ; dream ;

  13. 戏剧性要素是营造《人鼠之间》戏剧性效果的载体和基础。

    Dramatic element is the carrior and foundation to creat dramatic effect in Of Mice and Men .

  14. 其次介绍《人鼠之间》以及这部小说在国内外的研究现状。

    Secondly , it continues to introduce Of Mice and Men and its research condition in China and overseas .

  15. 第三章主要阐释《人鼠之间》对《圣经》中的堕落与拯救主题的模仿。

    Chapter three further expounds the imitation on the biblical themes of depravity and salvation in Of Mice and Men .

  16. 第一章着重分析《人鼠之间》对《圣经》中失去伊甸园和重建伊甸园这一主题的模仿。

    Chapter one mainly elucidates the imitation of biblical themes of the loss and reconstruction of the Garden of Eden in Of Mice and Men .

  17. 本文拟从荣格的情结理论的视角,对《人鼠之间》中斯坦贝克的土地情结进行分析。

    This thesis tries to analyze John Steinbeck 's land complex in his Of Mice and Men from the perspective of Jung 's complex theory .

  18. 其他的还包括:约翰•斯坦贝克的《人鼠之间》、戴夫•佩尔泽的《它,一个男孩子的名字》以及路易斯•萨克的《别有洞天》。

    Others included John Steinbeck 's " Of Mice and Men ,"" A Child Called'It ' " by Dave Pelzer and " Holes " by Louis Sachar .

  19. 第五章将小说《人鼠之间》置于大众文化的视野内,分析戏剧性小说所具有的独特意义。

    In the fifth chapter , this thesis analyzes the unique significance of the dramatic novels , with studying of Mice and Men from the perspective of popular culture .

  20. 美国现代著名作家斯坦贝克的中篇小说《人鼠之间》是一部拥有沉重而巨大意义底蕴的作品,有着无限可供阐释的空间,从中寄寓着作家对世界和人类生存状态的深刻领悟。

    On Mice and Men , written by American novelist John Steinbeck , is a work with great and deep sense with an infinite space of interpretation from which the author 's understanding of the world and human surviving environment was revealed .