
  • 网络The moon is down
  1. 秋天的后半夜,月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;

    It was late in an autumn night when the moon had faded away while the sun was still beneath the horizon , leaving a dark blue sky to be seen .

  2. 夜进行得很快,月亮落下去了,星光变得灰白黯淡了。

    The night crept on apace , the moon went down , the stars grew pale and dim .

  3. 星光是那样微小,月亮也许落下去了,也许被灰色的和土色的云彩所遮蔽。

    The stars were faint and small . The moon had set or been swallowed up by grey , leaden clouds .

  4. 小小的月亮不久就落下去了,五月的夜晚温柔地来到。

    The " small " moon had soon dropped down , and May night had fallen soft and warm .

  5. 因此德贝维尔转身往回走;但是在这个时候,月亮已经完全落下去了,离天亮也已经不远了,再加上林中的雾气,猎苑笼罩在一片深沉的黑暗里。

    D'Urberville thereupon turned back ; but by this time the moon had quite gone down , and partly on account of the fog The Chase was wrapped in thick darkness , although morning was not far off .